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Publicité et CRM Mobile - Ad4Screen

Publicité et CRM Mobile - Ad4Screen

S4M - The smartest mobile adserving solution for agencies A Marketers Guide to Selling Your Mobile App (Without Apple) “There’s an app for that.” Actually, there’s more than one app for that now. And that’s the problem. With over 700,000 apps battling for attention in the App Store, the stress isn’t just on consumers trying to discover the best apps, it’s on marketers trying to get their apps discovered. The struggle with App Store discovery If you’re an app publisher you may have heard of the latest changes to the App Store. Let’s take a quick glimpse at how search has changed within the App Store from iOS 5 to iOS 6, using “Stocks” as a keyword example: That’s five results to one. Is your app feeling the squeeze? The struggle to get paid: App Store Revenue Distribution Alright, so getting found can be pretty tough. The top 20% of apps make 97% of the revenues. Lesson learned: if you want to make major dough, you need to be sitting at the top of the App Store charts. But what has to come first: big download numbers or a solid chart ranking? Taking your marketing beyond the App Store Well, glad you asked!

How To Promote Your Mobile App With almost 1 million apps in the iTunes store, and nearly as many available from Google Play, it can be difficult for a mobile app to stand out from the crowd. This helpful infographic from our friends at BlueCaribu explains how to promote your mobile app so you’re not just another app in the crowd. Have any tips of your own for promoting a mobile app? Let us know about them in the comments. Kelly Clay Kelly Clay is HasOffers' Digital Communications Strategist.

AD-X - iPhone Android mobile application download tracking Devis application mobile iphone ipad smartphone App Quotes ACCORD DE CONFIDENTIALITE ENTRE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ci-après désigné par le terme “………………………………………” , D’UNE PART,ET ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ci-après désigné par le terme “………………………………………” , D’AUTRE PART, IL EST PRÉALABLEMENT EXPOSÉ……………………………………… a notamment pour activité le conseil en conception et réalisation de tous produits ou services interactifs/mobiles. ……………………………………… est une société désireuse de développer un système interactif/mobile de …………… ci-après “Projet” .Les Parties au présent Contrat souhaitent explorer les possibilités d’une collaboration pour ce Projet. La divulgation non autorisée de l’Information définie ciès causerait un préjudice substantiel à la Partie qui en est la propriétaire. EN CONSÉQUENCE, LES PARTIES CONVIENNENT DE CE QUI SUIT :1. 2. Le présent Contrat est régi par le droit français. Fait à …………………………………………., en deux exemplaires originaux, le ……………………………………… Signature du porteur de projet : ………………………………………

Cinq écueils à éviter pour le Marketing de son application mobile Fiksu est une plateforme spécialisée dans le Marketing mobile. Régulièrement, elle met à disposition des livres blancs sur certains aspects spécifiques et facteurs-clés de succès de la promotion d’applications. Nous allons ici vous présenter les conclusions du plus récent d’entre eux, indiquant les cinq principales erreurs à ne pas commettre lorsque l’on commercialise son app, et comment les éviter. 1. Les leviers d’acquisition d’utilisateurs traditionnels, comme les campagnes média (print, TV, radio), ou même les bannières web et les campagnes au coût-par-clic, ne sont de peu, voire d’aucune utilité lorsqu’il s’agit de Marketing mobile. Au contraire, Fiksu encourage les développeurs d’applications à se tourner vers les réseaux publicitaires mobiles (comme AppsGratis), ou encore les services d’incitation au téléchargement (comme TapJoy), sans bien sûr négliger les RP et les réseaux sociaux. 2. 3. 4. 5. A chaque nouvelle industrie ses nouveaux professionnels de la communication.

App Store Analytics for iOS and Android developers | Hourly App Store Ranks | App Store Sales Reporting | iTunes Connect Sales Analytics | Worldwide App Store Reviews | Top 400 Hourly Updated App Store Ranks | iAd & AdMob Tracking PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Mobile Marketing Automation Products | Appboy Effectively Engage Users Beyond the Install Hoping for a flood of downloads doesn’t constitute a winning mobile strategy. We created Appboy with customer engagement in mind to empower marketers to easily build a loyal app audience. Engagement Channels Outside the App Push Notifications Encourage desired key actions (particularly among lapsed users) with action-oriented messages that direct your audience back to the app. Email Connect with users beyond your app by sending richer content, images and multiple calls to action that are far-reaching without being intrusive. Inside the App In-App Messages Nudge users toward their next key action and drive in-app discovery through native messaging that doesn’t disrupt the app experience. News Feed Our unique stream dynamically highlights larger pieces of fresh, relevant content including events, UGC, tips and community information. Product Features Supported Platforms Android iOS Windows Unity Fire OS Xamarin Baidu Web

Digital marketing statistics articles | eMarketer Monday, April 14, 2014 Facebook’s change to its News Feed algorithm has caused uproar among many, as it drastically reduces organic reach on the social site. But while marketers see organic posts as effective, the fact that organic reach has been declining since February 2012 suggests otherwise. Finding new business is a top challenge for small businesses. An increasing number of retailers in the UK are operating across multiple sales channels, with mobile seeing particularly strong growth in this respect. Friday, April 11, 2014 According to new eMarketer figures, computers and consumer electronics will claim the greatest share of US retail ecommerce sales through 2018. In an interview with eMarketer, David Edelman, a partner and global co-leader of sales and marketing practice at management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, discusses how mobile tracking technology, including iBeacon, is changing retail. Thursday, April 10, 2014 Wednesday, April 09, 2014 Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Marketing Web et Mobile
