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Make your Own Augmented Reality - with PowerPoint and Aurasma

Make your Own Augmented Reality - with PowerPoint and Aurasma
Related:  Classroom ManagementRealidad aumentadaTechnology for teaching

Teach Your Monster to Read - Phonics and Reading on the App Store Aurasma in the Music Classroom · just a little more Using Aurasma in the Music classroom Since the beginning of this year, Aurasma has been a big hit with my students; it’s easy to set up and it’s way cooler than last year’s QR codes. I’ve been using Aurasma in the Music Classroom to create opportunities for exploring those who write and perform music and to bring those musicians into my classroom in a very futuristic way. It all started when I first saw this bulletin board on Mrs King’s Blog and decided to take a different twist on the idea. I mustache you a question… Do you REALLLLLY know these musicians? Last year, we mastered creating QR codes to bring student work to life, to provide links to websites, and to distribute various files for download, etc. In year two of our 1:1 iPad school, exploring augmented reality (AR) as a creative way to provide enrichment experiences for our students is a challenge that just had to be accepted. More than just a QR code How the children use Aurasma in the music classroom. Kleinspireation Coming soon…

Educational software: Criteria for Evaluation Back to List of papers Educational Software: Criteria for Evaluation H Geissinger Instructional Media & Design P/L Box 16, 47 Frenchmanís Road Randwick NSW Australia 2031 Abstract This paper addresses concerns raised by academics, instructional designers and faculty administration about the teaching/learning software delivered via Information Technologies and used in Australian universities. Introduction Educational software has evolved over the past 40 years from Kellerís Personalized System of Instruction to cognitively-stimulating microworlds and magical interactive multimedia experiences. There are many computer-delivered methods and media. Although both the software and the hardware available to educators have become extremely versatile and sophisticated over the last 40 years, the methods of using these for educational purposes fall into only a few categories. Both the software and the medium through which it is delivered should be evaluated. Software Evaluation Summary

Quickstart for Google VR SDK for Android  |  Google VR  |  Google Developers Use the Google VR SDK to build apps for Daydream and Cardboard. This guide shows you how to set up Android Studio for Google VR development and use the Treasure Hunt sample app. Set up your development environment Hardware requirements: Software requirements: Android Studio version 2.3.3 or higher.Android SDK 7.1.1 'Nougat' (API level 25) or higher.In Android Studio, go to Preferences > Appearance and Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK (includes samples) to review or update installed SDKs.Google VR SDK for Android version 1.80.0 or higher. Open the Google VR SDK project in Android Studio Extract the downloaded Google VR SDK into a convenient location.Open Android Studio and select Open an existing Android Studio project. Prepare your device Build and run the Treasure Hunt sample app Connect your phone to your machine using a USB cable.In Android Studio, select Run > Run... and select the samples-sdk-treasurehunt target. For more details, see the Treasure Hunt sample code walkthrough.

The Top 35 edTech Influencers Education Technology (AKA edTech) is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Check out the following list to see who is leading the pack and changing the edTech game. Enjoy! Wibki and edTech New edTech websites, apps and other innovations are being brought into the market everyday. With all the new ideas and inventions being introduced, it has become extremely difficult for teacher to remember and share the products that they feel are worthwhile. 1) Richard Byrne (@rmbyrne) A former teacher himself, Richard Byrne is also a speaker and writer who is determined to help people innovate the classroom. 2) Vicki Davis (@coolcatteacher) Affectionately referred to as Cool Cat Teacher, Vicki Davis is a full-time teacher, mother and the author of Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time. 3) Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) 4) Lucy Gray (@elemenous) 5) Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1) 6) Zoli Honig (@zolihonig) 7) Jeff Dunn (@Edudemic)

Tango, así funciona la realidad Virtual de Google En plena presentación de Lenovo, se nos ha revelado una Live Demo de Project Tango en funcionamiento. Se trata de una tecnología que nos ayudará en nuestra vida diaria según Google, y que no se centra tan solo en la realidad virtual. Sin embargo, gran parte de esta tecnología sí que se centra en este aspecto. No pierdas detalle, porque vamos a enseñarte de qué es capaz esta tecnología y para qué podemos utilizarla en nuestro día a día. Project Tango, nuestro entorno en Realidad Virtual Project Tango es capaz de hacer varias cosas increíbles. También permite crear entornos en 3d, y exportarlos a la galería de nuestro teléfono para tener los datos que necesitemos. También podremos jugar gracias a Project Tango, añadiendo elementos en 3d a nuestro entorno, como por ejemplo dinosaurios o cualquier otro tipo de animal que la aplicación nos permita. Tecnología para el hogar A parte de todo esto, project Tango es capaz de funcionar en nuestro hogar mediante su propia aplicación.

Creating a Google Apps for Education account SMART amp works with Google Apps for Education to simplify deployment and account management. Teachers and students don’t need to maintain separate user names and passwords, and administrators don’t need to maintain additional credentials. Before users can sign in to SMART amp, administrators need to create a Google Apps for Education account and configure it for use with SMART amp. See Configuring the Google Apps domain. To set up a Google Apps for Education account Go to to start the sign-up process, and enter the relevant information for you and your school or region. For more information on creating an account watch this Tech2Tech training video. Need more help setting up Google Apps?

ROOMLE 3D/AR La aplicación de Roomle para Android le ayuda a crear los mejores diseños de interiores para la casa u oficina. Contamos con un inspirador catálogo de muebles en 3D con innovadoras características en línea que permiten efectuar compras y crear una imagen realista de cómo se verán los muebles en su casa, en tiempo real. Basta con presionar un botón para visualizar los muebles en Realidad Aumentada (RA) dentro de la habitación y comprarlos de inmediato. Se trata de una aplicación para crear y visualizar diseños en 2D, 3D y Realidad Aumentada. CATÁLOGO 3D QUE INSPIRAEl catálogo 3D ofrece una amplia variedad de accesorios y muebles, con una selección cada vez más grande. VISUALIZAR LOS MUEBLESCon tan solo presionar un botón, se puede seleccionar y visualizar muebles en Realidad Aumentada. COMPRAR MUEBLES – EL BOTÓN “COMPRAR AHORA”Seleccione el mueble perfecto y cómprelo de inmediato.

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category 60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category by TeachThought Staff Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought’s favorite), and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom. Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer. Writing Skills

Acerca de Aumentaty Author | Author La solución de autor de Aumentaty es el resultado más claro de que a nuestro equipo lo que de verdad le importa eres tú, y para ello hemos encontrado esta fórmula sencilla y útil para que tu creatividad salga a nuestras marcas sin necesidad de que sepas programar. 1. Imprime una marca Selecciona una de las marcas e imprímela para poder visualizar la escena que vamos a realizar. 3. Apunta la cámara hacia la marca que acabas de imprimir o posiciona la marca delante de la cámara, verás que en la pantalla la marca se colorea de Naranja, eso indica que el software está detectando la marca. 5. Utiliza los controles del panel derecho para modificar la posición, orientación y tamaño del modelo respecto a la marca en tu escena. 7. Exporta la escena a Aumentaty Viewer: ahora que ya tenemos la escena montada, vamos a exportarla para poder visualizarla con el visor de RA Aumentaty Viewer. 2. Aprieta el botón de cámara y selecciona la cámara que quieras usar para crear la escena de realidad aumentada.

Tech Tip: The Benefits of Using Google Forms in Education   « Back Friday, April 7, 2017 by Cyber Acoustics Technology is now part of everyday life in the classroom, and teachers continue to look for ways to leverage tech to make work easier and more effective. From assessments and sign-up sheets to lesson plans and data collection, Google Forms is widely considered the most versatile of all the apps within the Google Apps for Education Suite. Google Forms – Benefits & Uses Edtech blogger and public school educator Cathy Maher highlights the versatile uses of Google Forms in a recent post titled Google Forms, as Easy as 1, 2, 3. Google Forms for Administrators Administrators make a variety of decisions daily. Google Forms for Teachers and Productivity Teachers can use forms for a variety of productivity tasks. Google Forms for Teaching and Learning There are many ways that Google Forms can be used that benefit teaching and learning. Endless Possibilities So what else can you do with Google Forms? Ideas for Teachers Ideas for Students Ideas for Parents

VISUAR REALIDAD Visuar is an Augmented Reality App of general purpose that you can use to show your projects and ideas.With "Visuar Augmented Reality" you can upload your own models and show in 5 minutes.Visuar is a generic visor that you can use for whatever you want, publicity, medicine, education, tourism, architecture, marketing, etc.Besides, with Visuar you can make advertising and marketing campaigns at very low cost.With the augmented reality leader App have: - Your own channel with your corporate image.- You can move, rotate and escalate in all perspectives.- Add video, sounds, animations and video textures to your models.- Change the textures in real time.- Add personal targets in real time.- Take photos and send by social networks and email.- You can center the view int the model and saw the interior. … and it´s only the beginning.You can have your own channel now in for FREE.Would you like to try it right now?
