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Teen internet use on the rise

Teen internet use on the rise

Transformational? by Bob Sprankle 0 Comments March 25, 2010 By: Bob Sprankle Mar 24 Written by: 3/24/2010 9:17 PM ShareThis I remember the day I bought my first Beatles album: Magical Mystery Tour. defines "transformational" as: A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better. When talking about technology integration in education, surely one of the requirements for a tool to be considered transformational is that it must make the learning environment better... better than what previously existed because of the technology. Sometimes it's hard to tell if a tool is truly transformational or if we're just caught up in the "shiny-bright-wow-factor" of it. Enter: The iPad. Next week many early adopters will be standing in lines at Apple Stores across the country, waiting to get their hands on their new iPads (full disclosure: this includes me). "It's just a big iPhone," is what I hear many early critics protest. But... will it be transformational? What are your thoughts?

La classe! A l'écran, le compte à rebours indique: - 00 00 40 12. Ce mercredi 23 septembre à 7h40, dans la salle polyvalente de l'EPFL, une foule attend avec impatience le lancement de la fusée PSLV C-14. Celle-ci doit décoller dans un peu moins de trois-quarts d'heure de la base spatiale de Sriharikota (est de l'Inde), à 8000 kilomètres de Lausanne. Au 4e étage de ce monstre de 44 mètres de haut, pesant 230 tonnes, se trouve le minuscule Swisscube (voir photo), le premier satellite entièrement conçu et réalisé en Suisse. Cet objet de 820 grammes, mesurant 10x10x10 cm, a été fabriqué par plus de deux cent étudiants et chercheurs, travaillant dans huit hautes écoles différentes. Trois ans et demi de travail intense, pour vivre ce moment. Le projet est né en 2005 à l'EPFL. Ces engins constituent surtout de formidables outils pédagogiques. Maurice Borgeaud, directeur du Space Center de l'EPFL, rappelle quelques faits. Autre contrainte: s'adapter au calendrier académique. A quoi va-t-il servir?

Best Websites for Teaching and Learning Best Websites for Teaching & Learning honors websites, tools, and resources of exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning as embodied in the American Association of School Librarians' Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. Best Websites for Teaching & Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. The Landmark Websites are honored due to their exemplary histories of authoritative, dynamic content and curricular relevance. Best Websites for Teaching & Learning Committee 2014-2015 Lucy Santos Green, Chair Carla Bosco Dana Franco Mary Johnson Jane Lofton Lauren Mabry Shannon Miller Shelley O'Rourke TBD, Board Liaison Jennifer Habley, Staff Liaison

Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration by Kim Cofino 0 Comments March 21, 2010 By: Tech Learning Blog Staff Mar 21 Written by: 3/21/2010 8:17 AM ShareThis Cross-posted on always learning Last week, Chrissy and I were invited to give our presentation from ASB Unplugged, Hardware is Not Enough: The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership, to our Headmaster, Dr. Here's what I have so far for the article, I would love to get your feedback before I send a finished draft off to Bill: Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration For many years technology was treated as a discrete subject to be taught by a technology teacher. Now the expectation is that classroom teachers will authentically and appropriately embed technology into the learning experience. Why Collaborate? The most important (and most obvious) reason for the facilitator and teacher to collaborate is to improve student learning. Full Collaboration: During this stage of the cycle it's hard to say where the teacher's responsibilities end and the facilitator's begin. from ?

Classroom 2.0 iLearn Technology Can we move beyond Integrating Technology as a tool? 0 Comments March 7, 2010 By: Scott Meech Mar 7 Written by: 3/7/2010 1:28 AM ShareThis Image via Wikipedia When talking about lifelong learning, I often reference Project Integration and how we need to get away from this model. Now, I am proud to say that I have helped many teachers and student's improve their learning through creating projects with technology that expand upon their knowledge in a variety of curriculums. Voicethread Linked Here While many of these projects are very worthwhile, I still believe there has to be more to it. We need to focus on learning how to learn. As a former social studies teacher, I know first hand how difficult it can be for teachers in this curricular to make decisions on content. While I evangelize to some, I need to come clean as well. As stated on, “Learning is at the center of the whole plan,” said Ms. The key is personalizing the learning experience. Meech_Lifelong_Learning_Approach_Syllabus Direct Link to Presentation Related:

21Classes – Free Classroom and Education Blogs - Home Only 1 iPad in the Classroom? [for additional ELA/Reading specific apps and ideas see Reading on the iPad] Is only one iPad in a classroom worth it? This question keeps reappearing on the EC Ning and in other blog spaces. The answer is easy: YES, especially if the teacher has access to a Mac desktop or (preferably) laptop and a wifi network in the classroom. It is an even larger YES if the Mac device has the most current operating system. Having a computer to which the iPad can sync is not absolutely necessary, but it is a Best Idea. If more iPads are in the future, you might want to check out iPad App Reviews and iPad 3C's: Some Planning Questions. Setup and Projection You will definitely need to set up a unique Apple ID (iTunes acct.) with a password that is kept secret from the students. OK - I have apps, now what can I do with them?

Los 7 Pecados Capitales de la Investigación Universitaria Tercermundista Introducción Estas notas tienen la intención de promover debates en torno a lo planteado en el título... 1. Los trabajos de investigación no suelen tener nada que ver unos con otros. 2. La investigación universitaria tercermundista está enfocada bajo una concepción individualista de la universidad, derivada de una visión también individualista de la sociedad. 3.Investigar por investigar (el proceso y no el producto) La universidad tercermundista no se interesa en productos de investigación, sino en procesos de investigación. 4. Las relaciones entre las esferas nacional e internacional en lo concerniente a producción de conocimiento científico es una perfecta réplica de esas mismas relaciones en lo concerniente a producción económica global y a regulaciones de dominación socio-política. 5. 6. La investigación tercermundista sigue un camino divorciado de la Docencia y la Extensión universitarias... 7. Conclusión

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