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Forget digital natives. Here’s how kids are really using the Internet

Forget digital natives. Here’s how kids are really using the Internet
Doug Chayka The era of the digital native is over. If that declaration comes as a relief, you’re most likely either an older tech user who is tired of feeling irrelevant, or a millennial frustrated with being reduced to a headphone-wearing cliché. In 2001, education consultant Mark Prensky coined this term — along with calling the analog-raised generation “digital immigrants” — to alert teachers to the emerging wave of students who’d be arriving at schools with new ways of thinking and absorbing information after growing up with computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones and other devices. But it’s time to retire the idea that tech aptitude and social outlook can be boiled down to whether someone is a digital native or not. Digital orphans have grown up with a great deal of tech access — but very little guidance. Digital exiles are at the opposite extreme — they’ve been raised with minimal technology. Related:  Technology PlanningPublics, usages & pratiques culturellesNet.Wise

Startups Kano and Cubetto sell coding toys that teach children to become computer engineers According to marathon-running mythology, Pheidippides, the ancient Greek athlete often named as history’s first endurance runner, dropped dead at the end of his run. Historians say this false dramatic detail springs more from poetry than traceable records, but the lie has likely endured because purposefully running 26.2 miles seems like a direct challenge to human limitations. The myth might be false—but it is plausible. Running an estimated 55,000 steps over the course of a few hours hours brings about risks that can prove fatal. Your urine turns tea-colored, your nipples bleed, and your toenails fall off On marathon day, all the risks that come with everyday running injuries—including shin splints, Patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner’s knee), hamstring damage, and plantar fasciitis (heel pain)—are still present. For instance, over-stressing muscles causes them to release a protein called myoglobin to your body’s mitochondria, which produces energy for your cells.

Pourquoi certaines personnes ne vont-elles pas dans les bibliothèques ? Si les études sur les publics qui fréquentent les bibliothèques et leurs habitudes culturelles ne manquent pas, il est plus rare de s'intéresser de près à ceux qui ne sont pas usagers des établissements de lecture publique. Environ 60 % des interrogés ont déclaré ne pas avoir fréquenté de bibliothèque au cours des 12 derniers mois : le ministère de la Culture s'est penché sur ces publics pour en tirer quelques observations utiles. Médiathèque Les 7 Lieux (photo d'illustration, ActuaLitté, CC BY SA 2.0) Une précédente étude du ministère, en 2016, avait permis d'estimer, à partir des personnes interrogées, que 60 % des répondants ne s'étaient pas rendus dans une bibliothèque au cours des 12 derniers mois. Précision d'emblée, pour rassurer, qu'il s'agit là de non-usagers actuels, qui ont déjà fréquenté une bibliothèque : les non-usagers absolus sont estimés à 13 % parmi les répondants.

Why online privacy matters — and how to protect yours As the principal technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union, Christopher Soghoian (TED talk: How to avoid surveillance … with the phone in your pocket) spends much of his time thinking about privacy and surveillance and how individuals can protect themselves from spying. Recently, he recorded a Facebook Live conversation with his fellow TED Fellow, Will Potter (TED Talk: The secret US prisons you’ve never heard of before), a reporter and author who specializes in covering dissident politics and culture and whose first question to Christopher was: If I don’t have anything to hide, why should I be concerned about privacy or security, anyway? With that, they were off. Christopher Soghoian: I hear this all the time from people, and you know, I think many of us do have something to hide. We may not all be worried about the government, but there are things we may not want our employers or members of our families to know. Would you suggest covering up the microphone as well? Sure.

How to Effectively Introduce Coding and Computational Thinking into Your Classroom - The Learning Exchange The inclusion of coding and computational thinking (CT) skills across all levels of education is gaining momentum worldwide. Here at home, the Ministry of Education recently announced a focus on coding and CT skills in our Ontario schools. What follows are recommendations related to how large jurisdictions can adequately prepare our teachers to introduce and foster the development of coding and CT skills in our students. These recommendations draw on my experience teaching high school computer science and facilitating professional learning for both practicing and pre-service teachers. They are also based on observations from my work in research projects focused on coding and CT across grade levels. Recently, I have had the privilege to work with school board leadership teams who are experts in running effective professional development. Include students in Computational Thinking and Coding professional learning days. For more supporting evidence, see this What Works article by Dr.

Les non-usagers des bibliothèques - Etude quantitative En 2016, le Ministère de la culture montrait, avec Publics et usages des bibliothèques municipales, la croissance continue de la fréquentation des médiathèques sur les dix dernières années, sans taire néanmoins que la conquête des publics gardait des marges de progression significatives. À cet égard, l’enquête invitait à ne pas sous-estimer l’importance de ces équipements aux yeux de ceux qui n’en sont pas ou plus des usagers. La présente étude saisit cette invitation à interroger le rapport qui lie paradoxalement les médiathèques et ceux qui n’en franchissent jamais le seuil. Connaître ces non-usagers et leurs représentations permet de mieux comprendre comment appréhender la notion de valeur des bibliothèques et d’en apprécier l’impact sur cette fraction de la population française qui en paraît éloignée. L’étude montre que le degré d’éloignement avec l’institution est moins le fruit d’une attitude de rejet que le résultat complexe des trajectoires individuelles des non-usagers.

ONLINE DIARY Dream On Do celebrities appear in your dreams? Is Julia (or Tom or Gwyneth) a nocturnal regular? As usual, the place to share such information is the Web., you can post your dreams about Celine Dion alongside those of other fans. ''In a typical Celine Dion fan dream, Celine is a good girl, helping teenagers overcome their identity problems, being a good friend to a lonely woman, or an exemplary mother,'' Mr. Fan sites have long included dream sections (see the inevitable .html). ''These dreams represent frustrations in our attempts to achieve a status,'' he said. Group Draw For more than a month, a goat struggled to be born at The Smaller Picture (, a site that asks whether the Web's ''collective consciousness'' can create a coherent image. It works like this: Select one of the black-and-white pixelized pictures in progress. The goat picture is done, replaced by a new series of images-in-progress. Earth's Best Dream On

Managing Technology: Tips from the Experts Do your technology lessons frequently turn into free-for-alls? Do you feel as though you spend too much of your time dealing with crashing programs, whining students, and missing equipment and not enough time actually teaching a lesson? Don't despair! Sometimes the little things make a big difference! Always run through a technology lesson before presenting it to the class -- and always have a back-up lesson prepared in case the technology fails. Article by Linda Starr Education World® Copyright © 2004 Education World Université : et si les étudiants voulaient juste des bibliothèques traditionnelles ? La Webster University, un établissement basé au Missouri, aux Etats-Unis, mais implanté dans de multiples campus à travers le monde, a questionné ses étudiants en 2016 afin d'en savoir plus sur leur façon d'utiliser les bibliothèques universitaires et leurs priorités quant aux services attendus. Elle révèle notamment que 18 % seulement des étudiants consultaient "fréquemment" ou "très fréquemment" des livres numériques. 42 % ne les utilisaient jamais. Le prêt de livres papier, toujours prioritaire La Duke University, basée en Caroline du Nord, a tiré des conclusions similaires la même année. Un rapport de recherche publié par le campus du Northern Virginia Community College (Nova) révèle de son côté que les besoins des étudiants sont avant tout académiques. Le papier pour le confort et la compréhension

Robots.txt meant for search engines don’t work well for web archives Robots.txt files were invented 20+ years ago to help advise “robots,” mostly search engine web crawlers, which sections of a web site should be crawled and indexed for search. Many sites use their robots.txt files to improve their SEO (search engine optimization) by excluding duplicate content like print versions of recipes, excluding search result pages, excluding large files from crawling to save on hosting costs, or “hiding” sensitive areas of the site like administrative pages. (Of course, over the years malicious actors have also used robots.txt files to identify those same sensitive areas!) Over time we have observed that the robots.txt files that are geared toward search engine crawlers do not necessarily serve our archival purposes. A few months ago we stopped referring to robots.txt files on U.S. government and military web sites for both crawling and displaying web pages (though we respond to removal requests sent to

Future - How much is ‘too much time’ on social media? #LikeMinded A special series about social media and well-being This month, BBC Future is exploring social media’s impact on mental health and well-being – and seeking solutions for a happier, healthier experience on these platforms. Stay tuned for more stories, coming soon… Share your tips for a happy life on social media with the hashtag #LikeMinded on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Describing yourself as ‘a social media addict’ doesn’t usually inspire concern from other people. Social media addiction has been a much-flouted term lately; maybe it’s because it’s January and users are looking to be more active and spend less time online, or maybe that’s because social media can have a negative impact on our mental well-being. There are two established organisations which classify mental disorders – the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Association. “Do I believe that people can be so engrossed in social media that they neglect everything else in their life?”

Enquête sur les pratiques numériques des étudiants de 18 – 25 ans – PLATEFORM Enquête sur le niveau de culture numérique des étudiants à l’Université A chaque rentrée universitaire à ‘lUCO de Nantes, je propose aux étudiants de 1ere année en Information-Communication un questionnaire sur leurs pratiques numériques et leurs connaissances en culture numérique, que je compare aux récentes enquêtes et statistiques sur les usages du numérique par les jeunes de 18 à 25 ans. Il existe encore malheureusement assez peu d’études sur les pratiques et les usages du numérique par les étudiants, alors que paradoxalement, ils sont censés l’utiliser au quotidien dans leurs études, pour la recherche d’information, suivre l’actualité, rédiger des dossiers, collaborer entre eux, communiquer avec l’université et avec les enseignants, rechercher des ressources, un stage, une formation, etc. Dans cette enquête, nous avons ciblé des étudiants, entre 17 et 25 ans de l’UCO de Nantes, pour qui j’enseigne la culture numérique et la préparation à la certification PIX. La mobilité en priorité

- Geocities Archive / Geocities Mirror 3 Steps to a More Accessible Classroom "Turn on the subtitles, Ms. Olague!" I clicked on the "CC" button underneath the YouTube video, and the closed-captioning appeared at the bottom of the screen. Suddenly, all my students were looking at the screen with wide eyes, eager to watch the video. My students loved having subtitles on during short videos because it gave them more opportunities to interact with and learn from the content. Any classroom teacher will tell you the importance of differentiating instruction and materials for students' diverse needs. Evaluating Accessibility The next time you introduce a new digital learning tool, consider these three key questions to help ensure you're meeting all your students' needs. 1. Does the digital learning tool have a clear, consistent, and intuitive navigation menu and path? 2. The text should be legible and in a clear font that can be enlarged. 3. Can the learner access the information in any images, charts, or tables with a screen reader? Research and Resources
