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7 Books That Will Change How You See The World

If you’re a human and you have a brain, then you probably like using your brain. And if you like using your brain, then you love having those epiphany moments where your hair blows back and you go “Whoa” like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix when he learns Kung Fu from a USB drive in his neck. I know it’s not what the cool kids like to do, but I like to read non-fiction. Lots of non-fiction. And my favorite moments reading non-fiction are when a book bitchslaps my brain and reconfigures my entire understanding of reality and my place within it. I love that. I get a lot of emails asking me for book recommendations. So instead of divulging what my favorite books are, I’ll leave you with something better: seven of the most mind-fucking, reality-reshaping, Keanu Reeves “Whoa” inspiring books that I’ve ever read. In no particular order… 3 Ideas That Could Change Your Life To learn about three ideas that could change how you see the world, put your email in below. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

8 Most Influential Books Under 100 Pages - WhytoRead Books These books are not only a quick read, they are worth a read because of the quality and their impact. Regardless of how many pages they have, these books have managed to be highly influential since their publication. If you don’t have too much time to commit, here are some of the greatest books ever written which under a 100 pages (or so) long. 8 Most Influential Books Under 100 Pages 1. The Metamorphosis is not only one of the best books under 100 pages, it’s one of the best books ever written. A man wakes up one day to find he has been changed into a large insect. 2. (Featured in 7 Books That Will Change Your Outlook On Life) The narrator is a downed pilot in the Sahara Desert, frantically trying to repair his wrecked plane. 3. Utopia is a work of fiction and political philosophy. 4. The Prince is filled with stand-out quotes such as: “Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.” This book does describe most (not all) power situations very well. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The United Nations Exposed: Who Is In Control? We are told that the United Nations (UN) is an international organization that aims to facilitate co-operation through social progress, economic development, international security and international law. They promote themselves, and are outwardly promoted as a reputable body that deals with peace, security, development, human rights and humanitarian affairs. With this being the case it’s no surprise to see the UN at the forefront of all international conflict and instability, since these exact events give them the ideal atmosphere to promote themselves as bringers of all that I previously mentioned. By promoting themselves, I am referring to the UN’s use of mainstream media networks, like CNN. There is no need for me to point out the JP Morgan (major institutional holder of Time Warner)/ Rockefeller connections, which also played a big role in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1912. League of Nations/Treaty of Versailles I’m talking about Paul M. Sources: Great news!

The 13 Best Psychology and Philosophy Books of 2013 by Maria Popova How to think like Sherlock Holmes, make better mistakes, master the pace of productivity, find fulfilling work, stay sane, and more. After the best biographies, memoirs, and history books of 2013, the season’s subjective selection of best-of reading lists continue with the most stimulating psychology and philosophy books published this year. (Catch up on the 2012 roundup here and 2011’s here.) “How we spend our days,” Annie Dillard wrote in her timelessly beautiful meditation on presence over productivity, “is, of course, how we spend our lives.” And nowhere do we fail at the art of presence most miserably and most tragically than in urban life — in the city, high on the cult of productivity, where we float past each other, past the buildings and trees and the little boy in the purple pants, past life itself, cut off from the breathing of the world by iPhone earbuds and solipsism. Right now, you are missing the vast majority of what is happening around you.

Water Wigs on Behance We just finished shooting a new project we call Water Wigs. The concept is simple and it is another visual exploration of something new and totally different. We found a bunch of awesome bald men and hurled water balloons at their heads, to capture the explosion of water at various intervals. The result a new head of of water hair! We chose to work with triads of colors to create images that are arresting and amusing at the same time. Our favorites are "The Don King," "The Conquistador," "The Jesus" and "The Friar." Johnny Lists — 10 Non-Fiction Books to Blow Your Mind 1. How to Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff – A mind opening look at how statistics can be manipulated to dazzle and deceive you. 2. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks – Take a look at neurological diseases and how one man could mistake his wife for a hat and not even realize it. 3. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston – Learn about a rare and lethal disease that can start in Africa one afternoon and land in Washington DC the next. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

CookThing - How to Cook Anything 15 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Life - WhytoRead Books There are some books that are so good, that as soon as you’re done reading them, you can’t wait to recommend it to someone and continually ask them about it until they’ve read it. You want everyone to read this book, its that good. The books on this list are the most highly recommended books and everyone thinks you should read them all, at least once in your life. 15 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Life 1. My Side of the Mountain – Jean Craighead George This book is an absolute must read, and follows a boy who essentially runs away from home to live in the Catskill mountains, where he absolutely thrives. 2. (Featured in 8 Books That Will Have A Profound Impact On Your Personality) The plot is deceptively simple. Once he feels that he understands humanity, he undertakes to educate humans in the philosophy of “Thou art God” in such a way that the truth of that statement is a provable tautology. 3. 4. (Featured in 9 Thought Provoking Books Everyone Should Read) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

InfinityList – The Cinematic Action Sports Experience amazon The Trial by Franz Kafka Translated by David Wyllie Translation Copyright © 2003 by David Wyllie Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - Then Miss Bürstner Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K., he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning, he was arrested. 10 Books You Should Read To Get Rich The journey to get rich requires certain tools. Although many seem to ignore this, books can help you build your mind, zeal and knowledge to become successful and rich. Therefore I have taken the effort to look through some amazing books that can do a lot to get your financial journey oriented in the right direction. 1. This classic which was first published in 1996 and written by Thomas J. 2. Robert T. 3. Steve Siebold author of “How Rich People Think” has spent 30 years interviewing 1, 000 millionaires and billionaires to figure out what distinguished them from the average person. 4. Written in an era of Great Depression, author and former adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt interviewed over 500 successful people to discover the keys to good fortune. 5. Directed towards the middle class earners who are making entry level pay, author Farnoosh Torabi talks about how you can save money in certain areas of your life. 6. Written by George S. 7. 8. 9. 10. Set a goal for yourself

21 Works Of Fiction By Indian Authors That Everyone Should Read Indian authors have contributed numerous priceless gems in the treasure chest of excellent fictional literature from around the world. A lot of them have won numerous awards for their efforts as well. Here are a few works of fiction by Indian authors that definitely need to be in your Must-Read list. How many of these have you read? 1. Adapted into a Bollywood film starring Dev Anand, The Guide is a 1958 novel written by R. Source 2. The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian is the 1951 autobiography of Nirad C. Source 3. Untouchable is a novel by Mulk Raj Anand published in 1935. Source 4. Train To Pakistan is a historical novel by Khushwant Singh, published in 1956. Source 5. Heat and Dust is a novel by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala which won the Booker Prize in 1975. Source 6. Fasting, Feasting is a novel by Anita Desai. Source 7. Midnight's Children is a 1980 book by Salman Rushdie that deals with India's transition from British colonialism to independence and the partition of British India. Source

35 Powerful Books for a More Productive and Organized Life Possessing productivity and organization skills will give you an advantage in living a life of fulfillment and extraordinary achievements. These skills can also help reduce stress and overwhelm by arming you with the knowledge to choose the most effective thoughts and actions to get the results you want, instead of just doing things that keep you busy without actually accomplishing anything worthwhile. So how do you begin acquiring these skills? Read, of course! But with the massive selections of books on these topics available today, choosing the right guide for you may seem overwhelming. Don’t fret! 1. Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford, explains that all of us possess one of two mindsets: fixed vs. growth. In the world of fixed traits, success is about validating yourself by proving you’re smart or talented. 2. This is a quick read. 3. If you are like me and have the tendency to feel guilty over letting objects go, Marie Kondo will show you how to free yourself from that.

Ten Controversial Books about the Middle Ages Hundreds of books about the Middle Ages are published each year. Many offer new and interesting insights into the period, and are generally well-received. However, there are also books that can cause a stir among medievalists. Here are ten books that for a variety of reasons caused controversy: Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century By Norman Cantor (William Morrow and Company, 1991) Norman Cantor is best known for his 1963 book Civilization of the Middle Ages, which has been republished many times and is probably on the shelves of most medieval scholars. The people talked about in the book included J.R.R. As one scholar put it on a history message forum: “Cantor has been accused of character assassination, destructive innuendo, and just plain error. You can find reviews of Inventing the Middle Ages here, here and here. The Swerve: How the World Became Modern By Stephen Greenblatt (W. By Gavin Menzies (Bantam Press, 2002)
