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22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques : Speckyboy Design Magazine

22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques : Speckyboy Design Magazine
CSS button styling can be tricky and sometimes tedious. If you are looking for a simple and effective way of creating dynamic CSS buttons with cross browser compatibility, these tutorials are for you. Below, you will find 22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques. Submit button should look same everywhere Link : Visit Tutorial »Description : When someone works on a website design, it is important that the look will remain same in all browsers. How to make sexy buttons with CSS Link : Visit Tutorial »Description : This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons (with alternate pressed state) using CSS. Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors Link : Visit Tutorial »Description : Create dynamic CSS buttons using PNG, transparency and background colors that degrades nicely and supports full scalability. Sexy CSS Hover Button Make fancy buttons using CSS sliding doors Beautiful CSS buttons with icon set CSS Sliding Door using only 1 image CSS Oval buttons

Smart tricks to make you a Photoshop black belt Every designer uses Photoshop. Even if you've been using it for over 10 years, you'll still find new tricks and different ways to do things. As with all good software packages, there are lots of ways to accomplish your goals and many ways to speed up repetitive tasks. Photoshop has many different areas to master. There are a lot of tools specifically for photographers that a designer will barely touch. The right etiquette When working in Photoshop, there are a number of things you can do to keep your file organised, both for yourself and for others you share it with. Sometimes the designer who created the PSD is no longer with the company, or on vacation, so if there are missing elements in a file or it has been flattened then this can cause time-wasting issues. As a general rule, you should try to name your PSD in relation to the site map or the order it appears in the flow of a site. If you need to have multiple states in one page then this works too: 01.1, 01.2, 01.3 and so on.

70 Of The Best Photoshop Actions For Enhancing Photos The compilation consist of 70 of the best Photoshop actions collected from all around the web from photo effects to actions for even creating photo borders, An essential design resource for all designers weather your an expert or an beginner. Photoshop actions consist of a series of menu commands such as i.e. filters, image adjustments etc which can be recorded and played back this process is called a Photoshop action. Photoshop actions are perfect for novices to Photoshop simply because it allows you to apply multiple different photo effects to an image within a few seconds without having knowledge about the ins and outs of Photoshop. Photo Effect Actions 1) Double sketch effect action for Photoshop This action offers a “double” sketch effect, just like if you painted the sketch twice, once from left to right, and once from right to left. 2) Photoshop Action – Bright Eyes A Photoshop action to enhance the appearance of the eye but only works with blue eyes. 3) Pencil Draw Photoshop Action

Yes, learn basic programming A few people have asked me whether I think programming is a necessary skill for entrepreneurs (or anyone) to have in the future. When I was 14 years old, taking guitar lessons from Tom Pecora, he gave me that this-is-important-so-listen-well look, and told me something that stuck with me for life: “You need to learn to sing. His point of view was from a rock guitarist in the Chicago music scene, trying to put together a band, and all that. But ever since then I’ve applied that point to other areas. When I first started CD Baby, I didn’t know any programming, only basic HTML, and quickly had to cry for someone to help me. Later, when I needed a new computer, my friend Tony Benjamin taught me how to build my own from parts. In the independent musician scene, the DIY ethic is strong, by necessity. The benefit of doing this yourself at first is that you learn enough about it so when you can afford to hire someone, you’re in a much better position to know if they’re good or not.

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6 Free PSD/(X)HTML-Templates | Freebies Advertisement We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a little bit prettier. A couple of weeks ago we released DelliStore, a professional CSS/(X)HTML-template with PSD-sources. Download and use the templates for free! The themes can be used and edited without any restrictions or limitations. Shape From a long time we have been playing with the idea of creating a fusion design. That’s with the design. We wanted to have a distinct background colour for the company description and thus used black to make it look prominent. The template code is validated by W3C and also conforms to section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act for Accessible design. Projection Template This template incorporates the look and feel of graffiti art. Artificial Casting Template The template code is validated by W3C and also conforms to Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act for Accessible design.

40 Top-Notch Print Based Tutorials There don’t seem to be enough print related tutorials online, so in this round up I wanted to cover as many print specific articles as possible. I also wanted to mix in some that weren’t directly print related, but that help create print related products like movie posters, ads, cd covers, etc. The tutorials in this post cover the use of Photoshop, InDesign, and even Illustrator. I think when learning about print it is important to understand how to use the programs that are designed for print such as InDesign, and not just using Photoshop as a default application for everything. Create a Five-color Magazine Cover using a Spot Metallic This is a great tutorial that shows you how to create a professional looking magazine cover and not one of those lame fake magazine cover that doesn’t even look like a real magazine. Create a Vibrant Drink Ad This is some text describing the image if needed, and why it was chosen. Planet Terror Style Movie Poster Design a 6 Panel CD Package Tutorial

30 Greatest Online Project Management and Collaboration Tools Project management and collaboration skills play a major role in every business and often the outcome of a project is highly affected by the initial planning and monitoring stages of a project. Project management is especially important for small and flexible businesses where all the work is based on a few people who have to communicate and develop the workflow. Globalization has made collaboration even more essential since many modern businesses like web design agencies don’t even have a constant address – people all around the world are working from their home. Web-based project management and collaboration tools are the top choice of hundreds of entrepreneurs and thousands of small and medium size businesses. These tools will maximize your productivity, organization, and help you keep on top of your projects effortlessly. Continue reading if you’re looking for your first project management app or just seeking to check out alternatives. 1. Features: Pricing: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
