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Unhosted: separating web apps from data storage AM - Report finds young refugees struggling when they turn 18 30/10/2013 TONY EASTLEY: A new report has found that vulnerable refugees who come to Australia by boat without their parents struggle when they turn 18 and lose their access to specialised support. Unaccompanied children deemed to be refugees are placed in group homes and given case workers, but when they turn 18, they are treated as adults and that means looking after themselves. Some of them find it tough going, as Felicity Ogilvie reports. FELICITY OGILVIE: Life is good at the moment for a 17-year-old teenager from Afghanistan who's been granted a protection visa. TEENAGER: We are getting low rent house and they give us a good facility when we are underage, so we are happy from them. FELICITY OGILVIE: What do you think will happen to you once they turn 18? TEENAGER: You know, we lose our case worker and the rent of our house going to be high, and bills, everything's going to be expensive. TEENAGER 2: The real estates say you are not working and so it is hard to get a home as well.

Movim - The kick-ass social network recordmydesktop RecordMyDesktop est un logiciel permettant d'effectuer des screencast, c'est-à-dire de capturer une vidéo de ce qui se passe sur votre bureau. Il permet de capturer l'image, mais également le son. Il fournit une vidéo au format Ogg Théora, qui offre une bonne qualité mais qui nécessite une compression importante. Il est aussi possible de capturer une vidéo de son écran avec VLC. L'interface graphique de RecordMyDesktop est conçue pour le bureau GNOME. Pré-requis Disposer d'une connexion à Internet configurée et activée. Installation Utilisation Vous pouvez lancer RecordMyDesktop de deux façons : en passant par la méthode graphique, ou bien par la ligne de commande. Graphique Lancez l'application via le dash (Ubuntu 11.04 et ultérieures) ou via le menu Applications → Son et vidéo → gtk-recordMyDesktop. Si vous le lancez, une boule rouge apparaît dans votre zone de notification : gtk-recordmydesktop Vous pouvez alors déterminer la qualité de la vidéo et du son. Ligne de commande recordmydesktop

freetorrent .::. Index Mirror: The Coming War: ARM versus x86 » Van's Hardware Journal Note: This report was originally published at Bright Side of News* on April 8, 2010. After their server crashed, BSN* has not yet been able to recover the article after several weeks. We are reposting the report here to serve as a mirror of the original article. Note 2: Only a month or two after it was published, a detailed report that I wrote was wiped out during a BrightSideOfNews* hard drive crash. It took a little while and cost BSN* a lot of money to recover the data on the hard drive, but that report is now back up and can be read here. I’m currently working on a followup to that bit of analysis that will include even more hardware than the initial report. The computing landscape is changing rapidly and the war between x86 and ARM microprocessors is now underway. Most importantly, the results of this war will have profound effects well beyond the CPU market, where several companies will possibly see their fortunes upended. Introduction The Coming War: ARM versus x86 We thank C.J.

Spotlight: Dear Gladys — Ms Annalog Clothing has such transformative powers in our lives. We use it to change how we look and change how we feel. A good dress can boost confidence and make someone feel just as good as slouching around on the weekend in t-shirts and tracksuit pants after a week spent in the corporate trenches in business combat uniform. However, yhese transformative qualities that clothing possess do more than change how we feel or look. The clothing we choose dictates the lives and income of workers within Australia and all over the world. This power can be used for good and bad. Instead of tackling a big issue like this (so much to say!) If you know me, or have looked through my blog entries here, you would know that a lot of my wardrobe (not all, but a lot!) If you do what you can when you can you can only hope that those tiny little steps make a difference. One place that I only recently realised was one of these masked crusader retailer types was Dear Gladys, which is based in Northcote.

The internet is our social network | friendica Enjeux du logiciel libre, standards ouverts et interopérabilité Philosophie du projet GNU See for recordings of Richard Stallman's speeches. Free software means that the software's users have freedom. (The issue is not about price.) We developed the GNU operating system so that users can have freedom in their computing. Specifically, free software means users have the four essential freedoms: (0) to run the program, (1) to study and change the program in source code form, (2) to redistribute exact copies, and (3) to distribute modified versions. Software differs from material objects—such as chairs, sandwiches, and gasoline—in that it can be copied and changed much more easily. For further reading, please select a section from the menu above. We also maintain a list of most recently added articles. Introduction
