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Camping Wind Turbine

Camping Wind Turbine
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Build a Solar Charger For iPhones In 30 Minutes Images via Joshua Zimmerman of BrownDogGadgets Earlier this year, Joshua Zimmerman brought us the super easy DIY solar charger made from an Altoids tin. We loved the project, however, he noted that "Apple doesn't let its products play nice with generic USB chargers." The parts include: Charging Circuit2x AA Battery Holder2x Rechargeable Batteries1N914 Blocking DiodeSolar Cell greater than 4VStranded WireTapeAnd of course, the trusty Altoids Tin that is the mark of all things small, gadgety and DIY. You can get an entire kit of all these parts at BrownDogGadgets, Joshua's website. The steps are straightforward. After the charging circuit comes the batteries. "We need to use rechargeable batteries for this project. And of course, we need the solar panel component. Joshua's Instrucable gives the detailed step-by-step, but the short of it is first stripping the ends of your wires, and wrapping them around and soldering them to your solar cell: And Voila!

Pringles Wind Turbine (Pleech) - Version One AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords. Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. LiveRamp We use LiveRamp to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by LiveRamp. UpSellIt We use UpSellIt to help create a more streamlined shopping cart experience. Doubleclick We use Doubleclick to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Doubleclick. RocketFuel We use RocketFuel to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by RocketFuel. Twitter We use Twitter to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Twitter. Facebook We use Facebook to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Facebook. Sprinklr We use Sprinklr to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Sprinklr. Dstllery Marin LinkedIn Demandbase Yandex AdForm Baidu

$3 Emergency Solar-Powered Radio Made With an Altoids Tin Joshua Zimmerman has a great project up on Instructables for turning an Altoids tin into a compact solar radio. All said, the entire project cost a whole $3. It seems like a project coming at a time when everyone is ultra aware of emergency situations, so it is both a fun and practical weekend tinkering project. It even comes complete with plug-in headphones. And he's right. With a project time of just under an hour, it's ideal for testing out your DIY skills on a weekend. Joshua lists parts and tools as:an FM Radio, two Solar Garden Lights, 1 Diode ($1 for 100 of them online, or take one out of any random junk pile), and a few basic tools like a soldering iron, drill, some wire and wire strippers, a headset or the speakers from a set of earbuds, and of course, the Altoids tin. The full instructions are on Instructables, so you can get the details for putting this together yourself -- the steps don't look daunting, and it's a great learning project.

Cardboard Savonius Wind Turbine Goal: build a Savonius wind turbine made out of cardboard to see whatworks. This is for the turbine only and not the generator itself. The main photo you see is the goal. The need for a working model grew out of frustration trying tojury-rig various designs of a Savonius turbine that in the end wouldnot turn at all in the wind. Some Initial Botched Designs Shown below are several botched designs. The second design is all cardboard and looked really sharp. it didn't budge an inch in a very strong wind. In the third one I added parts of the dryer vent tube to the cardboard mill and that worked a little bit but there was resistance on the back side coming into the wind. At this point, I decided that I had to go back to the drawing board with a simple model to see what had a chance of working.

Make A Cheap & Easy Solar USB Charger With An Altoids Tin Photos by Joshua Zimmerman The craftster behind the very popular $3 solar-powered emergency radio is back with a new awesome project: a cheap solar battery charger with a USB plug. Zimmerman wrote, saying that he saw a lot of small solar powered chargers being talked about over Earth Day, but there was a big problem: "They're all quite nice, but also quite expensive. I don't think I've seen any for less than $60, and I've not seen one that really suits my style." So, he came up with his own, using one of our favorite reusable items -- the ever wonderful Altoids tin. In looking for the cheapest way to accomplish the task, Zimmerman found that he could build a USB solar charger for under $30 (or $10 if be buys parts in bulk, though it's not likely you'll be buying bulk solar cells and DC-to-USB converter circuits). Zimmerman states, "The central brain of our project is a DC to USB converter circuit.

Maquette d'une éolienne / Construire une éolienne - Fabriquer une eolienne à axe vertical Page1 (précédente) | Page2 Maintenant je peux donc couper et coller les tuteurs en bois de manière à solidifier les pales et à les positionner correctement. J'ai donc collé deux tuteurs (préalablement coupés) aux deux extrémités des pales ( je les ai laissés dépasser de deux centimètres sur un côté, de manière à pouvoir fixer l'extrémité la plus longue sur la croix centrale). J'ai donc par la suite relié toutes les extrémités aux deux croix centrales: une en haut, une en bas et ainsi fixé les quatre pales ensemble. Enfin, j'ai récupéré un petit moteur électrique d'un jouet d'enfant : il me servira de génératrice. Des engrenages se trouvent dans le compartiment noir de manière à démultiplier les tours (comme une chaîne de vélo avec les plateaux). Comme vous avez pu le constater, je n'ai pas fait l'ossature bois sur la maquette. Page1(précédente) | Page2

Electronic Mail Services Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise. Make sure you leave a little of the red tip intact for effect. Make the aircraft by glueing the sliver of wood - the wing - across the remaining part of the matchstick - the fuselage. Catch a bunch of flies. Meanwhile, put a tiny drop of rubber cement at each place along the wing where you want an engine. Take the flies out of the freezer. Breathe life into the flies. Launch the aircraft.

Dossier Technique DIGESTEUR ANAEROBIE. Méthanisation biomasse Application professionnel De 0 à 150 kg/jour M E T H A T E C Green Performance par SCTD AUTOCONSOMMATION By Green Performance par SCTD L AUTOCONSOMMATION Solaire Photovoltaïque Éolien Panneaux 4 en 1 Méthanisation biomasse +33 (0) E.U.R.L. Green Performance LMNT Siège social Plus en détail BROYEURS A USAGE PROFESSIONNEL Ecoles Hôpitaux Cafétérias Restaurants Distributeur exclusif ITD Sarl - 2, place de l église- 60950 ERMENONVILLE BROYEURS COMMERCIAUX Broyeur WK 1000 Broyeur WK 1500 Broyeur Plus en détail Fiche technique Fluide caloporteur Fiche technique Fluide caloporteur Autorisation: 01/06/2009 Contrôle et autorisation : NL Date de révision : 08/09/2010 Page 1 Fiche technique Fluide caloporteur Autorisation: 01/06/2009 Contrôle et autorisation Plus en détail PLANCHA CHARIOTS ET ACCESSOIRES 2012 ECL 6, Avenue Marcel Dassault - 64140 PAU LONS RSC PAU 39884807700051 - Siret 398 848 077 00010 N Intracommunautaire : FR 64 398 848 077 - APE 4643Z SA au Capital de Plus en détail Plus en détail ré-invente machine à projeter Plus en détail

Pokeball, Go! I have a gift for all of you Pokemon lovers (or parents of Pokemon lovers out there) in Cyberspace.But first, a little back story: My two oldest children are ever-so-slightly obsessed with Pokemon. They are also obsessed with throwing things at each other while yelling "Charizard, use Flamethrower!", or "Thunderbolt, Pikachu!" Needless to say, I got sick of the younger one screeching about being hit in the forehead with a plastic Pokeball so I decided to make a slightly softer version. Below, after the little story (made with my oldest son's help as well as a loan of some of his toys), you'll find a super-easy pattern for making your own Pokeball! It was early in the morning, and Ash and Pikachu were preparing to enter the Safari Zone, when suddenly the spotted a Chansey! Ash sent Pikachu out to prepare to battle in the hopes that he could weaken Chansey enough to catch him with his Pokeball. "Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" Phew! Crocheted Pokeball Pattern Materials: G hook Scissors Yarn needle

Un méthaniseur domestique pour transformer ses déchets en électricité La problématique de la valorisation des déchets est au cœur de la transition écologique. En France, une personne jette, en moyenne, plus de 390 kg de déchets par an à la poubelle, des rebuts qui prennent la direction de décharges ou d'incinérateurs. Sur cette masse, 152 kg sont d'origine organique (épluchures, restes alimentaires, huiles de friture, herbe, carton), une manne potentielle. Techniquement, l'unité se présente sous la forme de deux gros cylindres en plastique renforcé qui contiennent d'un côté le digesteur à déchets (muni d'un entonnoir, d'un broyeur et d'une vanne de vidange), et de l'autre le réservoir de méthane (qui dispose d'une soupape de sécurité supression et d'un départ avec vanne d'alimentation vers le groupe électrogène).
