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Morat, Alvaro Soler - Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo

Morat, Alvaro Soler - Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo

10 Songs for Spanish Class 2017 Sra. Birch inspired me to post a top 10 list for songs I'm using in Spanish class these days. While I'm not doing coros as I have in the past, we will be doing some musical starters along the way. (Plus I plan to play these on an endless loop so their brains will be hostage to the Spanish FOREVER! MWAHAHAHAH! PS did you know that you can right click on the video and make one video loop over and over? Also, I had a little bit of success posting Instagram challenges where the kiddos could get Classcraft points for posting videos of themselves doing something with the week's song and tagging me. "Nuquí" by ChocQuibTown (2016) It's true I can't get enough of this hiphop pop group from Colombia! Instagram Challenge: Dance moves "Duele el corazón" by Enrique Iglesias (2016) THE hit of the summer, but I'm opting for he lyrics video because A) it looks pretty cool and B) I like being employed (underwear scenes can be skipped in class though). Instagram Challenge: Lyrics collage

Espagnol - Académie de Grenoble - Chansons par thèmes Voici des chansons classées par thèmes, parfois, des activités pour la classe y sont associées, parfois non... Alimentation Chocolate, de Jesse y Joy Toma mucha fruta, de Bom Bom CHIP Tutti Frutti, de Quilapayún Amitié Decir amigo, de Joan Manuel Serrat Marta, Sebas y los demás, de Amaral Amour A Dios le pido, de Juanes > Dans une séquence intitulée ¿Qué sientes? > Ella y él - Jeanine Suira - Todoele. En mi lado del sofá, de La Oreja de Van Gogh > La Oreja de Van Gogh "En mi lado del sofá" - quiz - Hispadictos. > Travail sur "La camisa negra" de Juanes - 3ème - Bababara Figeac, Collège de Mutzig - Académie de Strasbourg. La Flaca, de Jarabe de Palo > La Flaca (.pdf) - Paroles de la chanson - sur notre site. Argentine Tango de las madres locas, de Carlos Cano > Tango de las madres locas(.pdf) - Paroles de la chanson - sur notre site. Célébrités Alfonsina y el mar, de Ariel Ramírez y Félix Luna, interpretada por Mercedes Sosa. > Sueños, in Cuenta conmigo 1ère, Ed. Corps Cuba Douleur
