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For Team Up Requests - Please Read Doll Houses From Cardboard - Bric-O-Brac Dimanche 16 décembre 7 16 /12 /Déc 21:02 ... de la "demi" maison de poupées. Demi, parce que je vais refaire la même, et je vais mettre une charnière entre les deux pour faire une maison qui fera 80 cm par 90 au sol sur 1m 20 de haut, et donc, ouverte, ses dimensions seront de 45 cm par 1m 60. Le bas, sera salon salle à manger au premier étage, le palier (qui est pour l'instant transformé en salle de bain, pas pudiques les barbies!!!!) et les combles, chambre d'enfants. Une vue d'ensemble avec ma pitchoune, (qui depuis hier, ne croit plus au Père Noël. Voila, y a encore du boulot, mais elle peut quand même commencer à jouer, depuis le temps qu'elle l'attend. Dans l'autre moitié, il y aura la cuisine et une pièce au rez de chaussée, une chambre et la salle de bain au premier, et 2 chambres dans les combles, moins profondes aussi, pour rangements. Et ensuite, restera à peindre l'extérieur, mettre des jardinières...bon, d'accord, je m'évade un peu!!!

50 Incredibly Useful Links For Learning & Teaching The English Language - Teaching a new language to non-native speakers may be one of the most challenging educational jobs out there, so ELL teachers can use all of the help they can get! Thankfully, many excellent resources for ELL and ESL exist online, from full-service websites to reference tools and communities, all designed to make the task of educating ELL students just a little bit easier and more effective. We’ve scoured the Internet to share 50 of the best of these resources, and we hope you’ll find lots of valuable content and tools through these incredibly useful links for ELL educators. Websites Resource tools, printables, and other great stuff for ELL educators are all available on these sites. Articles & Advice Check out resource lists, journal articles, and ideas for best practices in ELL on these links. Organizations Take advantage of the great opportunities and resources available from these organizations that benefit ELL teachers. Learning Resources Teaching Resources Reference Communities & Blogs

DIY Cardboard Dolls House If you're new here, you may want to join us on Facebook or Google +. Thanks for visiting! Did you like this? Share it: « Previous Image | Full-Size Image | Main Gallery Page | Next Image » 25 Helpful Websites for Creative Writers Jun 08, 2011 Need help getting your creative juices flowing? These websites for creative writers offer grammar tips, writing prompts, peer critiques and advice on getting published. Read on to learn how you can strengthen your creative writing on the Web. General Writing Writer's Digest - The website for the publication Writer's Digest is a one-stop shop for creative writers. Writing Prompts The Story Starter - This website offers over one trillion randomly generated story starters for creative writers. Writing Mechanics Grammar Girl - Grammar Girl's famous Quick and Dirty Tips (delivered via blog or podcast) will help you keep your creative writing error free. Writing Forums - This bustling writing community has over 28,000 members.

Cardboard Dollhouses (French) - Magicarton Les maisons de poupées… Je vous ai déjà parlé de celles que l’on peut acheter et j’en vois souvent des « faits maison » ^^ lors de mes pérégrinations sur la toile , en carton (ou pas d’ailleurs). Je constate à chaque fois que les « créations » entrainent moult commentaires . Les parents ont l’air de se régaler à les construire, retaper,décorer/ redécorer selon les cas… Et les enfants semblent jouer avec des heures durant… Sans compter cet attrait pour l’effet « miniature »… :-) Certains adultes vont jusqu’à les collectionner ainsi que le mobilier qui va avec. Un peu d’histoire En fait, les maisons « miniatures » existent depuis la nuit des temps (hummm la jolie grotte en carton ^^! C’est bien plus tard que les maisons « vitrines » sont apparues et elles étaient initialement destinées seulement aux adultes, souvent des (riches) femmes collectionneuses qui faisaient fabriquer leur trophée sur commande par un artisan. Crédits : Crédits :

Cardboard Dollhouse: Marie K'rtonne Lundi 17 septembre 2007 1 17 /09 /Sep /2007 15:15 Pour réaliser cette maison de poupée, qui peut aussi servir d'étagère pour ranger les livres par exemple, j'ai utilisé du carton doubles cannelures. Après l'avoir enduite d'un mélange fait maison à base de blanc de meudon, j'ai utilisé de la peinture Violine et pour la finition j'ai passé 3 couches de vitrificateur aquaréthane. Partager l'article ! inShare Par Mariela7 -Communauté : cartonnage, meubles en carton 93

A Cardboard Box House This post is sponsored by Method. This month they’re introducing the first commercial product ever to be made of hand-collected ocean plastic. Watch the fascinating video about it right here. I thought it might be fun to try a recycled box craft this past weekend in honor of Method’s recycling of ocean plastic project. We shop a ton online and we often have boxes and boxes hanging around (with no room left in the small, shared recycling bin for them). Crafts to Make Houses Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Masks and Costumes Crafts for Kids Making & building pretend little houses & buildings is a lot of fun for kids. They can use their imagination and form the most creative little tows & cities right in their playroom. Their own little imaginary world can be right in front of them and they can play pretend for hours. Making Paper Indian Tepees The American Plains Indians lived in tepees, tents made of animal hide stretched over a frame of poles. Making Indian Homes called Long Houses Here is another kind of Indian house that you can make. Make a City or Town from Cardboard Boxes If you save all the empty boxes around your house, you can soon make an entire city. Make a Working Elevator Craft This toy elevator is made using the same principle of the first hand-operated elevator that was built a little over a hundred and fifty years ago. Creating a House in a Box More Great Ideas Below

How To Make A Shoe Box Doll House Today we will show you how to make a really great toy doll house out of shoe boxes and other materials. This little two-story doll house with its gabled roof can be made in less than a half hour by any handy boy or girl. To make it you will need the following materials below. Check Out Our Doll House and Doll House Furniture Making Crafts Section for more of the same types of crafts. How to Make a Shoe Box Doll House Arts and Crafts Project for Kids <<Crafts Materials Needed:>> - shoe boxes - ruler - cardboard - pencil - scissors - glue or paste - paints (optional) - lace paper doilies (optional) - brush (optional…needed only if you paint) - fancy paper (optional…needed only if you want to wallpaper the inside of the house) Step 1 Remove the covers from four shoe boxes of the same size, and throw them away as you will not need them. Glue the second pair of boxes the same way. Step 2 Place the boxes with the open ends towards you, and glue the second pair over the first to make a two-story house. Step 3

Homemade Barbie Box House Kid's love to create and play with cardboard boxes...(or at least mine do!) Shoe boxes, paper boxes, tissue boxes, cereal boxes, we find uses for all of them. Such a fun and open-ended art medium! We recently expanded our "Barbie Land" in the guest bedroom. We recycled some copy paper boxes from daddy's office to make some new "buildings" We added: a Dentist Office, a Nursery/Day Care Center, and a Bathroom to go with our School we built last year. We printed out dental charts, a mini dentist license, and some little posters to decorate our office. Then, "C" wanted a "baby room"to take care of our littlest Barbies so we made a nursery with printed windows, murals, a birth certificate, rugs, and mini hand/footprint plates. The bathroom was fun too, we made a "tile" floor with some of those little scrapbook paper squares. We also brought over my old Barbie Dream House (yes, I AM a child of the 70s) and the girls love it. They also took over one of my bookshelves Happy Playing! Fondly,
