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SMART Board Website Resources

5 Useful iPad Apps For ESL Students Getting the hang of a new language is tough. As someone attempting to re-learn French, I can say this without absolute certainty. Lucky for students like myself, technology is a huge help. It makes it easier to hear a native speaker ‘pronounce’ something for you. It lets you Skype with people in the country whose language you’re attempting to master. When you’re talking about language learning here in the U.S., you’re talking about ESL most of the time. WordBook XL – English Dictionary & Thesaurus for iPad – This one is by far one of the most elaborate apps for iPad available. Sentence Builder for iPad – One of the most popular ESL iPad apps available, Sentence Builder is best for younger students (elementary school, mostly) who want to be challenged with grammar and vocabulary. Intro to Letters – Another useful one for younger students, Intro to Letters is probably the simplest but effective methods of learning English. Hello-Hello English – This app-app is great!

Text Message Generator: Create Character Conversations | teachthrutech I have written previously about Fakebook, which allows you to create a fake Facebook page. To see that article, click here. has another fun activity that is a bit easier for you to use but can create the same type of feel. the SMS Generator! The SMS Generator gives you the opportunity to create a text message conversation between 2 people. Use the options below the message field to add conversation bubbles, save your work, share your work, and start a new conversation. Once the conversation is saved, you have options to share your work. The text message generator is just one more way to allow students to express/share what they have learned. Like this: Like Loading... 8 Great iPad Apps for ESL Students When you’re talking about learning a language in the U.S., you’re generally talking about ESL which refers to “English as a second language” or the study or use of English by speakers with different native languages. Learning a new language seems quite tough but lucky for the students of today as technology has made it a lot simpler and easier. Many schools are now making plans to increase the availability and use of technology in classrooms in order to engage students in learning English language digitally. Students should realize that smart phones, iPads and tablets aren’t just for playing games. Apple’s app store offers thousands of iPad apps for learners of any level, especially for ESL students. Word BINGO Word Bingo is basically a word game that allows learners to play with a word list. My English Coach Berlitz is a famous name in English language learning. Sentence Builder This is one of the most popular iPad apps available for English language learners. Wordbook XL ESL Express Kidioms

Créer un podcast augmenté : Tutoriel Créer un podcast augmenté avec Scenari 4.0 est un nouveau tutoriel proposé par le CLEMI pour apprendre à réaliser un podcast augmenté (pièce sonore contenant sons, images fixes, animées et textes) à partir du logiciel libre Webmedia 2 de la chaîne SCENARI développée par l’IUT de Compiègne. Il s’agit d’enrichir de l’audio avec d’autres médias (textes, images, …) pour permettre une écoute partielle en donnant accès à la consultation de ressources complémentaires. Application utilisée : Webmedia2 qui est un outil de saisie de contenu libre et gratuit pour la webradio. Réaliser un podcast avec des outils libres Le podcast augmenté est donc un fichier audio contenant des éléments textes, images et vidéos interagissant pendant l’écoute. Le tutoriel est également disponible en version téléchargeable : Produire un podcast augmenté avec Scenari 4.0 (48 pages, pdf). Sommaire du tutoriel créer un podcast augmenté Introduction : le podcast augmenté Installation du logiciel en 3 étapes

6 Apps That Can Help with Student Assessment By Jenny Wise Whether a teacher instructs English or mathematics, whether a student learns the alphabet or the theory of relativity, whether you’re instructing in a homeschool setting or the classroom, there is one aspect of education that all teachers and learners face: assessment. Through the act of assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses, either via a formal evaluation or a daily gauge of comprehension, assessment is a vital part of the learning process. However, the methods of assessment do not always provide an accurate representation of an individual’s skills. One reason for the disparity is that the traditional means of assessing student and teacher performance is to compare them to other students and teachers. A better alternative to traditional testing is performing a custom assessment that compares each individual to their past selves. Formative Assessment Tools Learning does not follow the “one size fits all” theory. This is where technology can help in assessment.

Assessment Apps for Teachers Through formative assessment, teachers check student understanding, get valuable data on student learning, and then use that data to modify instruction. When teachers know what students know (or don't know), they can adjust to meet students right at their level. The best formative assessment tools also help students self-reflect and assess, figuring out where they are and where they need to go as learners. These tools and apps for formative assessment success give teachers (and students) many options and opportunities for classroom success. Otsimo is an educational game application developed for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or learning difficulties. Platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad The software application ‘Grade Point – GPA & Homework’ is a student tool ideal for tracking grades, homework, assignments and classes. Platforms: iPhone, iPad Space Pig Math is an action game for practicing the times tables - up to 12x12 - with retro-inspired visuals and sounds. Kahoot!

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