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The evolution of the web

The evolution of the web

Expressing Technology: A Roundtable With Sir James Dyson | Epicenter  Sir James Dyson at Wired's NYC office. Photo: Dave Mosher/ On Wednesday, Sept. 14, Wired hosted a roundtable with Sir James Dyson at our New York offices. Dyson and his staff began by showing off their new vacuum cleaner (the DC 41) and Dyson Hot, a new fan/space heater, which was being introduced later that day. We asked Sir James questions about every aspect of emerging and commercial technology, ranging from intellectual property and education reform to the overlap between Steve Jobs’ design philosophy and his own. Wired’s interviewers included Steven Levy, John Abell, Jason Tanz, Dave Mosher and Tim Carmody. On becoming the company’s public face and namesake Sir James Dyson: The first Dyson was a 13th century female cattle rustler in Lancashire. Right at the beginning, the retailers wouldn’t take me, because they said, “You’re not a brand name. That’s why I put myself about a bit, as you say. On the relationship between design and technology Dyson: We’re a technology company.

Geek meditation session. The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture, created by Nitrozac and Snaggy, and updated three times a week. We like to feature the people and events that are making today's tech news. We've been making comics on the web since early 1999, and The Joy of Tech just celebrated its 10th anniversary. We're very proud to be featured regularly on places like AllThingsD (from the people who publish The Wall Street Journal), Bloomberg Businessweek, Macworld UK magazine, Folha in Brazil, and others, both on the web and in print. We currently live on Vancouver Island, Canada, where we have a lovely perspective of the silicon valleys to the south.

Alojamiento web Hacker Factor: Gender Guesser The words you use can disclose identifying features. This tool attempts to determine an author's gender based on the words used. Submitted text is evaluated based on two types of writing: formal and informal. Formal writing includes fiction and non-fiction stories, articles, and news reports. About Gender Guesser In 2003, a team of researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Fine, and Anat Rachel Shimoni) developed a method to estimate gender from word usage. A simplified version of this work was implemented as the Gender Genie. This Gender Guesser system is heavily based on the Gender Genie. (Oh yeah, and Gender Guesser is completely implemented in JavaScript. A few quick notes: The system generates a simple estimate (profiling). Future This software is provided as open source, but it is not "free software". Copyright © 2006 Neal Krawetz, Hacker Factor Solutions.

7 outils indispensables de ton PC que tu n'utilises jamais Bon, j'exagère, tu en utilises sûrement au moins un. Et si tu es un bon élève, peut-être plusieurs. Mais pas tous, ou pas régulièrement. Et pourtant... ces quelques outils peuvent te sauver la vie... enfin, au moins ton PC et tes données, c'est déjà pas mal. (n.b. : les exemples cités et les captures d'écran ci-dessous concernent Windows, mais la plupart de ces outils sont aussi disponibles sous Mac et Linux. Programme de sauvegarde Imagines la scène : tu veux allumer ton PC un matin, pour terminer ce super rapport qui t'a demandé des heures de travail, consulter ta collection de photos de soirées que tu accumules depuis des mois, ou finir la partie de ton jeu préféré où tu as enfin atteint le dernier niveau... et là... plus rien, ton PC ne démarre plus, le disque dur est mort. Assez de cette vision d'horreur ? Tu n'avais qu'à utiliser le programme de sauvegarde ! Outils de mise à jour des programmes et pilotes Désinstalleur Fais le ménage ! Vérification des erreurs du disque Défragmenteur

Trois outils pour vous aider à faire du contenu unique sur Internet Tout le monde le sait pour émerger dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche il faut de la pertinence mais aussi de l’unicité. Produire du contenu unique est essentiel et parfois il faut s’aider de quelques outils pour être encore plus différent dans la rédaction de votre article. Voici trois petits outils à mettre en favori et à utiliser selon le besoin. Le premier est un dictionnaire de synonymes proposé par le laboratoire CRISCO de l’Université de Caen. Le second outil est un outil pour calculer le taux de similarité (appelé aussi duplicate content) entre deux textes (votre source par exemple et votre article). Le troisième outil est le plus simple, c’est un calculateur de nombre de mots. Avec ces trois outils vous voilà armé pour écrire du beau contenu unique et original pour vos lecteurs et les moteurs de recherche!

Removing Your Personal Information From Google As our culture continues to move online, personal information about us that previously may have only been seen by our friends and family is increasingly shared in public spaces on the internet. What can you do if you search for your name on Google and find information you’d rather keep private? Or find yourself or home in Google Street View and want it blurred? Read on for instructions on how to get it removed. NOTE: If you want content removed from Google that’s located on a site that you do own, see Removing Pages from Google: A Comprehensive Guide for Content Owners for details. Why Google Generally Won’t Remove Your Personal Information Google’s core product, web search, simply indexes pages on the web and makes them available to searchers. Google makes information available from more than web pages though. Keeping Private Information From Search Engines Ideally, private information about you won’t show up in Google at all. Removing Content That Is Located On A Site You Don’t Own

Keeping your Mac locked down: a Mac OS X security primer: Page 1 Apple's approach to security can be a little bewildering at times. It's a well-trumpeted aspect of the OS, marketed in detail on the website. Mac OS X has integrated smartcard support and Apple has certified the OS under the Common Criteria guidelines; a section of Apple's developer site is devoted to the subject of security. At the same time, Apple didn't offer cryptographically signed software updates until its hand was forced in July 2002. The phrase "security through obscurity" gets tossed around from time to time when discussing Mac OS X. But the truth is that security through obscurity is a flawed idea. Control physical access If someone can get to your computer, the chances of them acquiring your data just skyrocketed. Every Mac shipped since 2000 has the ability to set a password in Open Firmware, the code built into PowerPC-based Macs that controls the startup process. Don't make this your only add-on, though. Lock your screen Consider using ACLs

Import/Export/Copy Lists One of the challenges I'm currently trying to solve is related to the site directory. After my upgrade the site directory is a bit messed up (the upgrade seemed to have merged columns). In an attempt to get the site directory in a state that I can work with I'm looking at several possibilities. Stsadm has the ability out of the box to export and import web sites but it doesn't support doing just lists. I also created a copy command which wraps up the import and export so that both can be done in one step (passing "-deletesource" to the copylist command will make it function like a move command). The code to work with the content deployment API is pretty straightforward. 1. gl-exportlist This command has almost exactly the same parameters as the built in "export" command. Here’s an example of how to export the Documents list from the root site collection: Running the above will create a folder called "docs" in the root c: drive. 2. gl-importlist 3. gl-copylist 4. gl-getlistschemaxml

Books How to dual-boot Linux and Windows Many of us like to run more than one operating system on a single machine. It's a great way of experimenting with how the other half live, testing new distributions and even playing a few Windows-based games. But dual and triple booting has always been considered something of a dark art. This is because it involves the double jeopardy of messing around with your disk partition tables and playing with a pre-installed operating system. The reality is that dual booting needn't be a risk, and installation can be effortless. But before we push off into the world of running Linux alongside Windows, and Linux alongside Linux, there are a couple of important considerations. First, dual-booting still involves a lot of data shuffling, and while we've not seen the process go wrong for years, if your data is valuable, it's not worth the risk. Secondly, with multiple-boot systems, planning is everything. Install Ubuntu 10.04 alongside Windows with these three easy steps 1. 2. 3.

100 Unbelievably Useful Reference Sites You’ve Never Heard Of | Teaching Tips Beyond Google, Wikipedia and other generic reference sites, the Internet boasts a multitude of search engines, dictionaries, reference desks & databases that have organized and archived information for quick and easy searches. In this list, we’ve compiled just 100 of our favorites, for teachers, students, hypochondriacs, procrastinators, bookworms, sports nuts and more. Dictionaries and More When you need a quick definition or want more specialized results that display synonyms, rhyming words and slang, turn to this list that is perfect for students or writers. OneLook: This no-frills online dictionary lets you look up basic definitions, related words, phrases and more. Teacher References Teaching guides like these will help you double-check facts, look for relevant quotes, find different careers in education, and get ideas for lesson plans. Twain Quotations A to Z: Inspire (or confuse) your students by throwing out a Mark Twain quote every once in a while. Librarian References Just for Fun
