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Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality
I think we can all agree that reality is pretty great. It’s what we experience through our senses like our eyes, and phones with cameras. The Internet is awesome too, but the Internet and reality have a hard time working together. Thankfully this is changing quickly. Let's start with an example. Let’s say you're hungry and at a busy intersection. But now, thanks to new software on mobile phones, you can simply point your phone's camera at buildings around you and voila! Another example is shopping. And this functionality only requires a few things. Augmented reality can also work with a camera attached to your computer. These examples are just the beginning.

Total Immersion and the “Transfigured City:” Shared Augmented Realities, the “Web Squared Era,” and Google Wave   Above is an image above from Total Immersion’s augmented reality experience developed for the “Networked City” exhibition in South Korea, – “a fun scenario created for a u-City’s infrastructure and city management service” “To the naked eye, the exhibit looks like a bare bones model of a city. But when visitors put on the special AR goggles a whole new world unfolds – as graphics overlaid on the city model. ” ( Games Alfresco) “The Networked City,” is a large scale augmented virtuality of a scenario for a networked city. But my guess, reading the Korea IT Times , is the plan is to move from an augmented virtuality to an augmented reality as Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) realizes its vision to become a leading u-City – where reality is turned “inside out” (see Inside Out: Interaction Design for Augmented Reality ) . Ubiquitous computing and augmented reality are like adenine and thymine – a DNA base pair. A sky view of Incheon Free Economic Zone ( from Korean IT Times ). 1.

WWF y la Realidad Aumentada 27 sep WWF Rusia llevó a cabo recientemente una campaña de realidad aumentada para hacer partícipes a los propios usuarios de la situación actual en la que se encuentra el tigre de Siberia, una especie en peligro de extinción. A través del código impreso en camisetas, los usuarios experimentaban frente a la pantalla de un probador o de su propio ordenador, los disparos que sufre esta especie. Probablemente el número de impactos directos no haya sido muy elevado ya que la combinación de todos los elementos no es fácil que se produzca (tienda + camiseta + probador o pantalla). Visto en: Ibelieveinad Etiquetas: aumentada, camiseta, campaña, código, internet, Publicidad, realidad, rusia, social, wwf

How Invisibility Cloaks Work" Admit it. You'd love to own an invisibility cloak. Utter an embarrassing faux pas at a party? Just throw on your magical garment and vanish from the snooty gaze of your fellow partygoers. Want to hear what your boss is really saying about you? Stroll right into his or her office and get the goods. Such fantastic fashion accessories have become ridiculously standard in the world of science fiction and fantasy. Well, Muggles, science has some good news for you: Invisibility cloaks are a reality. First up, we'll look at some wonderful carbon nanotube fashions -- fresh from the UTD NanoTech Institute fall 2011 collection. Or perhaps you'd prefer something made from metamaterials. If you're more into retro fashion, there's also the optical camouflage technology developed by scientists at the University of Tokyo. Ready to try some of these fashions on for size?

Realidad aumentada en anuncios de prensa escrita Si hace unas semanas os mostramos varios vídeos de la Realidad aumentada aplicada al marketing y a la publicidad, hoy os muestro este proyecto creado por junaio (un buscador móvil de Realidad Aumentada), mostrando una aplicación para un anuncio de Coca-Cola en la revista SAUSALITOS MAG. Cómo veis, es posible transformar un anuncio en un vídeo que puede disfrutarse desde el teléfono, con la aplicación correspondiente que permita identificar las imágenes. junaio es capaz de reconocer imágenes vistas a través de la cámara. Una buena aplicación que, con mucho camino por la frente, nos permite imaginar lo que se acerca en un futuro muy próximo.

How 3DO Creates Video Games" Once the storyboards and overall game level designs are complete, the game enters the production phase. The preproduction team expands as needed to include additional artists, programmers and designers. 3DO's artists began developing the 3D models that will make up the worlds of Portal Runner using a software application called 3D Studio Max. Richly detailed texture maps were created for each object. While the game developers at 3DO created the actual game environment using these models and textures, another division of the company, PlayWorks, used the same models to develop the animated full-motion video (FMV) sequences for the game. Meanwhile, the programmers wrote custom code in C programming language that provided the framework for the game objects. Some of the code for a game involves the 3D engine, an application that generates all the polygons, shadows and textures that you see.

18 vídeos de realidad aumentada aplicada al marketing y a la publicidad Todavía no sabemos si éste está siendo “el” año de la realidad aumentada. De lo que no cabe duda es de que cada vez son más las disciplinas que se apuntan a las ventajas que ofrece esta nueva tecnología. Hace poco hablábamos de la educación, o del periodismo. También lo han hecho la museografía, la arquitectura, o la tecnología de mapas. Mientras a algunas de estas disciplinas les basta de momento con “saber que se puede” otras parecen tener ya claro que parte del futuro irá por ahí. Éste es el caso de la publicidad, que ha querido aprovechar el potencial de la realidad aumentada para llamar la atención sobre todo tipo de productos. Los siguientes vídeos presentan algunas de las posibilidades que ya ofrece este nuevo concepto. Tissot Augmented Reality in Selfridges 3D interactive touch screen window in London Interactive product catalogue – duo schreib & spiel Animated Lego Digital Box at Downtown Disney Orlando Lego Augmented Reality Burger King $1 Augmented Reality Wine in augmented reality

Future Tech: Looking Forward to the Post-Screen Era | Gadgets Over the past few years, I’ve developed two habits that have made me an increasingly unpopular movie date. One is a strong preference for 3-D movies, undeterred by low artistic value or by sensations commonly associated with brain tumors and food poisoning, not to mention the big, dorky, blinking plastic glasses. (I can’t wait to upgrade my home TV to 3-D—my family, bless them, having assured me that blinking glasses are the least of my problems when it comes to looking dorky.) The other is that I’ve come to like sitting ever closer to the theater screen, advancing at the rate of approximately one row every six months. See, I’m trying to go beyond watching movies to being inside movies. I don’t get why everyone doesn’t feel this way. Researchers feel my pain, apparently, because some of them have been working on peeling video off glass displays so that filmed objects appear to hang out in the thin air around us. He has come close to solving every one of these problems.

La realidad aumentada llega también a los museos Entre las disciplinas que más fuerte han apostado por la realidad aumentada se encuentra la museografía, que ha querido aliarse a esta nueva tecnología para ofrecer entornos más verosímiles que permitan al visitante una mayor inmersión. Los siguientes 13 vídeos reflejan varias de las posibilidades actuales, y apuntan también a un futuro que cada vez parece más cercano. AUGMENTED MUSEUM – museo aumentato Augmented Reality Volcano Kiosk (Virtual Mirror) Museum Augmented Reality Quest – Expedition Schatzsuche Museum Augmented Reality kiosk Gulf Coast Exploreum The Getty Museum’s Augmented Reality Demo MovableScreen at Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam Augmented Reality of the Transept in Cluny France Imaginality: Discover the Planets LumEnActive: projected augmented reality for museums Extreme Mammals at AMNH – Extreme 3D Augmented Reality in Museums Augmented Reality Museum App Y para relajar un poco… Night At The Museum 2 augmented reality teaser

Builds High Definition Instant Replay System for NASCAR Race Officials - December 12 2011 - Telestream Press Release Home | Store | Login | Contact Us Broadcast & Cable Corporate & Enterprise Digital Asset Mgmt Digital Content Creators Digital Media Enthusiasts Education & Government Sports Desktop Products Enterprise Products AdManager for Cable Agility 2G & Avalon Episode Flip Player Flip4Mac FlipFactory Pipeline ScreenFlow TrafficManager Vantage Videocue Wirecast See All Products About Us News & Press Customers Partners Events Affiliates Careers Contact Us Support Home Forum Home >> Company >> News/Events >> Press Releases Company Contact 2012 Press Releases 2011 Press Releases 2010 Press Releases 2009 Press Releases 2008 Press Releases Janet Swift Read in PDF format Read Solution Sheet Subscribe to RSS Feeds Press Release Feed News Feed Main | Press Releases | News | Press Kit Telestream Builds High Definition Instant Replay System for NASCAR Race Officials – Telestream ®, the leading provider of video transcoding and workflow automation systems, today announced that it race control officials. top

3 Reasons Why Games Are The Killer App For Augmented Reality We all are great believers in the potential of Augmented Reality (AR). Within the next 10 years, we say, it will totally change the way we interact with the world. But what industry will be the first to bring AR to the masses? When you co-found a company that focuses on Augmented Reality games – and especially – when it secures an investment from a venture capital firm – you have some deeper explaining to do. Here are 3 key (business) reasons why games will be the first industry to spearhead augmented reality into the mainstream: Reason #1 Games are the killer app for emerging technologies Games Accelerate the Adoption of New Technologies by the Mainstream Games have a history of pushing the envelop of new technologies and bringing new inventions to the masses: computer graphics, memory, silicon, screens, 3D animation, interactive story telling, immersion…and the list goes on and on. Nolan Bushnell (the legendary founder of Atari) wrote back in 1996: Was the first PC a video game console?
