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The Local-global Flip, Or, "the Lanier Effect"

The Local-global Flip, Or, "the Lanier Effect"
Here's a sampling: ... "The Apple idea is that instead of the personal computer model where people own their own information, and everybody can be a creator as well as a consumer, we're moving towards this iPad, iPhone model where it's not as adequate for media creation as the real media creation tools, and even though you can become a seller over the network, you have to pass through Apple's gate to accept what you do, and your chances of doing well are very small, and it's not a person to person thing, it's a business through a hub, through Apple to others, and it doesn't create a middle class, it creates a new kind of upper class. ... Google has done something that might even be more destructive of the middle class, which is they've said, "Well, since Moore's law makes computation really cheap, let's just give away the computation, but keep the data." And that's a disaster. ... ... ... ... ... ...if you're adding to the network, do you expect anything back from it? Read on. Related:  Scienze socialiNews, Politics, and Commentary

L'opinion publique n'existe pas Je voudrais préciser d’abord que mon propos n’est pas de dénoncer de façon mécanique et facile les sondages d’opinion, mais de procéder à une analyse rigoureuse de leur fonctionnement et de leurs fonctions. Ce qui suppose que l’on mette en question les trois postulats qu’ils engagent implicitement. Toute enquête d’opinion suppose que tout le monde peut avoir une opinion ; ou, autrement dit, que la production d’une opinion est à la portée de tous. Quitte à heurter un sentiment naïvement démocratique, je contesterai ce premier postulat. Deuxième postulat : on suppose que toutes les opinions se valent. Je pense que l’on peut démontrer qu’il n’en est rien et que le fait de cumuler des opinions qui n’ont pas du tout la même force réelle conduit à produire des artefacts dépourvus de sens. On fait très souvent aux sondages d’opinion des reproches techniques. Des problématiques imposées Des instruments d’action politique L’oubli des non-réponses Toute question est interprétée Une fausse neutralité

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050? Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050? Islam is likely to become the primary religion in the Russian Federation by 2050 due to the high birth rate in Muslim republics. The current Chinese-led conquest of Russia’s Far East already seems to be a matter of immediate concern for the Kremlin. The ethnic birth rate disproportion in different regions of the country is another problem. The Muslim community may become the largest community by the middle of the current century. Therefore, Islam has all chances to become the predominant religion in Russia. Ukrainian scientists of politics, Valery Chaliy and Mikhail Pashkov, believe that this is not the only challenge, which Russia has to face nowadays. “The Russian macroeconomic stability is being shattered with the high inflation rate and growing food prices. Islam is currently the second most widely professed religion in the Russian Federation. There was much evidence of official conciliation toward Islam in Russia in the 1990s.

Fantômas, les nains de jardin, Foucault, et la forêt qui pousse Fantômas, les nains de jardin, Foucault, et la forêt qui pousse... Fantômas, les nains de jardin, Foucault, et la forêt qui pousse... Mohamed Merah a succombé aux balles du RAID, après 10 jours de psychose en France. Même depuis ma retraite d’écriture au Mexique, je ne pouvais échapper aux échos venant de mes proches et amis. J’ai fini par m’offrir un petit bain de presse pour constater l’immense couverture médiatique, les manifestations de solidarité, les minutes de silence, la pléthore de témoignages destinés à nourrir les reportages gloutons du “toujours plus” car, comme on sait, les médias ont horreur du vide. Quant aux candidats à la présidentielle, chacun y allait de son petit mot destiné à flatter un électorat accroché au mamelles des discours sécuritaires et populistes. A l’instant où j’écris ces mots, la marmite chauffe sur le feu de l’actualité. Et si nous allions tous manifester pour les nains de jardin victimes de la Françafrique et des sodas? Source : France Inter M.

Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy “To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not. Firstly we must understand what aspect of government or neocorporatist behavior we wish to change or remove. Secondly we must develop a way of thinking about this behavior that is strong enough carry us through the mire of politically distorted language, and into a position of clarity. Finally must use these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective action.”Julian Assange, “State and Terrorist Conspiracies” The piece of writing (via) which that quote introduces is intellectually substantial, but not all that difficult to read, so you might as well take a look at it yourself. First take some nails (“conspirators”) and hammer them into a board at random.

Social Media Classroom A five week course using asynchronous forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, social bookmarks, synchronous audio, video, chat, and Twitter Limited to 30 learners May 15 - June 21 2013 Tuition: 300 USD; 250 for Rheingold U alumni; 500 if your company reimburses. Learning objectives About this course: Expect participative and collaborative learning Schedule Missions Mindamp6 Lexicon What's Happening THIS WEEK The media we use for co-learning (screencast) The media we use for co-learning (clickable concept map) Shared Spaces: Links and Tools Sign Up for Learner Lectures Index for Sessions Wiki Pages One: Infotention texts (required): Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think," The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1945 (instructor's highlighted version) As a young sailor in the Philippines, awaiting the expected invasion of Japan, radar operator Doug Engelbart saw a copy of the August, 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Howard Rheingold, Mindful Infotention (blog text) Infotention Concept Map (cMap) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. J.C.R.

Chinese men have already started to conquer Russia's female population China has been struggling against overpopulation for decades. It seems that this problem exists in the country for ages. It now appears that the Chinese authorities have finally managed to succeed in changing the traditional imbalance between male and female newborns. In 2010, 118.08 boys were born per 100 girls in China. In 2009, the correlation was 100 girls per 119.45 boys. The positive trend for the nation continues for two years in a row, Chinese officials said. Nevertheless, the Chinese realize that the so-called gender imbalance in births remains on a very high level. This problem poses a serious threat to the social stability of the Chinese society. In Russia, there are on average 1,159 women per 1,000 men. Generally speaking, female fiancées in Russia outnumber male fiancées by over ten million. For example, in the Yaroslavl region, there are 1,239 women per 1,000 men (1,233 and 1,226 women per 1,000 men in the Ivanovo and the Tula regions respectively).

10 Lessons From Real-Life Revolutions That Fictional Dystopias Ignore Recommended by Esther Inglis-Arkell Here's The Gruesome Way A Doctor First Proved The Heart Pumps Blood 10 Lessons From Real-Life Revolutions That Fictional Dystopias Ignore The Potato That Killed! This Rube Goldberg Machine Runs On Light Here's the Hallucination You (and Everyone Else) Have Experienced One Bad Piece of Press Made Black Widow Spiders Legendary The Mothman Who Created An Evolutionary Controversy An Architect's Guide to Famous Villain's Lairs The Einstellung Effect Proves That a Good Idea Can Be A Very Bad Idea The Secret Twist In the Bobo Doll Experiments That Turned Kids Mean A Black Hole Doesn't Die -- It Does Something A Lot Weirder The Doctor Who Sterilized U.S. Here's Why You See Those Flickering Clouds Around the Tavurvur Volcano This May Be The Longest Con In Pseudoscience This Test Proves That Language Forces Your Brain To Create Simulations This Chemist's Story Should Become a Movie Artist Draws Whimsical Illustrations Over The Shapes He Sees In Clouds

Saudi women given right to vote By Asma Alsharif JEDDAH Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:56pm IST JEDDAH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's king announced on Sunday women would be given the right to vote and stand in elections, a bold shift in the ultra-conservative absolute monarchy as pressure for social and democratic reform sweeps the Middle East. It was by far the biggest change in Saudi Arabia's tightly-controlled society yet ordered by the 88-year-old Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who took power six years ago with a reformer's reputation but has ruled as a cautious conservative. In practice, the measure will do little to change how the country is run: Saudi Arabia's rulers allow elections only for half of the seats on municipal councils which have few powers. The king did not address broader issues of women's rights in a country where women are not allowed to drive and require a male relative's permission to work or leave the country. "This is great news," said Saudi writer and women's rights activist Wajeha al-Huwaider.

Lanier: il web sta uccidendo la classe media - PNR - presi nella rete - Blog - Dal Venerdì in edicola BERKELEY. La stanza dove lavora è un antro platonico. La reazione immediata a questo atto d’accusa è una scrollata di spalle: è il progresso, bellezza! Quella che lui denuncia è la «frode contabile di massa» che fa finta che i social network, o i big data di cui tanto si parla, si producano per partenogenesi informatica. Dunque, a partire dall’industria musicale, Lanier allarga la rassegna. Prendete i traduttori. Ha fatto discutere Uber, l’applicazione per prenotare un’auto via cellulare. I proprietari dei computer più potenti si affermeranno come l’unica élite rimasta. Dati italiani scarseggiano. Quando Hans Magnus Enzensberger, dando il benvenuto al nuovo secolo, parlava del tempo libero come il lusso ultimo non sapeva ancora quanto avesse ragione.
