Charlotte von Moos + Florian Sauter MVRDV Y House Ilot de l’Octroi Xili Sports and Cultural Centre Hamburg Innovation Port Ku.Be House of Culture and Movement MVRDV House Tianjin Binhai Library 133 Wai Yip Street Ragnarock Crystal Houses Traumhaus Funari The Stairs to Kriterion Lyon Part-Dieu Hongqiao Flower Building THE COUCH Ravel Plaza Cultural Cluster Zaanstad Seoul Skygarden Government Quarter Oslo Theater aan de Parade Publisher’s Headquarters THE CORAL TOWER TURM MIT TAILLE The Next Hutong FOLIE RICHTER PUBLIC ART DEPOT MBVB THE GARDENS OF ZARYADYE URBAN HYBRID Museum Schiedam CHUNGHA BUILDING TRANSITLAGER RELOADED Rockmagneten PUSHED SLAB MARKET HALL BJØRVIKA BARCODE BOOK MOUNTAIN EXPO 2000 SILODAM WOZOCO VILLA VPRO
Powerhouse Company Rooms with many views Villa 1 was Powerhouse Company’s first project: our chance to present our manifesto to the world. We were a fledgling practice then, working from kitchen-table offices in Rotterdam and Copenhagen. But we knew exactly what we wanted to build (a house with great spatial qualities and meticulous detailing) and how we wanted to build it (in a smooth, service-driven process). The design of Villa 1 was inspired by the site, the clients’ paradoxical desire to live “in a modern glass house with all the cosiness of an old farmhouse”, and by Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House and the work of Saarinen. The project embodies our ideas about professionalism. The site: a manufactured forest The plot was in a wood which, like so much of Dutch nature, is entirely manmade. Because the house’s spatial needs required twice the volume allowed by the regulations, we designed it upside down, placing all the bedrooms underground with the daytime functions on top. Why oh Y? Three solid forms
Museum de Fundatie / Bierman Henket architecten Architects: Bierman Henket architecten Location: Blijmarkt, Zwolle, The Netherlands Architect In Charge: Bierman Henket architecten Year: 2013 Photographs: Joep Jacobs Structural Engineer: ABT adviesbureau voor bouwtechniek bv Services Engineer: Huisman & van Muijen Building Physics: Climatic Design Consult Cost Consultant: Bremen Bouwadviseurs Contractor: BAM oost Ceramics: Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum From the architect. The courthouse on Blijmarkt was designed by the architect Eduard Louis de Coninck in 1938 in the neo-classical style. On the city side the free-standing building is slightly recessed in relation to the unbroken, mediaeval façade of Blijmarkt. Due to its location the building became a link between two distinct worlds: one an inward-orientated, mediaeval, fortified city with a compact and static character and the other a 19th century park with an outward-orientated, dynamic character. Bierman Henket architecten designed the extension of the former courthouse in 2010.
Information | Christian Dupraz Architectes - Genève Après un diplôme de l’Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Genève [EIG], Christian Dupraz (Genève / Suisse) entreprend une formation à l’Ecole d’Architecture de l’Université de Genève [EAUG], sous la direction du professeur Bruno Reichlin. Lauréat du Prix Arditi en Architecture et Urbanisme (1996), il obtient en 1999 une bourse du Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique [FNS] pour sa recherche sur l’usage du béton armé dans l’architecture des années 1950, sous la conduite du professeur Martin Steinmann [EPFL]. Il codirige le bureau Christian Dupraz & Pierre-Alain Dupraz architectes (1996-2001) et fonde, en 2002, l’agence Christian Dupraz Architectes à Genève. Parallèlement à son activité d’architecte indépendant, il poursuit son engagement culturel et académique, écrit dans diverses revues, conçoit et édite du mobilier []. Sa pratique puise dans l’ensemble des champs du vécu. [ Distinctions / Prix / Concours Réalisations / Projets
Dean / Wolf Architects home | work | info | contact February 2012 Ephemeral Edge receives Progressive Architecture Citation from Architect Magazine December 2011 Inverted Warehouse Townhouse receives Best Residential Renovation / Redevelopment Americas Property Award December 2011 Kathryn Dean will be installed as the JoAnne Stolaroff Cotsen Professor of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis September 2011 Inverted Warehouse Townhouse was awarded Best in New York State Award by AIA NY. September 2011 Inverted Warehouse Townhouse was awarded a TriState (NY, NJ, PA) AIA Honor Award Architectural - Residential. March 2011 AIA NY has awarded Dean/Wolf Architects an Interiors Honor Award to Inverted Warehouse Townhouse, and an Interiors Merit Award to Implied Rotation Townhouse February 2011 Inverted Warehouse/ Townhouse is an Architectural Record Online featured house. January 2011 Our monograph, Dean/Wolf Architects: Constructive Continuum published by Princeton Architectural Press.
Städel Museum / Schneider + Schumacher Architects: Schneider + Schumacher Location: Frankfurt, Germany Project Year: 2007 Project Area: 24,726 sqm Photographs: Norbert Miguletz, Christoph Bonke, Kirsten Bucher In Spring 2008, schneider+schumacher won the international competition to extend the Städel Museum in Frankfurt/Main. By placing the new building below the museum’s garden, they almost doubled the exhibition area from 4,000 m2 to 7,000 m2. The underground building is 76 m wide, 53 m long and a maximum of 8.20 m high at the centre. The outer surface of the doubly-curved roof slab is covered by a total of 195 roof lights, varying in diameter from 1.50 m at the outer edge to 2.50 m at the highest point in the centre. The entire slab is supported on just 12 slim reinforced concrete columns. The overall concept and technical specification ensure this museum building is sustainable in all respects. * Location to be used only as a reference.
AFF - In Arbeit LINDETAL MIT STEPHAN HAHN ARCHITEKT & ZIMMERER STATUS: IN AUSFÜHRUNG BGF: 172 qm JAHR: 2013 - 2015 Chenchow Little Architects – Sydney Australia Реконструкция Палаццо Кампьелло Реконструкция Палаццо Кампьелло © FG+SG / Palazzo Campiello reconstruction Архи.ру об этом объекте: В Вигоново близ Венеции бюро 3ndy Studio воссоздало палаццо конца 19 в. Палаццо Кампьелло с небольшой площадью перед ним, давшей название этому зданию, в начале 1980-х годов сильно пострадало от пожара и почти 30 лет было заброшено. В результате, оно так обветшало, что о научной реставрации не могло быть и речи. Реконструкция Палаццо Кампьелло © 3ndy Studio Nouvelle ambassade suisse - Burckhardt+Partner Son contexte La ville de Séoul subit un développement effréné, à l’image des grandes métropoles asiatiques. Forte densification, création de nouveaux pôles, d’infrastructures routières et ferroviaires, un développement représentatif de l’essor économique du pays associé à une forte croissance démographique. Ce développement urbain touche de nombreux quartiers qui changent brusquement d’échelle, passant d’un tissu tapissant de maisons basses à une silhouette dont la verticalité évoque le skyline des grandes métropoles. Le quartier résidentiel de Seodaemu-gu est l’illustration de ce type de métamorphose, où les maisons traditionnelles feront prochainement place à un quartier dense de tours d’habitation, s’implantant jusqu’ au pied de la colline, à l’est de la parcelle. Sa forme Le bâtiment s’implante en épousant la forme de la parcelle, se rapprochant plutôt de la topographie (Gyeonghuigung Park), que de la morphologie du nouveau quartier. Prestation Burckhardt+Partner : Architecture
Vincent Callebaut Architecte OURCQ PROGRAM : Innovation Centre in Sustainable Development LOCATION : Canal de l'Ourcq, Paris 19èmeSURFACE AREA : 2065 M²PERSPECTIVES : Philippe Steels Anti-Smog is a parasite project set up on the post-industrial urban structure of the Petite Ceinture and the canal de l’Ourcq in the 19th Parisian district. It is a public equipment dedicated to promote the last innovations on the theme of sustainable development in urban area in terms of housing or transport. Its role is to apply all the avant-garde renewable energies so as to fight against the Parisian smog. This smog (smoke + fog) is a bluish to reddish haze. It is the result of the water condensing (the fog) on the suspended dust and the presence of ozone in the troposphere. Anti-Smog is thus an ecological prototype of auto-sufficient, depolluting architecture, reactive to its environment and is set up on an Euclidean urban vector with three axes: In X, the canal de l’Ourcq : In Y, the rail bridge of the Petite Ceinture : In XYZ : En XYZ :