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Craftsmanspace website

Craftsmanspace website

Vectorielle libre graphiques, icônes gratuites, des modèles de site internet gratuit, psd graphique, photoshop brush, font, téléchargement gratuit Gijit. The Go-to app for your next 48 hours. "Sign up in seconds" ... and then what? Today I saw a familiar pattern on a website for an analytics product. The home page pitched the product, and then above the signup form there was a headline: “Sign up in seconds.” I see this all the time on signup forms and it makes me wonder: why did the designer put that there? My best guess is that they were trying to relieve some anxiety the customer might have. Like, “don’t worry, it’ll be over soon!” I’ll bet that the time-to-signup isn’t an important anxiety factor. When I evaluate web products I often feel uncertain about what will happen after the quick signup. I had an idea to address this uncertainty. Check out this sketch. I haven’t tested this approach on any sites.

Ozone Lite, Clean Air Lighting Recent studies have shown that no home is immune to indoor air quality problems. New homes tend to have higher concentrations of chemicals. Older homes are breeding grounds for mold and mildew. And all homes, no matter how clean they appear, are contaminated with airborne bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold. According to the EPA, the air inside your home may be up to 10 times more polluted than the air outside. The O•ZONE Lite is an amazing technological breakthrough! Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software Instagram and Optimizing Favicons Something interesting and cool happened with photo sharing service Instagram in the last week. No, I’m not talking about Facebook buying them for $1,000,000,000.00. I’m referring to Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger, and the talk he gave at AirBNB entitled "Scaling Instagram." As all good presentations are, the slides contain minimal text, allowing the speaker to drive the conversation. One part that really interested me was when Mike was speaking about early performance and load problems Instagram had. Instagram’s Favicon Problem Ahhhh our friend the favicon! While slide text is sparse, it appears that the favicon for the Instagram website was not present on opening weekend. There are a couple of reasons that a favicon can result in a 404. So what’s the problem? In fact, it caused Instagram such a problem that Mike states: "Lesson #1: Don’t forget your favicon." But optimizing your website’s favicon goes beyond just making sure you don’t forget it. Tip 1: Make sure it exists. Or does it?

Hooking Users In 3 Steps The truly great consumer technology companies of the past 25 years have all had one thing in common: they created habits. This is what separates world-changing businesses from the rest. Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter are used daily by a high proportion of their users and their products are so compelling that many of us struggle to imagine life before they existed. But creating habits is easier said than done. I’ve learned these methods from some of the best in the business and put together an amalgamation of them that I call “Habit Testing.” Habit Testing fits hand-in-glove with the build, measure, learn methodology espoused by the lean startup movement and offers a new way to make data actionable. A prerequisite to Habit Testing is having some kind of product up and running. Once you have a site or app live, you can begin collecting data. Be realistic and honest. Each user interacts with your product in a slightly different way. Photo credits: Robby Mueller

Hunch Zigfu Dev Kit for Kinect and Unity3D Zigfu (YC S11) is happy to announce the commercial launch of our ZDK for Unity3D bindings. Full information is available here: A trial version is available with a watermark. You can buy a dev license with your credit card through our site to eliminate the watermark. We are offering developer seats at the totally awesome public-beta-release price of $200 for the .99b version and we are offering free upgrades for all 1.X releases. Features: - Compile to Mac, Windows, and Web Player using the Zigfu browser plugin - Compatible with OpenNI/NITE and Microsoft Kinect SDK computer vision libraries - Calibration-free Skeleton Tracking - User selection methods (first user found, hand raise) - point-cloud to particles effects - Hand gesture detectors (push, swipe, steady, wave) - Plenty of Samples Scenes to get started If you have our kinect browser plugin installed ( you can try our examples compiled for the Unity3D Web Player up at

Jorge Jimenez – Graphics Programmer Blog
