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Brain Rules for Presenters

Brain Rules for Presenters

New Rules For Power Point Presentations (Revised) PowerPoint Design Principles - Dominance Home > PowerPoint Slides > Key Design Principles - Dominance Learn to apply one of the key design principles – dominance, and make your slides look professional and powerful. Here is a question for you: If the points on your PowerPoint presentation were to come to life and talk about how they feel about being on your slides, what will you hear them say? Would they feel like passengers in a crowded train or like travellers in a limousine– getting special attention and respect? Answers to those questions determine the effectiveness of your presentations. One quick way to improve the effectiveness of your presentation is to follow the principle of Dominance in your PowerPoint slides. What is the Design Principle of Dominance? Dominance in slide design is about making the most important element of a slide stand out from the rest. It helps your audience to get the core point of your slide at a glance. Here is a simple rule to apply the design principles of dominance in your slides: 2. 3. Conclusion:

Data Presentation - 5 PowerPoint Tips Home > Presenting Data Main > 5 Data Presentation Tips Most data presentations are confusing and boring. Learn the 5 tips to make your presentation clearer and more memorable. Tip 1: Put your conclusion on the title Most presenters use vague slide titles like Our Sales Performance. Always put the conclusion from your slide on the slide title. See this table of data on a slide: Since the conclusion is clearly mentioned on the title, audience’s eyes are naturally led to the relevant numbers on the table. Tip 2: Highlight your inference A lot of presenters lose their audience because they make them think. Realize that not everyone in your audience likes to crunch numbers. See the PowerPoint slide with clear graph below: The areas that depict losses and profits are highlighted clearly in different colors. All that is left for the audience to do is to read the conclusion on the title and see the proof (assertion-evidence method) in the body of the slide to move forward.
