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How Your Business Can Use Pinterest and Reduce Your Legal Risks - Aurora

How Your Business Can Use Pinterest and Reduce Your Legal Risks - Aurora

The Copyright Question: How to Protect Yourself on Pinterest - Aurora Gonzalo E. Mon is a partner in the Advertising Law practice at Kelley Drye & Warren LLP and his co-author, John J. Heitmann, is a partner in the firm’s Telecommunications group. Read more on Kelley Drye’s advertising blog, Ad Law Access, or keep up with the group on Facebook or Twitter. Although Pinterest launched just two years ago, the site already boasts about 12 million users and a staggering number of daily pageviews. This rush to join Pinterest has been somewhat tempered by concerns over the social network's terms of use. Some have incorrectly concluded that Pinterest owns everything posted on the site. Before a company — or a user, for that matter — joins Pinterest, it’s important to separate the myths from the realities. No, Pinterest Doesn’t Own What You Post One common question is whether Pinterest owns everything that you post. In other words, you’re not giving up any ownership rights you may have simply by virtue of posting something on Pinterest.

Add a video to your LinkedIn profile | SlideShare Blog - Flock With the SlideShare application on LinkedIn, it’s now incredibly easy to add videos to your LinkedIn profile. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Terms of Service For any dispute you have with Pinterest, you agree to first contact us and try to resolve the dispute with us informally. If we need to contact you, we will do so at the email address on your Pinterest account. If Pinterest hasn’t been able to resolve the dispute with you informally, we each agree to resolve any claim, dispute, or controversy (excluding claims for injunctive or other equitable relief) arising out of or in connection with or relating to these Terms through binding arbitration or (for qualifying claims) in small claims court. Arbitration is a more informal way to resolve our disagreements than a lawsuit in court. Any arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") under the Consumer Arbitration Rules then in effect for the AAA, except as provided herein. NOTHING IN THESE TERMS OF SERVICE SHALL AFFECT ANY NON-WAIVABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS THAT APPLY TO YOU. If you're a consumer in the EEA, Section 11 doesn't apply to you.

7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn - Flock Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting. She authors a blog at LinkedIn, which recently reached the 50 million user milestone, has long been considered the social networking site for professionals. If you're in business, it is basically expected that you have a profile there. But with the more mainstream platforms like Twitter and Facebook being used for business purposes, some professionals are neglecting their LinkedIn profiles. 1. Some media reports claim that because organizations can use any criteria they want to make hiring decisions, photo avatars provide companies with information they may not have otherwise known about you based on a resume alone and could actually hurt you more than help. Eric B. He adds that “an employer may not discriminate when selecting one job applicant over another. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Burke believes that accounts should be kept separate.

Pinterest announces new terms of service & that private boards are coming soon. | LL Social - Aurora For my latest post about future Pinterest private boards and current alternatives click here. As many of us have speculated, Pinterest today acknowledged that their original terms of service were a standard set of terms that didn’t really reflect the intent of what Pinterest was or is. To correct this, Pinterest announced a number of changes to their terms of service, acceptable use and privacy policies. Pinterest removed the language that allows them to sell the images you pin. Our original Terms stated that by posting content to Pinterest you grant Pinterest the right for us to sell your content. The number one request from Pinterest users is having the option to have private boards. Finally, we added language that will pave the way for new features such as a Pinterest API and Private Pinboards. It will be interesting to see what Pinterest does in terms of API. Pinterest makes it easier to report copyright violations. Once you click on “Report a pin” you will see these options.

Back-up Your LinkedIn Information Posted by Irene Koehler in LinkedIn on April 12, 2009 | 32 responses Contact information for all of your connections You’ve taken great care in building your LinkedIn network of connections because these are the folks you’ve known throughout your career, those friends from school with whom you’ve recently reconnected and professionals who are just plain helpful and wise because they might be excellent resources in the future.?Are you comfortable with all of that information residing on a website over which you have no control? Exporting your connections is easy. Sign into your LinkedIn accountFrom the menu on the top, left of the page, click on “Contacts”This will take you to a list of your Connections (see image).At the bottom of this list is a link to “Export Connections” (indicated by the red arrow).Click here and select the file type in which you’d like to save this information.Create the file and save it to your own computer. Profile and recommendations So, what are you waiting for?

Pinterest Updates Terms and Conditions, Preps API - Aurora Fast growing social sharing site Pinterest has introduced significant changes to its terms of service and began to develop APIs to open the service up to third party developers and services. An email sent out to registered users explains that the company has updated the original terms that have governed the site since it launched. The changes now see its terms split into three distinct groups – Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy – which the company says are “easier to understand and better reflect the direction our company is headed in the future”. The most significant of the new changes, which are set to go live on April 6, sees Pinterest relinquish its right to sell user content; something which the firm says it had never really intended to make use of: Our original Terms stated that by posting content to Pinterest you grant Pinterest the right for to sell your content. The system for flagging infringing content has also been improved:

LinkedIn Tips Complete Profile Posted by Irene Koehler in LinkedIn on December 29, 2008 | 7 responses Dear Professional, You and I were set up on a blind-date of sorts. The only reason you consented to give me a try was because a friend of yours continually nagged you, something about I “could be very useful to you in the future.” You didn’t feel I was worth the time, but it became easier to give me a try than to deal with your friend who kept reminding you to take a chance with me. I appreciate that you meant well at first, but I feel I must be honest. I miss you. Fondly, Your (incomplete) LinkedIn profile The number of incomplete profiles I see on LinkedIn is huge, but not surprising. A few tips to keep in mind when completing your profile: It is not a resume. Hope you’re ready to tackle that lonely profile now. If you’d like to learn more about kicking your efforts on LinkedIn into high gear, be sure to subscribe to Almost Savvy through RSS or email. Additional comments powered by BackType

Pinterest updates Terms of Service - Aurora After weeks of mounting user panic, Pinterest has decided to update its Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy. Since the purpose of Pinterest is for users to populate the site with images they do not own, the network has been in a legal gray area ever since users discovered that pinning content from around the Web might be on the wrong side of the law. Pinterest users, concerned that the sites’ vague policies could get them sued or worse, have even been deleting their boards to avoid uncertain punishment from copyright holders and Pinterest itself. What’s more, few users who expressed their concerns with copyright were about to get a response from Pinterest. Now, there should be no ambiguity about any of Pinterest’s policies. In a blog post signed by “Ben [Silbermann] & the Pinterest team,” the social network highlighted a few of the most significant changes: “Selling content was never our intention and we removed this from our updated Terms,” it wrote.

Pinterest se pique aux règles du droit d’auteur | :: S.I.Lex :: - Aurora Élu meilleure startup par TechCrunch en 2011, le réseau social Pinterest a le vent en poupe aux Etats-Unis et commence à faire parler de lui en France. Déjà considéré comme « le nouveau Facebook » par certains, le site est le premier début 2012 à avoir atteint aussi rapidement une audience de 10 millions de visiteurs par mois. Ce succès fulgurant cache néanmoins une polémique grandissante à propos du respect par le site des règles du droit d’auteur, car la contrefaçon semble inscrite dans ses principes même de fonctionnement. Reprenant le principe des visuals bookmarks, Pinterest permet en effet à ses utilisateurs de constituer un tableau en « épinglant » (to pin en anglais) leurs découvertes faites sur le web, à la manière d’un mur Facebook et de les partager avec les autres membres du réseau. A cette occasion, les images épinglées sont copiées sur les profils des utilisateurs de la plateforme, avec normalement un lien en retour qui procure aux sites d’origine un trafic intéressant.

Flickr adds Pinterest opt-out code to copyrighted photos | Digital Media - CNET News - Aurora Photo-sharing site Flickr has added Pinterest's new opt-out code to all Flickr pages with copyrighted or protected images, according to a VentureBeat story published Friday night. Yahoo-owned Flickr did not immediately return an e-mail seeking confirmation on the move, but the site reportedly told VentureBeat that the code appears on all "non-public/non-safe pages, as well as when a member has disabled sharing of their Flickr content.... This means only content that is 'safe,' 'public,' and has the sharing button enabled can be pinned to Pinterest." The virtual pinboard site, which is still in private beta, has grown at breakneck speed . And with that growth has come concerns about copyright violation. The premise behind Pinterest is for users to gather, organize, and share things they find on the Web, such as home decorations, clothing, and food.

Pinterest Updates Terms Of Service As It Preps An API And Private Pinboards: More Copyright Friendly | TechCrunch - Aurora Pinterest is growing up fast: just last week the image-based social network rolled out redesigned profile pages, and now it’s following that up with an updated Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy that sharpen how the company interfaces on a number of commercial points, as it rides its wave and rapidly reaches and passes 12 million users. “We think that the updated Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy are easier to understand and better reflect the direction our company is headed in the future,” CEO Ben Silbermann wrote in an email late on March 23 to Pinterest users informing them of the changes, due to take effect on April 6. From the looks of it, that future direction involves not just more private experiences on Pinterest but also stronger push to get Pinterest working in a whole lot more places, and with a whole lot more partners. Conversely, users are not allowed to use the site for commercial purposes, either.
