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ESL Games, Quizzes and Classroom ESL Activities Free ESL Games and Quiz Corner Welcome to our 'Free ESL Games and Quiz Corner'. Here you'll find interactive games, ESL classroom activities and games, online quizzes and hundreds of printable quiz questions in graded sets, including many sample question sets from our ESL board game Word Up. You'll also find excerpts from articles and books on using games in language learning plus links to many other ESL games and activity resources online. For TeachersMost of the classroom games and activities may be used with students of any level except for absolute beginners. For the card games, Matching Cards (Opposites) has printable card sets for beginner, intermediate and advanced students, while Matching Cards (Phrasal Verbs) has cards suitable for upper intermediate to advanced students.

About The European Podcast Award (EPA) is held by the “Initiative European Podcast Award” with the kind support of Olympus Audio Systems. Judged by a jury of native speaker as well as voting through the internet podcasts from 11 countries and 4 categories can apply. About the Initiative European Podcast Award The Initiative European Podcast Award is a European project that promotes European thoughts and the cultural diversity. Responsible for the contents: Initiative European Podcast Award Michel Mertens Jakob-Mores-Weg 2 22309 Hamburg Germany Phonebox: +49 700 929 63638 Mail: 1stmail()podcast-award.euThe EPA Blog is managed by Nicole Simon, Karin Høgh and Michel Mertens Also available: overview of all available press releases including different language versions

Inspiration til Facebook i undervisningen I modsætning alle de andre platforme vi arbejder på (Fronter, Lektio, Ludus eller hvad de nu alle sammen hedder), så er eleverne altid på Facebook, ser opslag lynhurtigt, og har sjovt nok aldrig problemer med at komme på. Det er virkelig det sted jeg oplever som den hurtigste vej til at komme i kontakt med alle elever. Men udover at være en kontaktflade, så kan Facebook også bruges som reelt undervisningsværktøj. Her kommer 8 forslag til hvordan. 1: Brug Facebook som en vejledningsplatform. 2: Facebook er et sted hvor det er meget let at dele mediefiler. 3: Facebook har også en synkronskrivningsfunktion i Facebook Docs, som jeg dog ikke har prøvet meget af endnu.

My Top 5 power point games Posted by ddeubel on Saturday, April 2nd 2011 Still enjoying the series on games! Power point games are something I REALLY know a thing or two about. There are many places to get this games around the internet. So, I’m linking my Top 5 examples there. So let’s get started ……….. #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. Get many templates here but you can also just download any game and then edit with your own content and use as a template. Honorable mentions: Transl8it , The Price is Right, Guess Who, One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others Murder Winks Directions: The students stand in a circle, and one of them will be the "murderer". This student will "murder" other students by winking at them. To choose the murderer, you can either a) have them close their eyes, walk around the circle, tapping one student on the back, or b) put one square of paper for each student in a hat, writing "murderer" on one piece and "innocent" on all the others; the students silently choose a piece of paper to determine who is the murderer. Now the game begins. If the murderer "winks" at a student who is looking back at him/her, then the student is "dead" and must sit down. (The "dead" student can exaggerate his/her death, but must not reveal who the murderer is.) As more and more people "die" and the group gets smaller, it gets very difficult to be the murderer without getting caught. Students will want to play this game over and over.

‘absolutely intercultural!’ Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces Atlantis Remixed Transformational play involves the use of virtual worlds to help people learn and grow in a context where they can fail safely. Theory At its core, transformational play is a learning and empowerment philosophy that is grounded in the belief that each one of us is capable of, wants to, and deserves to achieve, great things. Unlike any other form of curriculum, these games offer entire worlds in which learners are central, important participants; a place where the actions of a ten-year old can have significant impact on the world; and a place in which what you know is directly related to what you are able to do and, ultimately, who you become. The theory highlights relations among the three interconnected elements of person with intentionality, content with legitimacy, and context with consequentiality. Research Manuscript (PDF) Teacher Manuscript (PDF) Engine Key features of the 3D engine include: Key features of the facilitator dashboard include: Key Game Mechanics: Projects The Doctors Cure
