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Timeline of the Rothschild family

Timeline of the Rothschild family

Rothschild family A house formerly belonging to the Viennese branch of the family (Schillersdorf Palace). Schloss Hinterleiten, one of the many palaces built by the Austrian Rothschild dynasty. Donated to charity by the family in 1905. Beatrice de Rothschild's villa on the Côte d'Azur, France The Rothschild family is a family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a court Jew to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel, in the Free City of Frankfurt, who established his banking business in the 1760s.[1] Unlike most previous court Jews, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth, and established an international banking family through his five sons.[2] Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family have been elevated to Austrian nobility, being given five hereditary titles of Barons of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. Family overview[edit] The first member of the family who was known to use the name "Rothschild" was Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, born in 1577. Families by country: Wine[edit]

The Unknown History of Switzerland | sembrouthes Were Knights Templar Involved in Founding Switzerland? May 12th, 2010 by Lucas Dié According to Swiss history writing, the foundations for modern Switzerland date to 1291. The date being conveniently close to the dissolution of the Order of Knights Templar many see a connection between the two in later developments. Coat of Arms - Canton Schwyz Official Swiss History dates the roots of modern Switzerland to 1291. In the late 19th century, Switzerland was surrounded by countries formed on national common roots. Coat of Arms - Canton Uri In 1890, the city of Bern was preparing the celebrations for the 700 years jubilee of its founding in 1191 and decided to add on as an afterthought the jubilee of the founding of Switzerland in 1291. The ‘Bundesbrief’ had lain mouldering in an archive in Schwyz for centuries and had been widely ignored by everybody including historians. Coat of Arms - Canton Unterwalden Cross of the Knights Templar Where would the Knights Templar fit into this set-up?

BitTorrent Piracy Boosts Music Sales, Study Finds A new academic paper by a researcher from the North Carolina State University has examined the link between BitTorrent downloads and music album sales. Contrary to what’s often claimed by the major record labels, the paper concludes that there is absolutely no evidence that unauthorized downloads negatively impact sales. Instead, the research finds that more piracy directly leads to more album sales. For more than a decade researchers have been looking into the effects of music piracy on the revenues of the record industry, with mixed results. None of these researchers, however, used a large sample of accurate download statistics from a BitTorrent tracker to examine this topic. This missing element motivated economist Robert Hammond, Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, to conduct his own research. In a paper titled “Profit Leak? The results are unique in its kind and reveal that BitTorrent piracy causes an increase in album sales.

Interview with Dr. Richard J. Roberts, Nobel Prize in Medicine "The Drugs that completely cure are not profitable" Interview with Dr. Richard J. (Original en español: I’m 63 years old: the worst about getting older is that you consider many “truths” as holy: that’s when you need new questions. - Can research be planned? If I were Minister of Science, I would seek enthusiastic people with interesting projects, just give them money so they wouldn’t need to do anything else than investigate and let them work ten years to surprise us. - It seems like a good policy. It is generally believed that to go very far, you have to support basic research, but if you want more immediate and profitable results, you must bet on the applied research … - And is it not like this? Often the most profitable discoveries have been made ​​from very basic questions. - How was it created? - An adventure by itself! Yes, but nobody expected to get rich with these questions. - Was it scientifically productive?

The Falseness of the Zionist State of Israel La Loi des 4 Ages, Cycles de monde Présentation synthétique par LFS tirée des ouvrages de Georgel, Krafft, Guénon... Introduction Dans la tradition judéo-chrétienne et dans la tradition hindoue, 4 grands Temps, 4 cycles sont dédiés à l'Humanité, qui recouvrent un temps cosmique de 64 800 années solaires. Ce long cycle s'appelle Manvatara (le a final ne se prononce pas). Les mythes ou les Écritures rappellent aux hommes qu'il existait un Paradis sur Terre. Le Temps Cosmique de 64 800 années solaires, Manvatara, est divisé en 4 grandes périodes l'âge d'OR, l'âge d'ARGENT, l'âge d'AIRAIN (ou de bronze), l'âge de FER. 4 x 1 = Age d'OR = 25 920 ans = KRITA YUGA 3 x 1 = Age d'ARGENT = 19 440 ans = TRETA YUGA 2 x 1 = Age d'AIRAIN = 12 960 ans = DWAPARA YUGA 1 x 1 = Age de FER = 6 480 ans = KALI YUGA_____________________________________________________________ 64 800 ans = MANVATARA Il est dit que l'Age d'Or est gouverné pratiquement pour sa totalité, par la tendance "Sattwa" qui signifie Bonté. ET ENSUITE ?......

Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared Throughout our history, most civilizations have either met a slow demise or were wiped out by natural disasters or invasion. But there are a few societies whose disappearance has scholars truly stumped: 10. One of the first Mesoamerican societies, the Olmec inhabited the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico. Where did they go? Around 400 BC the eastern half of the Olmec’s lands was depopulated- possibly due to environmental changes. 9. The Nabateans were a Semitic culture that inhabited parts of Jordan, Canaan and Arabia from around the sixth century BC. During the fourth century AD, the Nabateans abandoned Petra and no one really knows why. 8. The Aksumite Empire began in the first century AD in what is now Ethiopia and is believed to be the home of the Queen of Sheba. According to local legend, a Jewish Queen named Yodit defeated the Aksumite Empire and burned its churches and literature. 7.The Mycenaeans 6. 5.The Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture 4. 3.The Minoans 2.The Anasazi 1.

TheNewSSA : #thenewssa is a wish to establish... The Rothschild Family - Puppet Masters - World's Only Trillionaires - Full Documentary Histoire de la Colonisation Christophe Colomb ne fut pas vraiment le premier homme à atteindre l'Amérique. 500 ans auparavant, des Vikings avaient abordés les rivages du Nouveau Monde. L'un d'eux était Leif Erikson, fils du navigateur Erik le Rouge. Leif atteignit l'Amérique tout comme Christophe Colomb, c'est-à-dire, sans vraiment avoir cherché à l'atteindre. Leif Erikson Les Vikings ont donc suivi les étoiles et les vents tout en longeant les côtes. Malgré le fait que les Vikings menaient un excellent commerce de l'huile de phoque, de l'ivoire de morse et des fourrures et qu'ils avaient des possibilités de chasse et de pêche illimitées, ils ont fini par se désintéresser du territoire. Les Vikings seraient ainsi les premiers Européens à débarquer sur le continent nord américain. Les pointes de flèches en os retrouvées sur les sites Vikings laissent à penser que des combats se déroulèrent contre les autochtones. LEIF ERIKSON: Marin norvégien(975-1020), qui découvrit l'Amérique vers l'an 1000. Citoyen de Saint-Malo.

TheNewSSA : Another reason to abolish... Des ados ont développé leur propre système bancaire! Inde – Social: Un groupe d’adolescents de New Dehli … a décidé de prendre son avenir à bras le ….portefeuille! Ils ont décidé de travailler ensemble et de gérer les revenus de leur travail en développant un système bancaire personnel fondé sur l’idée : « Je travaille dur et j’épargne pour mon avenir ». La banque s’appelle « Le coffre au trésor » et existe depuis 2001 et se développe dans tout le pays… et même à l’étranger (A reproduire…) Elle compte aujourd’hui 300 branches en Inde, au Népal, au Bangladesh, en Afghanistan, au Sri Lanka et au Kirghizstan. Quant à l’agence de New Dehli, elle compte aujourd’hui quelque 1 000 « clients« , âgés de 9 à 17 ans L’idée est née des auteurs de ce site : Img Diapo WordPress: J'aime chargement…

Le Popol Vuh des anciens Mayas-Quichés Le Popol Vuh est le Livre Sacré des Anciens Mayas-Quichés. Comme la Bible (ou la Torah), ce Livre Sacré décrit la création du Monde. Comme l'Ancien Testament, il parle d'un Paradis Perdu et de la Connaissance dont l'humanité fut exclue. Il fait aussi, comme la Bible (ou la Torah), un récit très précis d'une grande catastrophe, analogue au Déluge, et qui serait survenue sur la Terre à l'époque des anciens Mayas. Le Popol Vuh est un document très important tant sur le plan historique, que littéraire et religieux. Comme la Torah (ou la Bible issue de la Torah), le Popol Vuh raconte la création du Monde. Le Popol Vuh fait un rapport détaillé de la façon dont notre planète a été terraformée au moment de la Création (comme aujourd'hui l'homme du 21ème siècle envisage de terraformer la planète Mars) : « ...tout était en suspens, tout n'était que calme et silence ...Il n'y avait ni homme, ni animal; herbe, ni forêts; seul le ciel existait... ». Qu'en conclure ?
