Loom - Screencast on Chromebooks, Macs, and PCs
Loom is a free screencasting tool that works on Chromebooks, Macs, and Windows computers. Loom is a Chrome extension. With Loom installed you can record your desktop, an individual tab, and or your webcam.
25 ideas for using WhatsApp with English language students
Philip Haines is the Senior Consultant for Oxford University Press, Mexico. As well as being a teacher and teacher trainer, he is also the co-author of several series, many of which are published by OUP. Today he joins us to provide 25 engaging and useful classroom activities for language learners using WhatsApp.
The Ultimate List of Free Grammar Games
Grammar and writing can be a tedious subject to teach. Fortunately, there are so many amazing free games available to make teaching them fun. Until now, you had to Google your heart out to find them. No more! Below is an organized list of FREE grammar games for teaching parts of speech, punctuation, sentences and writing.
TED talks for autonomous listening: ten activities
The first week of the Electronic Village Online is in full swing! I’m co-moderating the session on teaching listening, and this week, under the guidance of Lizzie Pinard, we’ve started out with the topic of encouraging learner autonomy. One great thing about online sessions like this one is that there are a lot of participants who share a wealth of tips about the activities and resources they use. From what I’ve read in our discussion threads, it seems that a lot of teachers encourage their learners to watch TED talks out of class, and the participants have suggested a variety of ideas for activities based on the talks. What also often happens, however, is that the teacher recommends this resource but the learners don’t start using it – and the teacher kind of knows that they don’t, but they don’t even ask because that would be admitting failure (oh haven’t I been there a lot of times?)
Quizalize - A Fun Quiz Platform
Quizalize is a newer quiz game platform that reminds me of Kahoot. Like Kahoot, students play your quiz games on their laptops or tablets by going to the Quizalize website then entering their names and a class code. Students are awarded points for correctly answering questions quickly. Students are given feedback instantly on every quiz question that they answer. A total score is presented to students at the end of every quiz.
Your first impression is your last impression
I suppose a lot of you are already enjoying your well-deserved summer break...some of you, however, might be getting ready to start working on summer camps....I belong to the latter group of teachers...I'll put my feet up in August, but in the meantime I'm going to have heaps of fun working with a group of wonderful teens from all over the world. Summer schools are usually dreaded by most students who'd rather stay home and do anything but study. That's why it's essential to begin your course with an activity that will simply wow your students and will make them look forward to your next class. What better way to make a great first impression on your students than starting with an exciting icebreaker on the first day of class! Looking for new ways of getting to know my students, I have asked other fellow teachers for recommendations of some icebreakers that have worked for them in the past.
Europe Code Week 2015 - Resources and guides
EU Code Week is a grass-root movement run by volunteers who promote coding in their countries as Code Week Ambassadors. Anyone – schools, teachers, libraries, code clubs, businesses, public authorities – can organise a #CodeEU event and add it to the codeweek.eu map. To make organising and running coding events easier, we have prepared different toolkits and selected some of the best lesson plans, guides and other resources. Presentations and toolkits Local resources in your language Coding lessons for beginners of all ages
7 Digital Icebreakers for #BacktoSchool – Teacher Reboot Camp
“It’s the little conversations that build the relationships and make an impact on each student.” – Robert John Meehan Back to school is around the corner! Building strong relationships is the key to a successful school year. We need to ensure every student knows we believe in them no matter their past behavior or performance. Every student walks in the class with a clean slate not only with you, but also with their peers.
A Wonderful Free Tool for Creating Interactive eBooks for Your Class
August 2, 2015Kindle Textbook Creator is a free software application that allows you to easily convert your educational content saved in PDF format into Kindle books.These include textbooks, course notes, study guides and many more. Using Kindle Textbook Creator, you will be able to enhance the readability of your content with features such as audio, video, and image pop-ups. Once your eBook is ready, you can publish it through Kindle direct publishing and make it available for readers on different devices including fire tablets, iPad, Android tables and Mac and PC computers. Kindle Textbook Creator also includes a preview mode that shows authors which interactive features are supported on different devices. This software is available for free download for both Windows 7 & 8 and and for Mac OS X 10.9 and above. Watch the video below to learn more about Kindle Textbook Creator
Video lessons
In this video we will be showing you why we like How It Should Have Ended For Kids. We're focusing on two playlists: Silly Songs and Fixed Fairy Tales, with some practical ideas about how we use them in teaching young learners. Here's a link to an interactive video quiz at our site for one of the videos from the channel, and here's a link to the channel itself. Enjoy! Anna Csíky iSLCollective Teacher Trainer
Basic PDF Tips Every Teacher Using Mac Should Know about
July 29, 2015 In an earlier post entitled ‘10 Mac Tips Every Teacher Should Know about’ we fleetingly touched on a quick hack on how to annotate your PDFs. We subsequently received few questions from teachers inquiring about PDF tips for Mac users so we decided to feature some of the basic yet overlooked things you can do with your PDFs on Mac. For any of these tips to work, make sure you open your PDF then click on ‘View’ in Mac’s menu bar and select ’Show markup toolbar’.
360 FREE Warmers, Ice-Breakers and Fillers For The ESL Classroom
Planning a lesson is no easy task, especially if you're about to introduce a difficult topic. Sometimes, you need a little bit of something extra to really make your lesson flow. For this reason, ESL teachers usually use warmers and fillers.