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Dashboard | Visme The Real Problem With Pre-Made Themes Designers, developers, site owners… lend me your eyeballs for a bit. There’s something rotten in the state of pre-made website themes. Alright, I’ve offended The Bard quite enough. But you get my point, right? Themes have gotten a bad rap for a variety of reasons: they can have bloated code, content must be designed to fit in them rather than designing them to fit the content, et cetera. But they’ve also gotten really good. Wrong, wrong, wrong, (mostly) wrong. Let me tell you a little story. So I thought, hey, why not make some niche/authority sites on these topics so dear to my heart? I found plenty of themes…I very nearly dropped money on And so I went theme hunting. It’s because, you see, each and every one of these themes depended on JavaScript for their most basic functions: displaying any content at all, navigation, and search. But people are getting ripped off, and I can’t stand for that. More than that, these were wiki and knowledge base themes.

15 классных игр, которые ни за что не дадут скучать в дороге (смартфон не пригодится) Лето — это не только солнце, дача, речка, парк, развлечения и отдых. Лето — это дороги. Дорога утомляет не только водителя, но и пассажиров. В поезде, в самолете и в аэропорту, в автобусе или в машине можно играть в самые разные игры на внимательность. Можно в дороге слушать аудиосказки, можно читать вслух книжку (если машину не трясёт), а можно придумывать свои сказки, истории — и записывать их на остановках. Игры на листе бумаги Если игроков несколько, и у вас есть возможность писать и рисовать, то вы можете вспомнить самые разные игры на листе бумаги: дорисовки, «Крестики-нолики», гонки, «Танчики», «Быки и коровы», «Наборщик». Дорисовки Для игры вам понадобятся два карандаша разных цветов и листок бумаги. Гонки На листочке в клетку вы рисуете трассу и выставляете точки на линии старта. «Быки и коровы» Каждый загадывает трёхзначное число и потом старается отгадать число, загаданное противником. Так можно играть и с четырёхзначными числами, и со словами из четырёх или пяти букв. — Нет! — Да!

No-judgment digital definitions: What are social media trackers? | The Firefox Frontier Let’s be honest. We’re usually pretty particular about what we post on social media, right? When we’re on vacation, we’ll post photos on Facebook of a beautiful sunset… and crop out the guy wearing the “no shirt, no shoes, no problem” T-shirt. We’ll post on LinkedIn about our exciting new job… but not that we were laid off four months earlier and self-medicated with pints of ice cream. While we choose what we want to share with our friends and followers, we don’t get to choose what those social media platforms learn about us behind the scenes. Because of social media trackers. What are social media trackers? Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn place trackers on other websites so they can follow what you do and see online. If you didn’t choose to share your web activity with your friends, you shouldn’t have to share it with social media companies, either. What can you do? Simply using the Firefox browser is a great place to start. Contain Facebook

Introducing Crello Animation Maker Crello is an innovative design tool from Depositphotos that’s simple to pick up and use, and outputs high-quality results. In an increasingly saturated design tool market, it could be the best tool you’ve never tried. Now, after the popularity of Crello, Depositphotos are releasing Crello Animation Maker. A brand new set of features that enable anyone to convert design assets into engaging animation for the web, in just a few clicks. Introducing Crello Animation Maker Crello Animation Maker is designed to enable anyone to quickly and easily convert Crello designs into animated assets for use on social media, or in adverts. It’s an incredible tool for marketing teams, who can take existing designs and create new campaigns in minutes, without having to pull the design team away from other tasks. Create animated posts for social media. With Animation Maker you can easily add animated emojis, icons; combine video backgrounds with photos; even add illustrations to designs. Crello Assets

Quiz your English English learning apps Exam Lift Practise your English and develop the skills you need for your A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools exams. Filled with a range of fun skills-based activities and exam practice, Exam Lift is a flexible way to improve your English on the go. Exam level: A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for SchoolsCEFR: A2, B1 and B2Skills practised: reading, writing, listening and speakingAvailable on Android and iOS.Play Exam Lift Cambridge English social media $10 Off Rev Coupon - Rev Glad you found us! To get your $10 coupon, please fill out the short form below. Your discount will be automatically applied at checkout when you place your first order. We offer fast, quality, on-demand services for audio transcription, subtitles and closed captions. Pricing: $1 per minuteTurnaround: 24 hoursAccuracy: 99%Customers: More than 100,000Transcriptionists: 20,000 based in the U.S. Have questions? We look forward to getting to work on your first file!

5 Great Examples of Successful Amazon Affiliate Websites (2018 Edition) Niche: Fun gifts and viral items Born on Reddit, This is Why I’m Broke is the epitome of what good branding and marketing can do for a niche site. This is Why I’m Broke came from the Fry from Futurama meme, “Shut up and take my money” and it’s subreddit. This is Why I’m Broke pretty much curated the products posted there into a separate site and then started finding their own products to add. Eventually, people were posting links from This is Why I’m Broke to that and other subreddits, which gave them enormous amounts of traffic. Coupled with a good domain name, This is Why I’m Broke became synonymous with interesting and odd items that people buy, but don’t necessarily have a lot of use for. The clever name and interesting curation of products gave them the ability to build a sustainable site without relying completely on Reddit. This is Why I’m Broke uses affiliate links for monetization and no advertisements. Here are some monetization tactics they use:​

Что такое Quizlet и как его можно использовать? Любой может использовать Quizlet, чтобы изучать контент, созданный другими пользователями, или создавать свои учебные модули. Вы также можете делиться модулями с друзьями, одноклассниками или своими учениками. Приступая к работе в Quizlet Лучший способ приступить к работе в Quizlet – это выполнить поиск по учебным модулям, созданным другими пользователями. Ученики и учителя постоянно создают новые модули, поэтому вы наверняка найдете модули на интересующую вас тему. Чтобы выполнить поиск, выберите значок увеличительного стекла в верхней части любой страницы Quizlet. Вы увидите первые четыре термина каждого модуля на странице результатов поиска. Создание своего контента Если вы изучаете что-то очень специфическое или хотите поделиться своим контентом с группой одноклассников или учеников, возможно, вам лучше создать свои модули, чем заниматься с модулями, созданными другими пользователями. Quizlet для учителей Получение дополнительных функций Используйте Quizlet, где бы вы ни находились

- Freelance Services Marketplace for Businesses Don't worry - you're one click away from continuing your normal visit. We're dedicated to keeping Fiverr safe from malicious visitors. Something in your behaviour has triggered our protection systems - We apologise for any inconvenience this process may have caused. Ad blocking or ad filtering software may interfere with our ability to identify you as human. Please exclude Modifying your headers or user agent may trigger some of our detection tools. You may be asked to provide the following details: The Best Rain Jackets for Men of 2018 | OutdoorGearLab Updated May 2018 After considering dozens of new products for our latest 2018 review, our staff carefully selected three of the top new models, each offering a notable benefit or excellent all-around performance. We continued to take the products we included previously in our review to see how these new contenders fared directly against them. We brought these jackets on soggy trips to the Washington Coast and the West Coast of Vancouver Island and tested them while ice climbing in Banff National Park; we also ski toured and trekked hundreds of miles of trail in the Sierra and Cascades. Best Overall Model Arc'teryx Beta SL $299 USD List List Price See It Weight: 11 ounces | Pockets: Two elevated pack-friendly hand pockets Best mobility and range of motion in the review Thoughtful hood design Lightest Gore-Tex model we tested Long-lasting DWR No ventilation options Expensive for a Gore-Tex Paclite model Read review: Arc'teryx Beta SL Best Bang for the Buck Marmot PreCip $100 USD List Rollaway hood Value

Surprisingly Simple Techniques for Challenging Behaviour - Kathy Brodie Early Years Training I often get asked about children’s behaviour. It is a massive topic, with many facets. However, I would always start from the perspective that all behaviour, good or unacceptable, is a form of communication. It is how we, as practitioners and adults, respond to that communication that makes all the difference. The Webster Stratton method is a well known and widely used behaviour management strategy. When working with parents, there is a focus each week on one element, and the strategies are then constructed from this information. The heart of play and behaviour is that the play is child led and that children are allowed to play ‘freely’. Having a supportive and encouraging emotional environment is important, because children can then feel confident to express their feelings in an acceptable manner, rather than having to resort to undesirable behaviour to demonstrate their feelings or frustration. First of all ‘damage and repair’. Finally, do look after yourself. P.S.
