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Le Public Système

Le Public Système

At your service: the European Services Forum’s privileged access to the EU Commission The Brussels Business, now shown in theatres and on television throughout Europe, reveals how the European Commission served the interests of European service companies years ago. How are things today? Internal documents reveal the privileged access that the EU Commission grants global service players such as Deutsche Bank, IBM and Vodafone to its trade policy-making. High-ranking Commission officials have repeatedly assured the ESF that they are “enthusiastic in working with the ESF”. But many dangers lie in the ESF agenda. An inseparable couple Academics have named the relationship between the Commission and the ESF as one of “reverse” or “top down lobbying”: “where the public authority lobbies business to lobby itself”. A key routine for this purpose are the ESF’s quarterly Policy Committee meetings, where ESF members debate and decide positions and strategies. During these meetings, Commission officials give “candid” briefings about ongoing trade talks to ESF members. Cutting the ties

ESF European Services Forum Organization/Company Profile The European Services Forum (ESF) is a network of representatives from the European services sector. It is committed to actively promoting the interests of the European services sector and the liberalisation of services markets throughout the world in connection with the WTO GATS negotiations as well as with the regional and bilateral trade negotiations. The European Services Forum is an organisation representing service industries across the European Community. The membership comprises more than thirty European trade federations and more than forty international companies based in countries which are members of the European Community. Employment Opportunities Contact the ESF office directly for inquiries: European Services Forum, 168, av. de Cortenbergh, B - 1000 – Brussels, Tel: +322 230 75 14, Fax: +322 230 61 68, E-mail: esf@esf.beThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Link

EPFSF : European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum Business-Managed Government - Trade in Services - Business Coalitions - European Services Forum (ESF) Business-Managed Government Leon Brittan was so pleased with the job that the Financial Leaders Group (FLG) did in jump-starting the stalled talks that he invited Andrew Buxton (pictured), chair of Barclays Bank and President of the British Bankers Association, to form a European services network to promote further progress in the more general services area. Brittan noted: ‘A similar effort will be needed for the next Round of service liberalisation negotiations.’ The European Services Forum (ESF) was formed in 1998 (originally called the European Services Network) to provide private sector advice and information directly to the EU’s WTO negotiators. Reference: Andrew Buxton, 'The European Services Network: Keynote Speech', Paper presented at the Preparatory Conference for the World Services Congress, The University Club, Washington DC, 2 June 1999, p. 5 Buxton was the first chair of the ESF. Modus Operandi Tiered Structure Links

Quand le lobby automobile veut imposer le casque aux cyclistes Le débat revient chaque été aussi sûrement que les fruits gorgés de soleil, avec le Tour de France. "Et toi, tu ne portes pas de casque sur ton vélo ?" La réponse fuse : "Ben non, pourquoi, tu conduis si mal que ça ?" Bouche bée assurée. Le sujet, qui agite en ce moment la Belgique et l’Espagne, est plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît. Molles contre dures. Or, toutes les observations le confirment : plus il y a de cyclistes, moins il y a d’accidents. Distribution gratuite de casques. Mais pourquoi le lobby automobile s’intéresse-t-il donc autant à la tête des cyclistes ? Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié Qui sommes-nous ? Le collectif Regards Citoyens est une association constituée de citoyens de tous âges et régions qui se sont rencontrés sur Internet dans un désir commun de proposer un accès simplifié au fonctionnement de nos institutions démocratiques à partir des informations publiques. Le collectif s’est formé début Juillet 2009 à l’initiative de 3 de ses cofondateurs et de Brice Person qui quitte le collectif après 3 ans d’intense investissement pour se consacrer à de nouveaux projets : Nous nous sommes rapidement vus rejoints par d’autres citoyens de choc ! En juin 2010, le collectif s’est constitué en association régie par la loi de 1901 avec les statuts consultables en ligne sur ce lien. Nos remerciements tout particuliers pour leur aide à Palkeo, Cédric, Benoit, Guyzmo, Yorik, Germain, Siltaar, Taziden, Pierrick, Claire de LiberTIC, Bram, mmu_man, Cyrille et Toxicode. Nos différents sites web sont hébergés sur deux serveurs :
