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DIY Bird Wings for Children :: vintage + modern design for kids and the home Eri posted a DIY tuto­r­ial for this amaz­ing bird wings cos­tume on her blog, Llevo el Invierno. She pro­vides a free pat­tern that you can down­load as well, sized for chil­dren ages 18 to 36 months. Using the tem­plate she pro­vides, you can assem­ble the wings by either glu­ing or sewing the fabric. Accord­ing to Eri, the project isn’t all that dif­fi­cult. It just takes some time and patience to cut and paste/sew all the pieces of fabric. Isn’t her daugh­ter Emma absolutely adorable? Thanks, Eri! Related

Lorenzo Duran - - StumbleUpon L’artista spagnolo Lorenzo Duran si avvale delle foglie come tela per le sue incisioni. Dopo il lavaggio e l’essiccazione, rimuove con precisione chirurgica ed estrema cura i segmenti in eccesso, usando una tecnica simile a quella del tradizionale paper cutting. Quest’ultimo passo è ovviamente il più difficile vista la fragilità del materiale scelto, il risultatò di questo processo è una serie di affascinanti disegni geometrici incredibilmente belli e dilicati. Grazie a Francesca per il suggerimento. via:

6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think Mankind has a long and checkered past with crows and ravens: They have been feared as symbols of death, because they're all black and scary, revered as creators of the world because, well, it was either them or the seagulls, and worshiped as trickster gods, because of their baffling intelligence. Intelligent enough, in fact, for us to start worrying ... #6. They Can Remember Your Face Next time you see a group of crows, look closely. Try to remember which one is which, and see if you can tell the difference between them the next time you pass. OK, so the scientists weren't just playing out horror movie fantasies -- they were testing whether the crows could recognize human faces or not. "Wow. Pretty soon, every single crow on the campus knew which masks meant trouble, and wanted the guys wearing them dead. Oh, and also none of the scientists were ever seen again. #5. I say, is that a west London accent I detect in that screaming gibberish? #4. One. They'll be back any minute now

Ethereal Digital Paintings Capture The Look Of Loneliness | The Creators Project - StumbleUpon Loneliness never looked so depressingly good. Variations of glittered deformations form the basis for a grotesquely beautiful motif in the works of Japanese artist 非(xhxix). Digitally sketching, drawing, and painting everything using Photoshop alone, 非 visualizes loneliness in his subjects and decorates them with scars, layers of geometric abstractions and floral imagery. As most of his subjects are young men, the artist explains that “boys are more suitable to express loneliness as women are emotional and powerful.” Concocting images of isolated pain and an ethereal sadness into haunting depictions of young western men, 非 reveals a mystified insight into the depths of the Japanese psyche.

Crazy Illustrations By Chow Hon Lam Chow Hon Lam is a t-shirt designer and a humorous illustrator from Malaysia. He has been completed this crazy project called Flying Mouse 365, which is create 1 design per day. I hope his illustrations can bring some smile and entertainment to the world. About the author The human flamingo: Painted sculptures of naked women who donソt mind being called birds Updated: 21:52 GMT, 17 February 2012 Drawing the human figure is a skill that most artists attempt to master during their careers. But Gesine Marwedel has taken that idea one stage further in putting together her unique 'body' of work - by transforming live models into human canvases. The German speech therapist, 24, studied Rehabilitation Science at university where she learnt how to help sick children through creative therapies such as art and music. Art imitating life: A model painted and posed to resemble a flamingo demonstrates Gesine's unusual technique Fluorescent finish: This model was covered from head to toe in a swirling, abstract pattern She now paints in her spare time and enjoys working on a variety of different surfaces, including the human body and more conventional canvas. Landscape with nude: This model's body was used to depict a frozen nocturnal scene Bird of a feather: This model is transformed into a swan taking flight

Steampunk Insects Created from Bullets Tom Hardwidge’s Arthrobots are robotic insects — steampunk creations made from upcycled gears, nuts, bolts… and bullets! All images courtesy of Tom Hardwidge . English artist Tom Hardwidge has an unusual specialty: creating steampunk insects from old, inactive ammunition and pieces of clockwork. Even harder to believe is that Hardwidge creates steampunk insects only as a hobby; he is a digital designer by day and gets time to work as a creative insect maker only at night. Most of the pieces are supplied by local company, The Watch Lab, who sift through their rubbish bins to find parts for Hardwidge. All the insects start with a set of preliminary sketches in Hardwidge’s steampunk sketchbook, inspired by nature of course. As far as recycling goes, Hardwidge repurposes as many parts as he can, and the basis for the insects showcased here is always a piece of inactive ammunition. Hardwidge created the main part of the dragonfly’s body (above and top) from a piece of inactive ammunition.

Guo Xis Early Spring Early Spring, done in 1072, is considered one of the great masterpieces of the Northern Song monumental landscape tradition. It is a rare example of an early painting executed by a court professional who signed and dated his work. How do man and nature relate to each other within the landscape?

20 awesome examples of street art If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you. Artist Silvia Pelissero - watercolor paintings - StumbleUpon Posted on August 16, 2011 in Illustration If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (12 votes, average: 4.75 out of 5) Loading ... So... Check this out on our Partner Network

Show Me Your Money Face! Proving that money can buy happiness, these money/face mashups are stacking up quick around the web. The visual trick has been around for a while now, but not until this week when Reddit user MadSon11 posted his head matched with Alexander Hamiltons jaw (above) did the meme really get some legs. Redditors the world over have posted images using both U.S. bills and their own currency. Want to see MadSon11′s lower half? See the bottom of this post! See Also SHOW ME YOUR TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NOSES! Want to show off your own Money Face? MadSon11′s lower money face. …and I couldn’t help it… yours truly showing some serious George Washington glare. Want more strange faces? Via: Known in some circles as the most amazing man in the universe, he once saved an entire family of muskrats from a sinking, fire engulfed steamboat while recovering from two broken arms relating to a botched no-chute wingsuit landing in North Korea.

Matheus Lopes & Escape Into Life Manifesto, traditional art, mixed media Building a galaxy, digital art, mixed media Alternate ending, digital art, mixed media Ace of Wands, digital art, mixed media In Between, digital art, mixed media A way out, digital art, mixed media Suspense, digital art, mixed media Thousand eyes, digital art, mixed media About The Artist Matheus Lopes is a young illustrator from Brazil. Matheus Lopes’s Website Matheus Lopes’s Flickr Matheus Lopes at Threadless Tees
