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Ranked: Disney Princesses From Least To Most Feminist It's hard to be liberated in a clamshell bikini. I just saw Brave, and it got me thinking about the grand tradition of Disney princesses. Brave is a Pixar movie, and its heroine, Merida, is a fairy-tale feminist. Disney princesses for the most part, are not. Most need to be rescued by their male love interests; almost all the Disney Princess movies end in marriage or engagement. Now, I know ranking anything by perceived feminism is problematic, as your professor might put it, but go with me for the sake of discussion. 10. The early Disney films were all strange fables with beautiful scenery and women who made no choices for themselves; Sleeping Beauty is the apex of these. 9. Yeah, about all that sleeping… well, Snow White also conveniently falls asleep for much of this film, and waits to be rescued by a Charming (but otherwise featureless) prince. 8. Cinderella can't catch a break. 7. 6. 5. I've dressed up as Jasmine for Halloween twice, so I'm a little biased. 4. 3. 2. 1.

History of weapons Japanese cold weapons and other military paraphernalia, c. 1892–95 A Gilbertese shark tooth weapon (late 19th century) The history of weapons is a vast subject and involves a step-by-step account of the various weapons that were invented in the course of time. Weapons can be defined as a tool used to hurt an individual or a group or to threaten or defend. Apart from their employment in warfare and other combat situations, they are also used for hunting-and-gathering purposes, for the preservation of law and order, for border security, and for the committing of crimes. Weapons have always played a crucial role in society, moulding and changing the course of history. The Macedonians surged ahead of all other civilizations by introducing siege weapons such as the catapult , and field weapons such as the pike , which was employed to deadly effect by heavily armed infantrymen arranged in phalanxes . Weapons of the Ancient World [ edit ] The earliest form of weapons were stone tipped spears.

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