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Common Craft

Common Craft
It's just too much. Did you know that there are over 15 billion web pages? To make sense of it all, we need to pluck out the best pages and save them for later. We have choices. We could bookmark or add to favorites in our web browser. Nah, it quickly becomes messy. There's a new way that doesn't use a browser. We'll focus on three things: How to get started with bookmarking, how bookmarks are organized by tags, and why this kind of bookmarking is social. First, go to to sign up for a free account. Consider this example, you are a teacher who often uses the web to find math lessons for 8th graders. Here's what happens when you tag a site: a new window opens and asks for more information. When you save a page like this, two things happen. Let's fast forward two months to make our second point: Why tags are so important. To find all your sites about algebra, you click the algebra tag, and voila, one hundred becomes three. Think about your fellow teachers.

Fluency 21 - Unit Planner Our cloud-app Fluency21 Unit Planner was created to help you make the shift to a learning environment where students use higher-level thinking to create products as solutions to relevant real-world problems. Aligned with the 21st Century Fluencies and the processes outlined in our book, Literacy is Not Enough , this tool will allow you to create units that develop the essential skills so that students will not only be prepared for the tests, but also be prepared for life. You're not alone, we designed this cloud-app so that you can collaborate and share with like-minded educators around the world that are also committed to making a difference. Standards are Standards We understand that every teacher, at every level is accountable for ensuring the curriculum standards are met. Our Fluency21 Unit Planner cloud-app includes Common Core, as well as standards for Texas, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and you can add your own as well! Collaborate Comment Standards Fluencies

Qu’est-ce que le bookmarking social ? Afin d'expliquer le phénomène du bookmarking social, CommonCraft diffuse une video présentant le service La conception de ce didactitiel est trés originale ! Présenter l'utilisation des NTIC gràce à des "bouts de papier" permet de se concentrer sur l'essentiel tout en mettant de coté la technique. Une idée à retenir. Publication Date: 2007-09-23 Tag: NTIC services web2.0 video On 2007-09-23, Jérôme: Quel outil utilises-tu pour faire du social bookmarking ? Concernant le didactitiel, sa conception est en effet assez original. On 2007-09-23, Olivier: A l'heure actuelle, je ne partage pas mes favories. Pour stocker mes favories et pouvoir y accéder depuis n'importe quel poste, j'utilise Netvibes. On 2007-09-24, Jérôme: Faudrai que je creuse un jour pour trouver l'outil idéal ;) Je ne connaissais pas le widget netvibes pour insérer une page web. On 2007-09-25, Olivier: Sur Netvibes, j'utilise le widget Webnote. On 2007-10-21, Comment ca marche le social bookmarking...

Pearltrees Social bookmarking: Using Diigo in the classroom abcteach -- Free Printables, Interactives, Custom Documents, Clip Art, and Games Le TOP 50 des digg like et social bookmarking francophones - Nov Février 2008 79pioche.fr1262,4%-33391,840:02:5469,84 %69,05 %10come4news.com1182,2%27181,510:01:0975,00 %71,30 %11tapemoi.com1142,1%21371,850:01:4085,09 %70,18 %12entrevue-web.fr1142,1%-813291,250:00:4890,35 %90,35 %13bookmarks.fr1052,0%41051,760:02:5071,15 %68,27 %14romanding.ch1001,9%-21561,660:01:5071,00 %76,00 %15newzy.fr881,7%NEW !02,820:03:4581,82 %38,64 %16lesclesdelinfo.com831,6%NEW !03,990:05:2079,52 %31,33 %17twitter.com771,4%3671,270:01:1671,62 %82,43 %18surftheinfo.com761,4%NEW !

25 Things Teachers Should Know About Gamification Gamification has been a big buzzword in education in recent times. Using game-style methods to incentivize students to get their learn on can be fun and effective teaching and learning methods.Take a look at these 25 things that all teachers should know about gamification. See Also: The 100-Second Guide To Gamification In Education From the most simple questions (like, ‘what is gamification, anyway?) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Dr.

cooltoolsforschools - home Social bookmarking avec SemanticScuttle : alternative libre à Delicious « Bafouillages [geek] Après l' information selon laquelle le fameux site de social bookmarking Delicious allait être fermé par Yahoo, information finalement démentie (Delicious sera revendu), j'ai recherché quel outil libre , installable et gérable par moi-même, pouvait avoir assez de qualité pour le remplacer dignement. Comme le rappelait Framasoft sur Twitter , les données ne sont jamais mieux que chez soi et, en ce sens, la solution de repli vers Diigo , largement plébiscité sur le même Twitter, n'aurait absolument rien changé à l'un des problèmes de fond : rester tributaire d'une société privée dont on ne peut être certain du devenir. Ma recherche était guidée par deux exigences précises : l'outil devait pouvoir être utilisé via une extension ou, en tout cas, un raccourci permettant de bookmarker rapidement et aisément ses pages des flux RSS devaient être générés par tag , et non pas uniquement pour le compte utilisateur tout entier. Page principale Page d'ajout de signets Politique d'accès aux signets

Tech Tools for Teachers: Social-bookmarking By Nik Peachey Nik Peachey explores social-bookmarking and how we can use it to save bookmarks online to access them from any computer. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on the use of social-bookmarking, including a list of tools to collate web pages like scrible and Delicious, a downloadable lesson plan, a video screencast tutorial and a printable how-to guide. What is social-bookmarking? To explain what social bookmarking is, let’s first look at bookmarking. In this article, we look at the use of social-bookmarking to see how it can be used to share ideas and enhance learning. Equipment needed | Why is social-bookmarking useful for language teaching? Equipment needed You don’t need any special equipment to get involved in social-bookmarking, though many social-bookmarking services do offer you browser plug-ins and bookmarklets that can make using their services faster and more efficient. Why is social-bookmarking useful for language teaching? Tips for creating social bookmarks
