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IRG : Institut de recherche et débat sur la gouvernance - réseau de réflexion international sur la gouvernance publique

IRG : Institut de recherche et débat sur la gouvernance - réseau de réflexion international sur la gouvernance publique
Une bibliothèque virtuelle riche de plus de 700 documents - études, analyses... Revue La gouvernance en révolution(s) Chroniques de la gouvernance 2012 Pariant sur les éclairages novateurs de regards aussi diversifiés que ceux de Stéphane Hessel, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Ahmet Insel, Silvio Caccia Bava, Qin Hui, Suhas Palshikar, etc., cette publication offre une cartographie des enjeux et défis pour une gouvernance démocratique légitime, au cœur des mutations de notre village global.

IIMAA Science & vie INTA International Urban Development Association - Domaines d'intervention Les membres de l'INTA sont des décideurs et praticiens publics et privés qui partagent connaissances, expériences, pratiques et savoir faire sur le développement urbain intégré. Les activités d'INTA combinent leur expertise dans ces domaines différents pour créer des synergies, contribuant à l'approfondissement de la compréhension du développement urbain intégré. CULTURE, CREATIVITE, VILLES Villes Créatives 3.0 Création de la Ville: à partir du Sommet ou de la Base?L'Art comme Incubateur UrbainInnovation dans l'Économie Culturelle Développement de Nouveaux Lieux de ProductionServices d'Innovation et Nouvelles TechnologiesUrbanissation d'Environnements de SavoirQuartiers d'Affaires FORMES URBAINES, ARCHITECTURE ET DESIGN Etalement Urbain et Densité Les Nouvelles "Villes Nouvelles"Architecture et Urbanisme: Echelles de ConnexionEspaces Urbains Verts et BleusEspace Publique Développement des Zones ViergesRégénération des FrichesRégénération du Centre Ville Développement Métropolitain

SPIRAL During the second international meeting of coresponsible territories, the new website for the SPIRAL methodology has been launched : . The new website entirely replace this one, which will be kept for archiving. We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Meeting of the Territories of Co-responsibility which will take place in Mulhouse on 22|23 November 2012 . Please find attached the Programme of the meeting and the Registration form (mandatory) to be sent by October 31, 2012. We hope to see you all at this event, where all the European partners of the TOGETHER network for territories of co-responsibility, and many other "territories of co-responsibility" will be happy to share their experiences on this innovative approach. As a reminder, Mulhouse is the Lead Partner of the project TOGETHER for territories for co-responsibility which represents a network of eight European cities. Training sessions to the SPIRAL method - August to November 2012: SPIRAL website Content

Research and curation A new age of discovery Our distinctive approach to research is to use the combination of our collections and our specialist expertise in taxonomy, systematics, biodiversity, natural resources, planetary science, evolution and informatics to tackle scientific questions in novel ways. Research initiatives Discover more about the new approaches we are taking to our key areas of research, such as biodiversity Biodiversity initiative Our researchers are focusing on tropical forests to tackle long-standing questions about the diversity of the most complex ecosystems on Earth. Learn more about our research initiatives in other areas Research initiatives Collections Collections The life and earth science collections of the Museum comprise some 70 million specimens or items.

UCLG Les Amis de la Terre : Les prix pinocchio du développement durable Les vaccins abîment notre système immunitaire Mercredi 7 novembre 2012 3 07 /11 /Nov /2012 21:49 Les Drs Dettman & Kalokerinos du Biological Institute australien qui ont pu observer et suivre des milliers d’enfants concluent : «Selon des recherches sophistiquées (…) les effets produits par les programmes vaccinaux de l’enfance sur les lymphocytes T (…) montrent que le système immunitaire s’avère substantiellement endommagé à la suite des vaccinations de routine. Une part importante des lymphocytes T est mobilisée par les antigènes spécifiques présents dans les vaccins. Une fois ainsi mobilisés, ces lymphocytes T deviennent immunologiquement inertes, incapables de réagir ou de se défendre contre d’autres antigènes, infections ou maladies. Ces découvertes tendraient à montrer que le capital immunologique se trouve substantiellement amoindri chez les nombreux enfants soumis aux programmes vaccinaux courants. » Drs. « J’appelle ça de la vaccinnomanie. (illustration de René Bickel. ) Partager l'article ! inShare

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Monitoring the economic, social and cultural rights The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by its States parties. All States parties are obliged to submit regular reports to the Committee on how the rights are being implemented. In addition to the reporting procedure, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights , which entered into force on 5th May 2013, provides the Committee competence to receive and consider communications from individuals claiming that their rights under the Covenant have been violated. The Committee meets in Geneva and normally holds two sessions per year, consisting of a three-week plenary and a one-week pre-sessional working group.

Urban Observatory | Viewing the Emergent City and Its People Resilience: buzz word or useful concept? The currently fashionable term of ‘resilience’ is a positive antidote to the negative connotation of ‘vulnerability’ as it refers to the potential and capacities of each community. Nevertheless, the concept remains controversial. Everyone seems to have their own definition of ‘resilience’, and there is a risk that rather than bringing clarity, it will only bring confusion. Though improving the capacity of communities to resist shocks is a common objective of organizations working in different operational sectors, does this concept help them to work together and improve their coordination? Rather than considering climate change, natural disasters and poverty to be independent problems, combining and linking these three areas could, theoretically, contribute to meeting the challenges related to risk and change which have a direct impact on the lives and work of local communities. Not all of these approaches are equally successful.
