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Netflix Open Sources “Resilience Engineering” Code Library Hystrix: it’s the genus name for “Old World” porcupines, and it’s also the latest release from Netflix. But you won’t see it in their catalog of movie and TV titles, and you can’t add it to your queue, because it’s not content–it’s how Netflix makes sure its content is highly available. Now, Netflix has made Hystrix open source, for anyone using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to implement in their own cloud applications. Read on for details on this “resilience engineering” code library. Mention Netflix, and most people will think of the company’s DVD-rental-by-mail service or its growing library of “Watch Instantly” streaming video titles. This week, Netflix added Hystrix to its bag of open-source tricks. The Hystrix home page on GitHub defines the problem: [R]unning an application that depends on 30 services that each have 99.99% uptime we get: 99.9930 = 99.7% uptime 0.3% of 1 billion requests = 3,000,000 failures 2+ hours downtime/month even if all dependencies have excellent uptime.

WebParser plugin - Rainmeter 2.4 Manual - Waterfox Plugin=WebParser reads and parses information from web pages. This example creates two StringIndex values in what is referred to as the "parent" WebParser measure. The information is generally used in subsequent "child" WebParser measures: The values of the two child measures are now the information parsed into StringIndexes 1 and 2 by the parent measure. These can then be used with MeasureName and other options in meters. General measure options All general measure options are valid. URL to the site or file to be downloaded and parsed. WebParser cannot use cookies or other session-based authentication, so it cannot be used to retrieve information from web sites requiring a login. WebParser can read and parse local files on your computer by using the URI scheme. If you want to use the current value of a measure in a dynamic way as a Section Variable, rather than as a reference to a "parent" WebParser measure, you must prefix the name of the measure with the & character. RegExp

How to Debug One of the painful parts of teaching a lab-based embedded systems course is that over and over I have to watch a team with a relatively simple bug in their code, but who is trying to fix it by repeatedly making random changes. Generally they start with code that’s pretty close to working and break it worse and worse. By the end of the lab they’re frustrated, aren’t any closer to finding the bug, and have made a complete mess of their code, forcing them to go back to the previous day or week’s version. A typical Computer Science curriculum fails to teach debugging in any serious way. First we’ll want to define some terms: The high-level reason debugging is hard is that it’s an inverse problem: it attempts to infer the cause for observed effects. Of course, a very bad bug will involve several of these factors at the same time. The following steps constitute a fairly complete approach to debugging. 1. It makes no sense to even start debugging unless we’re pretty sure: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

re - - Waterfox <div class="noscript"><p><strong>Please note: Many features of this site require JavaScript. You appear to have JavaScript disabled, or are running a non-JavaScript capable web browser.</strong></p><p> To get the best experience, please enable JavaScript or download a modern web browser such as <a href=" Explorer 8</a>, <a href=" <a href=" or <a href=" Chrome</a>. </p></div> perlre - Perl regular expressions This page describes the syntax of regular expressions in Perl. If you haven't used regular expressions before, a quick-start introduction is available in perlrequick, and a longer tutorial introduction is available in perlretut. Modifiers Matching operations can have various modifiers. m Treat string as multiple lines. /x # Delete (most) C comments. s/foo/\Ubar/il /l /u

IoC container solves a problem you might not have but it’s a nice problem to have | Krzysztof Koźmic on software On frame­works and libraries A log­ging frame­work helps you log what's hap­pen­ing in your appli­ca­tion. A UI frame­work helps you ren­der and ani­mate UIs to the user. All of these tasks and con­cepts are pretty easy to under­stand. Also the code of your appli­ca­tion changes in order to use those frame­works and libraries. What about IoC container? So what about inver­sion of con­trol con­tain­ers? I got one of the IoC con­tain­ers, put it in my appli­ca­tion, and then all hell broke loose. Let's ignore the details for now and con­cen­trate on the wider sentiment. So? The sen­ti­ment is one of con­fu­sion, scep­ti­cism and frus­tra­tion. Truth is, those aren't nec­es­sar­ily the right ques­tions to ask. I have seen appli­ca­tions where intro­duc­ing a con­tainer imme­di­ately, would only worsen things. What sort of archi­tec­ture are we talk­ing about? Con­tainer has cer­tain require­ments in order to work smoothly. That's a lot of assump­tions, isn't it? It's the inversion! The i-word

FileBot - The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer / Subtitle Downloader - Waterfox YALV! - Yet Another Log4Net Viewer - Home TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index TIOBE Index for January 2016 January Headline: Java is TIOBE's Programming Language of 2015! Java has won the TIOBE Index programming language award of the year. This is because Java has the largest increase in popularity in one year time (+5.94%). Java leaves runner ups Visual Basic.NET (+1.51%) and Python (+1.24%) far behind. At first sight, it might seem surprising that an old language like Java wins this award. Java's rise goes hand in hand with Objective-C's decline (-5.88%). So what is the outlook for 2016? The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. TIOBE Programming Community IndexSource: Java Python Visual Basic .NET JavaScript Assembly language Ruby Other programming languages The Next 50 Programming Languages
