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Identify, by Chermayeff, Geismar, and Haviv | David Airey, graphic designer “Identity design is not about what one likes or dislikes. It’s about what works.” In Identify, designers Tom Geismar and Ivan Chermayeff, and partner Sagi Haviv, open-up their studio for the first time in the firm’s 55-year history. This excellent book reveals the creative process that led to some of the world’s most iconic visual identities. There’s a preface from Isaac Mizrahi and a foreword from Steven Heller before the book gets down to business with a few pages describing the firm’s overall identity design process. “Sketching by hand gives a designer an immediacy of artistic expression and intuitive extension of creative impulses that as of now using the computer lacks. The remainder of the book is filled with almost 100 case studies detailing the design decisions behind trademarks we’ve all come to know, regardless of our knowledge of the design profession. Library of Congress National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Chase Manhattan Bank National Geographic on on

Анонимният известен (преработено издание) - Магдалина Станчева - Издателска къща Жанет 45 Книгата „Анонимният известен“ е първото подробно изследване на творчеството на именития български график Стефан Кънчев (1915–2001). Неговият художествен език и графичен репертоар са в основата на визуалната идентичност на България през втората половина на двайсети век. В тази книга ще откриете непубликувани до днес документи, оригинални скици и разработки на създадените от него знаци. Тя илюстрира защо и как Стефан Кънчев си е спечелил репутацията на един от най-продуктивните и забележителни майстори на логотипа и запазения знак на всички времена. За автора:Магдалина Станчева (1977, Габрово) учи в Средното художествено училище за сценични кадри в Пловдив и „Жул Паскин“ в София. Върху проекта Анонимният известен: Стефан Кънчев работи от лятотона 2008 г., първоначално като част от дипломната си работа.

ISSUU - Small typography handbook by Radimira Yordanova Thoughts on Design: Paul Rand, Michael Bierut: 9780811875448: Books Man and His Symbols: Carl G. Jung, M.-L. von Franz, John Freeman: Books Landor Associates - Lifestyle Brands: A Guide to Aspirational Marketing In Lifestyle Brands, Antonio Marazza and Professor Stefania Saviolo explore ways in which some brands inspire devoted ambassadors, and propose methods for creating a brand that inspires obsession. What do Apple, the Body Shop, Diesel, and Virgin have in common? (And what makes them different from Mattel, Microsoft, and Samsung?) These brands inspire something beyond loyalty—their customers are devoted brand ambassadors who permit no substitutions. In Lifestyle Brands, Antonio Marazza, general manager of Landor Milan, and Stefania Saviolo, professor at SDA Bocconi School of Management, discuss the characteristics of three types of brands: cult, iconic, and lifestyle. Drawing on both research and observation, this book characterizes qualities typical of brands with high symbolic value, and proposes a method for understanding and creating a brand that enhances its customer’s lifestyles and inspires obsession.

Landor Associates - Brands that make you love them What do brands like Apple, Club Med, Diesel, Muji, Patagonia, and Virgin have in common? Why are they different from brands such as Casio, Mattel, Microsoft, and Samsung? Why do millions of fans identify with brands like Ferrari or Harley-Davidson? Why does it seem that everyone has a pair of Adidas Originals, Levi’s 501s, or Ray-Ban Wayfarers in their closets? Brands with a devoted following are what we define as symbol-intensive. On top of that, symbol-intensive brands are able to maintain relationships with their customers that go beyond what we commonly think of as loyal, becoming ambassadors and brand champions. In our recent book, Lifestyle Brands: A Guide to Aspirational Marketing, we classify brands inside the broad category of symbol-intensive brands as authority, solution, cult, iconic, or lifestyle brands. Mapping symbol-intensive brands We propose a classification system that operates as a function of competitive scope and the type of benefits offered to consumers. Read more:

Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else: Geoff Colvin: 9781591842248: Books
