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Kevin Rose - blogg

Kevin Rose - blogg

Mac Rumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About Kevin Rose Reigns As The Zen Master Of Silicon Valley Chatter Friday 1 p.m. Heading south on King Street. "This place. I can't believe this place. San Francisco is amazing--ah-MAAAY-zing. Full of all these kids who are gonna make a billion dollars before they turn 35." So begins the taxi driver's monologue as we speed through downtown San Francisco. Kevin Rose--geek TV host turned Internet entrepreneur turned venture capitalist--try not to grimace. "Well, I'm 35," Rose says. Our cabbie, a sixtyish British expat with a close-cropped white beard and a chipper demeanor, responds helpfully, "There's always today." Not very long ago, Kevin Rose was one of those kids trying to make a billion dollars before his 35th birthday. Digg vaulted Rose to a kind of fame that had previously been reserved for actors and rockers, and he embraced the role. For entrepreneurs of his generation--and for people like me who made careers writing about them--Rose was the archetype of a new kind of entrepreneur. It's a good time to be a good picker. "No thanks," Rose says.

Gizmodo Brasil | Malucos por tecnologia The art and science of valuing websites 16 December '12, 02:00pm Follow In an online marketplace like Flippa, we’ve seen buyers and sellers try out the full gamut of approaches for valuing websites — some more creative than others. Once you decide to get your site in shape for a sale, it’s important to value it properly. Over the last six years, we’ve sold more than $100 million worth of sites on Flippa. Today I want to walk you through the more successful valuation methods in use now. Then we’ll look at the different types of buyers in the market, and what that can mean for the final sale price of a site. Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms 10 Views On What To Look For In An Investor Money - most startup founders need it at some point. But when you're raising outside capital, cash can come at a very high price if you're not on the same page as your investors. Where many startup founders go wrong in the fundraising process is focusing more on the offer than on who's making it. Thinking about the cash instead of who's investing it. So We asked 10 entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) to weigh in on what exactly they expect from their investors, and why. 1. While closing a VC-led investment this month, I learned to focus on three key factors when searching for investors: domain, demand and delivery. 2. It's relatively easy to get your hands on money: If you've got an appealing investment, you'll have to beat them off with a stick. 3. I want to know that the investors I work with do what they say they are going to do. 4. I no longer seek the multimillion-dollar Series A round that will lead to a Series B and C. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Firefox 4 Beta 12: Atraso na Liberação Publicado em 21-02-2011 16:23 O último beta do Firefox 4 terá sua liberação necessariamente adiada para corrigir o último dos "blocker bugs". Em uma postagem publicada no na semana passada, foi anunciado que os planos para construir uma décima segunda versão beta do Firefox 4 estavam atrasados, pelo fato dos desenvolvedores terem decidido só liberar a próxima versão beta até que todos os problemas tivessem sido resolvidos. Os problemas existentes seriam uma falha crítica envolvendo o Gmail Chat, e duas falhas relacionadas com o motor do JavaScript. Os atrasos significam o que já era esperado pelo Diretor de Engenharia da Mozilla Corporation, Damon Sicore, que havia se manifestado em janeiro: o Firefox 4 que estava agendado para vir a público neste mês de fevereiro, certamente terá seu lançamento adiado. Saiba Mais: [1] Firefox 4 Beta 12: Destaques do Under-Linux:

8 things your VC won’t tell you Venture capitalists, especially those investing at the early stage, could be described as “relationship capitalists”. You’ll often hear how investors approach their commitments like a marriage, and that they think long and hard about with whom they want to go to bed. Avoid picturing that second part. But the VC mystique can be inexplicable at times. Here are some things they might be thinking (but probably won’t flat-out say) during the courtship process, and how you can prepare, take ownership, and rock the pitch. 1. VCs have countless meetings with entrepreneurs, and review even more pitches remotely. Don’t take it personally if you’re met with a semi-blank stare. 2. Speak simply, and get to the point. Moreover, ensure that the investor does, in fact, understand your business, rather than just thinking so. Of course, the above implies that you know your business and market inside and out. 3. Have a clear handle on your competitive set and address them outright. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
