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Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and function of the body in both health and disease. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields and radiowaves to form images of the body. The technique is widely used in hospitals for medical diagnosis, staging of disease and for follow-up without exposure to ionizing radiation. Introduction[edit] Neuroimaging[edit] MRI image of white matter tracts. MRI is the investigative tool of choice for neurological cancers as it is more sensitive than CT for small tumors and offers better visualization of the posterior fossa. Cardiovascular[edit] MR angiogram in congenital heart disease Cardiac MRI is complementary to other imaging techniques, such as echocardiography, cardiac CT and nuclear medicine. Musculoskeletal[edit] Liver and gastrointestinal MRI[edit] Functional MRI[edit] Oncology[edit] How MRI works[edit]

Physics of magnetic resonance imaging This is a sub-article to Magnetic resonance imaging The human body is largely composed of water molecules, which each contain two hydrogen nuclei, or protons. When a person goes inside the powerful magnetic field (B0) of the scanner, the magnetic moments of these protons align with the direction of the field. Diseased tissue, such as tumors, can be detected because the protons in different tissues return to their equilibrium state at different rates (i.e., they have different T1 times). By changing the parameters on the scanner this effect is used to create contrast between different types of body tissue. Contrast agents may be injected intravenously to enhance the appearance of blood vessels, tumors or inflammation. MRI is used to image every part of the body, and is particularly useful for neurological conditions, for disorders of the muscles and joints, for evaluating tumors, and for showing abnormalities in the heart and blood vessels. Nuclear magnetism[edit] Imaging[edit] k-space[edit]

Proton therapy Proton therapy is a type of particle therapy which uses a beam of protons to irradiate diseased tissue, most often in the treatment of cancer. The chief advantage of proton therapy is the ability to more precisely localize the radiation dosage when compared with other types of external beam radiotherapy, though it is controversial whether this provides an overall advantage compared to other, less expensive treatments. Description[edit] In a typical treatment plan for proton therapy, the Spread Out Bragg Peak (SOBP, dashed blue line), is the therapeutic radiation distribution. The SOBP is the sum of several individual Bragg peaks (thin blue lines) at staggered depths. Proton therapy is a type of external beam radiotherapy using ionizing radiation. To treat tumors at greater depths, the proton accelerator must produce a beam with higher energy, typically given in eV or electron volts. History[edit] Application[edit] In the case of prostate cancer the issue is not so clear. Surgery[edit]

Ωτοακουστικές Εκπομπές-Ακουστικά Προκλητά Δυναμικά-Ακουόγραμμα-Τυμπανόγραμμα Ωτοακουστικές εκπομπές «« Ακουστικά Προκλητά Δυναμικά «« Συχνές ερωτήσεις από τους γονείς (για νεογνά και βρέφη !) «« Φυσιολογική ακοή και ομιλία «« Το ντεσιμπέλ (dB) και η ένταση του ήχου «« Ποσοτική διάκριση της βαρηκοΐας «« Μονόπλευρη βαρηκοΐα «« Τυμπανόγραμμα «« Ακουόγραμμα «« Μαθησιακές δυσκολίες «« Ωτοακουστικές εκπομπές Πρόκειται για μία σύντομη, ανώδυνη και ασφαλή εξέταση. Εικ. 1 Φυσιολογική καταγραφή Παροδικά Προκλητών Ωτοακουστικών Εκπομπών σε νεογνό Εικ. 2 Μη καταγραφή ωτοακουστικών εκπομπών σε βρέφος με βαρηκοΐα Εικ. 3 Φυσιολογική καταγραφή ωτοακουστικών εκπομπών Προϊόντων Παραμόρφωσης Εικ. 4 Μη καταγραφή προϊόντων παραμόρφωσης σε παιδί με βαρηκοΐα Συνθήκες διεξαγωγής των Ωτοακουστικών Εκπομπών Προτιμούμε το παιδί να βρίσκεται σε κατάσταση ύπνου, αν και δεν είναι λίγες οι περιπτώσεις όπου διενεργούμε την εξέταση με το παιδί απλά ήρεμο στην αγκαλιά της μητέρας ή του πατέρα. Ακουστικά προκλητά δυναμικά Για τους ενήλικες. Aκουστικά προκλητά δυναμικά ASSR (Auditory Steady State Responses) 1.

MRI Physics The Basics MRIs make use of the unique property of atomic nuclei rotating in a strong magnetic field. These nuclei have a special "resonance" frequency that depends on the magnetic field. By absorbing radio waves of the same frequency, the nucleus' energy can be increased. Radio waves are re-emitted by the nuclei as they return to the lower energy state. The time it takes for the radio wave to do this is known as the ‘relaxation time’, and the different relaxation times result in varying bright and dark spots on the image. Before the MRI scanning process can begin, patients must remove all metal objects, such as jewellery or watches, because they may interfere with the magnetic field. Larmor Precession Nuclei have an intrinsic quantum property called spin. The spin is represented by the arrow. νL = γ * B where γ (the gyromagnetic ratio) for hydrogen is 42.58 MHz/T. The RF signal has a frequency equal to the unique resonant frequency of the nuclei, the Larmor frequency. A. A.

North Metropolitan Health Service, Mental Health Role and Function North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS) Mental Health aims to provide best practice, specialised mental health services supported by strategic planning in partnerships with service providers to the people of Western Australia. NMHS Mental Health is part of North Metropolitan Health Service which includes the Graylands, Sir Charles Gairdner, Osborne Park, Swan District and Kalamunda Hospitals and associated health services, Joondalup Health Campus and NMHS Population and Ambulatory Care Division. NMHS Mental Health is committed to the ongoing development and improvement of mental health services in Western Australia inline with relevant National and State policies, plans and frameworks. Services are delivered through inpatient units, community mental health centres, and day therapy and outreach programs to a catchment area of more than 800,000 people. NMHS Mental Health services are accessed by referral from a range of health care providers. Governance NMHS Vision Statement

ΚΑΝΕΛΛΟΣ ΠΑΝΟΣ - Ωτορινολαρυγγολόγος How MRI Works" Dr. Raymond Damadian, a physician and scientist, toiled for years trying to produce a machine that could noninvasively scan the body with the use of magnets. Along with some graduate students, he constructed a superconducting magnet and fashioned a coil of antenna wires. Since no one wanted to be the first one in this contraption, Damadian volunteered to be the first patient. When he climbed in, however, nothing happened. In just a few decades, the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners has grown tremendously. That may be little comfort to you when you're getting ready for an MRI exam. Let the magnets of this mighty machine draw you to the next page, and we'll take a look at what's going on inside.

PathWest Hearing Testing and Screening in Young Children Approximately 840 children are born deaf in both ears each year in the UK. Some 90% of these babies are born into families with no experience or history of childhood deafness. The Newborn Hearing Screening Programme was introduced in the UK in 2006, replacing the previous infant screening programme (the 'distraction test' at 8 months). Most congenitally deaf children are now identified and managed appropriately before 6 months of age. Hearing loss is not confined to those with risk factors - approximately 40% of all children ultimately identified with sensorineural hearing loss do not have an established risk factor; therefore, universal screening is recommended.Hearing screening allows hearing loss to be identified at a younger age. The coverage and newborn hearing screening uptake across England is around 98%. Neonatal hearing screening tests Automated otoacoustic emissions (AOAE) test Automated auditory brainstem responses (AABR) test[2] Test limitations Newborns Well baby protocol: Then:
