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12 Free Online Quiz Makers to Create Online Quizzes

12 Free Online Quiz Makers to Create Online Quizzes

QuizBean | Quickly Create Online Quizzes For Free Google Form(ative Assesments) | Classroom Techknowledgey For some reason, I haven’t embraced online quizzes. Maybe it’s because I’m lazy. Maybe it’s because I have a harder time keeping track of digital things than paper things. I’m pretty new to the topic of formative assessment. So, what does it have to do with Google Forms? Since I’m new to online quizzes, are there other programs/websites that you use that I should try? No related posts. Online Test Maker - QuizEgg

EvalQCM, générateur de QCM à correction automatique Online Testing Free Quiz Maker Create the Best web-based quizzes ClassMarker Create Great-Looking Interactive Quizzes (in minutes) - embed in any website / blog! Easy Assessment App Posted on December 18, 2011 by mrrobbo As you will all be aware I have a major interest, some might say obsession with mobile applications. However one thing that has been lacking is an app that could replace/improve the assessment process that I currently use with my students. In order for an app to be a viable replacement, It would need to not only replicate what is possible using more traditional methods, but it should make the once impossible, possible and it should do it in a simple straight forward manner. Well that was my intention behind the development of the Easy Assessment app, which I am happy to say was released on the iTunes store over the weekend. Not only does it allow for easy development of rubrics for assessment, but it makes use of the camera so that teachers can capture learning and make their subsequent assessments. Download Easy Assessment from the iTunes Store Filed under: apps

Charles Kelly's Quiz Generator / Quiz Maker / Quiz Creator / Quiz Builder / Quiz Writer / Quiz Producer What does this page do? From this page you can generate a quiz that can be printed to paper or put online in various formats. How do I generate a quiz? For best results, read all of the steps below before trying to generate a quiz. Step 1: Type the quiz data in your word processor or text editor. Read the the "about" page to find out how to format the data. Step 2: Put your data in the box below. - - NOTE There should be NO RETURNS before the first line of data. NOTE There should be one and only one RETURN after the last line. Step 3: Choose the kind of quiz you want to generate. Use the quiz in your classroom. Step 4: Click the button to generate the quiz. Step 5: Save or print the resulting web page. If you generated the "For printing to paper" quiz, you have 2 options. Step 6: Contribute the quiz to Paste the same data that you put in the above box into the web form, then click the "submit" button. Reminder Save your original data file. Copyright (C) 2003 by Charles Kelly

Applications et tutoriels pour créer des exercices interactifs La création d'exercices en ligne constitue l'une des tâches récurrentes de la formation à distance, et permet également des activités complémentaires aux cours en présence. Il existe de nombreuses applications pour créer des exercices interactifs en ligne. La plupart d'entre elles souffre d'un défaut majeur : la complexité de leurs tutoriels. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous quelques ressources qui vous aideront à préparer vos premiers exercices avec trois applications qui figurent parmi les plus connues : Hot Potatoes, Netquiz et JClic. Hot Potatoes Cette application figure parmi les plus anciennes de celles qui permettent de créer des exercices interactifs. Téléchargement : Site officiel de Hot Potatoes Tutoriels : Tutoriel de Hot Potatoes 6, sur Le guide Hot Potatoes 6 de Framasoft. Tuto Hot Potatoes, en vidéo. Netquiz Pro Netquiz Pro, créé par une équipe du CCDMD, est une application de création d'exercices plus complète, car plus récente, que Hot Potatoes. Téléchargement :

blubbr - Play & create video trivia games Students Reflect on Their Own Learning We are always talking about the ideal education should be a learner-centered setting. Learners can be in charge of their learning with options to different paths and paces. Learners will participate in the designing of their learning processes. Jenny Luca (her blog Lucacept – Intercepting the Web ) is a Teacher-Librarian from Melbourne, she is passionate about exploring the potential of new technologies in educational settings. Positive digital footprints Communicating with digital tools (set up categories, add widgets, use the HTML editor to embed code) Transparency for parents and family New ways of thinking about Web tools (two-way conversation is eye opening) Effective digital citizenship (how to conduct yourself in digital spaces in the context of the curriculum) Their world view is changing as a result of posting in public spaces Peter Pappas also gave examples of “ Students Bloggers Reflect on Learning ” as below, please read students’ reflection through the link.

AZquiz, logiciel gratuit de gestion de quizzes en direct en classe Télécharger AZquiz.exe, Exécuter dans votre navigateur, Vidéos de démonstration Evaluez vos élèves en classe en quelques clics: Connectez-vous dans l'application (inscrivez-vous pour créer un compte gratuit lors de la 1ère utilisation) Sélectionnez un quiz (quiz personnel enregistré dans votre compte en ou quiz public intégré à l'application) Ouvrez une classe virtuelle (vos élèves rejoignent cette classe avec leur nom et son numéro unique, sans inscription) Suivez en direct les réponses de vos élèves (réalisant le quiz via leur smartphone, une tablette, un ordinateur) Récupérez les notes en un clic (par email, dans un fichier csv ou txt, dans le presse-papier) Caractéristiques principales: Pourquoi utiliser AZquiz?

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