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Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing

The purpose of this module is to help students, as well as professionals, identify and prevent questionable practices and to develop an awareness of ethical writing. This guide was written by Miguel Roig, PhD, from St. Johns University with funding from ORI. This module was originally created in 2003 and revised in 2006 and 2015. * Note: Self-plagiarism is NOT considered research misconduct in accordance to 42 CFR 93. This module is intended for educational purposes only. Disclaimer

Homemade Drain Cleaner – Green and Non-Toxic You can make your own drain cleaner using ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, with no worries about the toxic and even fatal chemicals found in drain cleaners. You just need vinegar, baking soda, and citrus fruit peels. Drain cleaners are one of the most toxic chemicals there are, in fact, they are on the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Hall of Shame because they can cause blindness, burns, and be fatal if swallowed. I got rid of our drain cleaner about a year ago so the children could never get a hold of it – way too risky for me. I used to work in Internal Communications for a large company and a lady in our office nearly died after accidentally drinking Drano that a janitor had left at the soda machine. Garbage Disposal and Drain Cleaning – Baking Soda and Vinegar A few weeks ago, I cooked a yummy dinner with fresh shrimp, and loaded up the garbage disposal with stinky shrimp shells. Also Works With Front Loading Washers Also Works for Clogged Pipes

Citing Yourself If you cite or quote your previous work, treat yourself as the author and your own previous course work as an unpublished paper, as shown in the APA publication manual. For example, if Marie Briggs wanted to cite a paper she wrote at Walden in 2012, her in-text citation might look like this: Briggs (2012) asserted that previous literature on the psychology of tightrope walkers was faulty in that it "presumed that risk-taking behaviors align neatly with certain personality traits or disorders" (p. 4). And in the reference list: Briggs, M. (2012). manuscript, Walden University. If your original work contained citations from other sources, you will need to include those same citations in the new work as well, per APA. According to Briggs (2012), recent psychologists such as "Presley and Johnson (2009) too quickly attributed risk-taking to genetic factors, ignoring the social family issues that often influence the decision to explore pursuits such as tightrope walking" (p. 5).

Son of Citation Machine Plagiarism and Authorship Disputes | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity Consider the following scenario. Two researchers who have collaborated on various projects in the past have jointly published a number of papers. Three quarters into the writing of the manuscript from their most recent joint project, the researchers experience a profound difference of opinion regarding the direction of the current project and the incident leads to the eventual break-up of their research collaboration. Soon after, one of the researchers moves to another institution in another country and begins to pursue a different line of research. A year later, the remaining researcher decides to finish writing the remaining quarter of the manuscript and submits it for publication with his name as sole author. Before attempting to answer this question, let’s consider another scenario. In the above scenarios, it should be clear that the intellectual property of one individual has been misappropriated.

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For APA Formatting and Style Guide Note: This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style can be found here. Reference citations in text are covered on pages 261-268 of the Publication Manual. What follows are some general guidelines for referring to the works of others in your essay. Note: On pages 117-118, the Publication Manual suggests that authors of research papers should use the past tense or present perfect tense for signal phrases that occur in the literature review and procedure descriptions (for example, Jones (1998) found or Jones (1998) has found...). When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. If you are referring to an idea from another work but NOT directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not the page number in your in-text reference.

Frequently Asked Questions What is group registration of unpublished works? What does “GRAM” stand for? How do I register musical works (with or without lyrics) with the same application? How do I register sound recordings with the same application? Can I register a work that was previously published as a single before it was published on the album? How do I register photographs, artwork, or liner notes with the same application? What’s the difference between a “musical work” and a “sound recording”? Can I register a musical work (with or without lyrics) and sound recordings with the same group registration application? Can I register musical works (with or without lyrics), photographs, artwork, and liner notes with the same application? Where can I learn about this group registration option? When did this change go into effect? When was this change announced? Do I need to submit my claim through the electronic registration system? Where do I find information about the online registration system? What is a collective work?

Copyright Infringement, Fair Use, and Plagiarism | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity The use of relatively short direct quotes from a published work does not usually require permission from the copyright holder as it typically falls under the “fair use” provision. However, extensive quoting of text from a copyrighted source can constitute copyright infringement, whether the appropriated text is properly enclosed in quotation marks or correctly paraphrased, even if a citation is provided according to established scholarly conventions. Obviously, the same applies if the material is plagiarized outright. Iverson, et al., (2007) cautions the reader that the amount of text that can be taken from a copyrighted source without permission depends on its proportion to the entire work.

Broccoli Sprouts Have 50 Times the Anti-Cancer Properties of Broccoli Sprouting seeds of various plant foods has demonstrated increased health benefits with increased nutrient capacity contained in less bulk with higher digestive absorption. In some cases, it’s been observed to transform the regular food substance of a plant and remove its negative qualities. Broccoli sprouts in particular make regular broccoli’s health benefits seem miniscule; sprouts offer nearly 1000% more nutrition than their full-grown conterparts. Numerous studies have established broccoli as an anti-cancer vegetable. A Broccoli Sprout War Few Know About The researchers isolated the cancer fighting phytochemical sulforaphane. Well, the boys at John Hopkins decided they should patent their discovery after isolating sulforaphane. Eventually, a Maryland high court ruled in favor of the defendants, stating that finding nutrients did not create the right to patent a food practice that had already been in existence. Avoid Broccoli Sprout Contamination by Sprouting Your Own WHFoods

Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator What Is Fair Use? - Copyright Overview by Rich Stim - Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. In other words, fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. If your use qualifies as a fair use, then it would not be considered an infringement. So what is a “transformative” use? Most fair use analysis falls into two categories: (1) commentary and criticism, or (2) parody. Commentary and Criticism If you are commenting upon or critiquing a copyrighted work—for instance, writing a book review—fair use principles allow you to reproduce some of the work to achieve your purposes. The underlying rationale of this rule is that the public reaps benefits from your review, which is enhanced by including some of the copyrighted material. Parody

Herbs for effective blood pressure management (NaturalNews) One in three adults in the United States today has high blood pressure, medically referred to as hypertension. However, lots of people are not even aware they have this condition, simply because it has no warning signs and symptoms. It is typically caused by improper diet, smoking and alcohol abuse. When high blood pressure occurs along with increased levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, it could cause severe damage to the vital organs of the body. Nevertheless, this is now easy to detect and manage clinically and naturally. Studies have indicated that smoking a cigarette can elevate one's blood pressure for half an hour. Conventional medicines for hypertension Like other medicines today, medications used to manage hypertension may have certain side effects that need to be carefully monitored or treated as well when they occur. Natural remedies for hypertension These treatments work efficiently as conventional medications. Herbs for hypertension Other benefits of herbs

DIY 3D scanner Cool. Splinescan used to have something like that as well, sans flash. I'm not sure about the technical details, but ?javascript? He may be open to approaches from people who are up for coding it or who want to play around in the splinescan source to see how things work, dunno. Once he hits a major release, I expect he may open up to co-developers who can add sexy/important features like David-scan has. I reallly want to install things like the flash thing, only without the server imploading. I'm lining up a test server to install a virgin mediawiki and phorum install on in order to test out stuff like this without rolling out unknown code on a primary server. I think it will be nice to support patch fuctionality, so that users can upload 'patches' to Darwin, Mendel, post-Mendel (Eiffel?) Patches would be clearly and politely labeled as such, and we'd manually check them into the master release after user/dev testing.

10 Ways to Become More Conscious By Steve Pavlina, BodyMindSoulSpirit, Guest What does it mean to become more conscious? It is the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind. The challenge is that it takes consciousness to grow consciousness. So here are 10 ways to raise your consciousness: 1. Truth raises your consciousness. First, accept the truth. Secondly, speak the truth. lies you tell yourself. The more you’re able to accept and speak the truth, the more conscious you become. Yes, there may be consequences when you switch from lies and half-truths to the full truth, but highly conscious people know that crossing that bridge is well worth the effect. 2. Courage raises your consciousness. Courage is the gatekeeper between unconscious growth and conscious growth. A powerful guiding principle to adopt is, “Whatever I fear, I must face.” 3. Compassion raises your consciousness. A great way to become more conscious is to search for signs of unconscious cruelty and disconnection in your life. 4. 5. 6. 7.
