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ICC - The world business organization

ICC - The world business organization

Commercial law Jump to navigation Search Cornell About LII / Get the law / Lawyer Directory / Get Legal Forms / Legal Encyclopedia / Help Out Wex Portal Citius A Lei n.º 31/2012, de 27 de fevereiro aprovou medidas destinadas a dinamizar o mercado de arrendamento urbano, criando um procedimento especial de despejo do local arrendado que permita a célere recolocação daquele no mercado de arrendamento. Para tornar o arrendamento num contrato mais seguro e com mecanismos que permitam reagir com eficácia ao incumprimento, foi criado um novo procedimento extrajudicial que permite que a desocupação do imóvel seja realizada de forma célere e eficaz no caso de incumprimento do contrato por parte do arrendatário. Promove-se, por esta via, a confiança do senhorio no funcionamento ágil do mercado de arrendamento e o investimento neste sector da economia. Neste sentido, foi criado junto da Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça (DGAJ) o Balcão Nacional do Arrendamento (BNA), enquanto secretaria judicial com competência exclusiva para a tramitação do procedimento especial de despejo em todo o território nacional.

Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity The Rapid eLearning Blog Creating great interactive learning experiences requires a few core building blocks: relevant content, pull versus push, and real-world decisions. With those building blocks you're able to structure effective learning scenarios that are meaningful to the learner and helps meet the objectives of the course. One of those building blocks in creating relevant content or content that is placed in a meaningful context. Principles of European Contract Law Last updated 2 Oktober, 2006 Short Survey of the Principles of European Contract Law Principles of European Contract Law in English Principles of European Contract Law en francais Principles of European Contract Law in Spanish ISO 31000 ISO 31000 is a family of standards relating to risk management codified by the International Organization for Standardization. The purpose of ISO 31000:2009 is to provide principles and generic guidelines on risk management. ISO 31000 seeks to provide a universally recognised paradigm for practitioners and companies employing risk management processes to replace the myriad of existing standards, methodologies and paradigms that differed between industries, subject matters and regions. Currently, the ISO 31000 family is expected to include: ISO 31000:2009 - Principles and Guidelines on Implementation[1]ISO/IEC 31010:2009 - Risk Management - Risk Assessment TechniquesISO Guide 73:2009 - Risk Management - Vocabulary ISO also designed its ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management standard to align with ISO 31000:2009.[2]

International Trade Lex Mercatoria: International Commercial Law & E-Commerce Infrastructure Monitor (1993 -> 2009 :) Markets as Networks - Final program & Presentations Please, download the full program in PDF or MS DOC format. Friday, 25 September 2009 9.30-9.45 Conference openingMaria Stojcheva, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia UniversityTanya Chavdarova, Organizing Committee Chair and Board Member of the Bulgarian Sociological Association Sabine Gensior, Vice-president, ISA, RC 02 on Economy and Society 9.45-10.45 Keynote Speech: Olivier Godechot, CNRS, ParisWhat Do Heads of Dealing Room Do? The Social Capital of Internal Entrepreneurs

Eric Joiner's - The Logistics and Supply Chain Blog! Artificial Intelligence - A Legal Perspective Watch the entire panel discussion. In the summer of 1956, several key figures in what would become known as the field of "artificial intelligence" met at Dartmouth College to brainstorm about the future of the synthetic mind. Artificial intelligence, broadly defined, has since become a part of everyday life. Although we are still waiting on promises of "strong AI" capable of approximating human thought, the widespread use of artificial intelligence has the potential to reshape medicine, finance, war, and other important aspects of society. The Center for Internet and Society, along with the Stanford Law and Technology Association (SLATA), and the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR) bring together four scholars who have begun to examine the near term, short term, and long term ramifications of artificial intelligence for law and society.

Letter of credit After a contract is concluded between a buyer and a seller, the buyer's bank supplies a letter of credit to the seller. Seller consigns the goods to a carrier in exchange for a bill of lading. Seller provides bill of lading to bank in exchange for payment. Seller's bank exchanges bill of lading for payment from buyer's bank. Application of EU law Title of the site Accessibility tools Go to content Service tools Language selector
