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Kyle Tezak

Kyle Tezak

Eating in Sydney - Restaurant & Cafe Reviews 25 Stunning Black and White Illustrations by Nanami Cowdroy Her signature detailed style reflects a refined monochrome pallette with her name ‘Nanami‘ (meaning ‘Seven Seas‘ in Japanese ) stamped in red. Fluid line-work, watery creatures and Goldfish are some of her favourite subjects, and distinctive forms which are featured in her artworks. More Illustrations You might also like Comments Michael Dachstein Inspiration junkie :)

Barley | Brand design and development in Austin, TX | We create beautiful and engaging brand experiences through print media and web platforms for startups and the most forward thinking companies. stephen jackson design - social stream – stalk me – befriend me TYPE-O-MATIC is an After Effects type animation tool for designers and motiongraphers developed by Hamo Studio. The Controller, Masked and Unfold. 3 different ways of animating type easy, quick and customizable. Download Animate any font in a few steps. 1.- Import controller.aep, masked.aep or unfold.aep to the library. 2.- Open change_font_HERE! composition, select all layers and choose font. 3.- Open alphabet composition, select and copy the letters you need to form a word. 4.- Create a new composition, paste and composite the letters. 5.- Render scene Cast: Hamo Studio Tags: free, font, type, after effects, motion graphics, design, type-o-matic and animation

ShockBlast - inspire yourself. National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) | Member CommunityNational Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) Eephus League Fan-Made Goonies Posters / Films / ShortList Magazine Not many films actually propelled us to leave the house as kids. Most made us feel pretty content to stay on the sofa, eating until we felt/were physically sick. But after a watch of The Goonies, we were desperate to run off and explore an adventure in the outside world. Even if all it resulted in was a set of grass-stained shorts and a pocketful of rocks, no film did more for kids health than this one. As some sort of thanks for not being morbidly obese, a collection of fan-made posters have trickled through and given us enough to get all nostalgic and misty-eyed over. You can find the artists at the bottom and we'd like to hear which is your favourite in the comments below. (Images: Daniel Norris, Jorsh Pena, Alvaro Arteaga, Phantom City Creative, Drew Millward, Brendan Schaefer, Johnny Cupcakes, Jerod Gibson, Sam Coyne and Kiersten Essenpreis. Tags: posters

Growcase 18 Talented Illustrators To Keep An Eye On This is a guest post from David Cristian – a freelance graphic / web designer, from Romania. He runs, an inspi­ra­tional magazine which show­cases var­i­ous art forms, from illustration to tra­di­tional paint­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, graphic or web design. Time for an inspirational round-up for you! You have below 54 pieces of illustration selected from 18 extremely talented illustrators from around the world. As you can see, their work feature different techniques and styles (from retro to 3D, black & white, fashion, typography etc.). Alberto Cerriteno: Martijn van Dam: Andrew Bannecker: Sophie Griotto: Cristiano Siqueira: Fil Dunsky: Nanami Cowdroy: Grzegorz Domaradzki: Iveta Abolina: Jared Nickerson: Jason Levesque: Jonathan Ball: Joshua M. Manuel Rebollo: Matthieu Bessudo: Pablo Jeffer da Silva: Sebastien Feraut:
