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Nir and Far

Nir and Far

Dave McClure @andrewchen Revolucionando o mercado gráfico brasileiro | Printi Search Engine Land: Must Read News About Search Marketing & Search Engines Power-ups for your browser First, Let's Fire All the Managers Management is the least efficient activity in your organization. Think of the countless hours that team leaders, department heads, and vice presidents devote to supervising the work of others. Most managers are hardworking; the problem doesn’t lie with them. The inefficiency stems from a top-heavy management model that is both cumbersome and costly. A hierarchy of managers exacts a hefty tax on any organization. This levy comes in several forms. Second, the typical management hierarchy increases the risk of large, calamitous decisions. Third, a multitiered management structure means more approval layers and slower responses. Finally, there’s the cost of tyranny. Hierarchies Versus Markets No wonder economists have long celebrated the ability of markets to coordinate human activity with little or no top-down control. That’s why we need corporations and managers. Wouldn’t it be great if we could achieve high levels of coordination without a supervisory superstructure?

High Scalability - High Scalability Energy, Computing, Biotech, Web, Communications, Social Tech - Technology Review My Blog 随着常数 m 和 n 的变化,参数方程 x = sin(m · t), y = sin(n · t) 将会画出一系列漂亮的曲线。法国物理学家 Jules Antoine Lissajous 曾在 1857 年研究过这类曲线,因此人们把它叫做 Lissajous 曲线。我在 reddit 上看到了一个 Lissajous 曲线的动画演示,觉得看起来确实非常爽;但那个动画里没有解释曲线的生成方法,很多细节也有让人不太满意的地方,于是决定自己制作一个。这个动画展示的是 m = 13, n = 18 时的 Lissajous 曲线。 2016 年 7 月 30 日至 8 月 7 日,第 39 届欧洲杂耍大会(European Juggling Convention)在荷兰的阿尔梅勒举行, 8 月 3 日凌晨的搏击之夜(Fight Night)自然再度成为了众人关注的焦点——它是杂耍斗(combat juggling)这项运动最大的赛事。在杂耍斗的圈子里,有两个响当当的大名你必须要知道:德国选手 Jochen Pfeiffer 目前世界排名第二,之前拿过 6 次搏击之夜的冠军;英国选手 Luke Burrage 目前世界排名第一,之前拿过 8 次搏击之夜的冠军。 杂耍斗是一种两人对战类的体育运动。 典型的一局比赛大致就像下面这样。 Read more… 下面这个趣题出自 Using your Head is Permitted 谜题站 2016 年 8 月的题目,稍有改动。 屋子里有若干个人,任意两个人都有恰好 1 个共同的朋友。 除了上图展示的情况之外,我们还能构造出很多别的同样满足要求的情况。 Read more… 无穷多个相同大小的正方形格子排成一排,向左右两边无限地延伸。 选择某个格子,保证该格子内至少含有 1 个原子。 初始时,某个格子里有 1 个原子。 Read more… 2016 年 IMO 的第 6 题(也就是第二天比赛的第 3 题)非常有趣,这恐怕算得上是近十年来 IMO 的所有题目中最有趣的题目之一。 证明:当 n 为奇数时, Geoff 一定有办法实现他的要求。
