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Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays for the Classroom Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays Readers Theater is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form. Readers read from a "script" and reading parts are divided among the readers. "Reader's Theater proved to be almost a magic solution for Griffith: In just 10 weeks of using RT, every child in her class had gained a full grade level in reading. Update - July 08

Comprehension Strategies - Making connections, questioning, inferring, determining importance, and more from Strategies That Work, Mosaic of Thought, and Reading with Meaning, this page gives you information on the six comprehension strategies known as making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, and synthesizing.

Comprehension Strategies - Making connections, questioning, inferring, determining importance, and more from Strategies That Work, Mosaic of Thought, and Reading with Meaning, this page gives you information on the six comprehension strategies known as making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, and synthesizing.

All About Adolescent Literacy | Teaching Heart - Free printables, lessons, ideas, teaching tips, units, themes, & more Setting of a Story The setting of a story answers the questions of where and when the story takes place. These worksheets will help understand the concept of 'setting' as a part of a story or book. Setting Introduction: This worksheets introduces the concept of setting. Setting Introduction Setting the Mood: The choice of a good setting can help 'set the mood' of a story. Choosing a Setting Setting Cloze Activity: This cloze activity looks at the importance of setting for a story. Setting Cloze Setting and Character: Students identify a variety of settings from pictures and decide what kind of characters they might find in those settings. Setting and Character Setting of a Story for Young Learners: A collection of worksheets aimed at teaching the setting of a story to younger learners. Young Learners Collection Back to Parts of a Story

Reading Games
