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Quick Start Guide - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps

Quick Start Guide - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps
← Tutorials This step-by-step guide will quickly get you started on Leaflet basics, including setting up a Leaflet map, working with markers, polylines and popups, and dealing with events. Preparing your page Before writing any code for the map, you need to do the following preparation steps on your page: Now you’re ready to initialize the map and do some stuff with it. Setting up the map Let’s create a map of the center of London with pretty Mapbox Streets tiles. var mymap ='mapid').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); By default (as we didn’t pass any options when creating the map instance), all mouse and touch interactions on the map are enabled, and it has zoom and attribution controls. Note that setView call also returns the map object — most Leaflet methods act like this when they don’t return an explicit value, which allows convenient jQuery-like method chaining. Next we’ll add a tile layer to add to our map, in this case it’s a Mapbox Streets tile layer. Markers, circles and polygons

Cómo empezar con Webpack Webpack es un sistema de bundling para preparar el desarrollo de una aplicación web para producción. En cierta medida se puede considerar un Browserify avanzado ya que tiene muchas opciones de configuración. También se puede considerar una evolución de Grunt y Gulp, ya que permite de alguna manera automatizar los procesos principales que son transpilar y preprocesar código de .scss a .css, de ES7 a ES5/6, etc... Para poder utilizar Webpack en tu proyecto web debes tener instalado Node.js en tu equipo y con el comando npm install -g webpack tendrás Webpack instalado de forma global en tu equipo (También puedes instalarlo a nivel de proyecto y correrlo con NPM scripts). El comando más sencillo para realizar un bundle de tus archivos JavaScript es el siguiente: $ webpack . Este comando lo que hace es leer tu fichero index.js que sería el principal de tu aplicación e importar todos los módulos que estén definidos y crear el fichero de "producción" app.js en la carpeta build. <! Hola!

Location and Maps Programming Guide: About Location Services and Maps Using location-based information in your app is a great way to keep the user connected to the surrounding world. Whether you use this information for practical purposes (such as navigation) or for entertainment, location-based information can enhance the overall user experience. Location-based information consists of two pieces: location services and maps. At a Glance By incorporating geographic data into your apps, you can orient users to the surrounding environment and keep them connected to people nearby. Because maps and location services are available in both iOS and OS X, location-based apps use very similar code on both platforms. Location Services Provide a Geographical Context for Apps Knowing the user’s geographic location can improve the quality of the information you offer, and might even be at the heart of your app. iBeacon Transmitters Enhance the User’s Experience of a Location Heading Information Indicates the User’s Current Orientation Local Search How to Use This Document

Studio What are Style Components? A Style Component is a group of associated layers that together represent a common cartographic feature. “Roads” and “Place labels” are examples of components. Components wrap thousands of decisions made by our cartographers into a simple, curated set of controls for color, typography, and feature density. Each component includes built-in styles, as well as a set of options unique to the features the component contains. What are the benefits of the Style Components in Studio? Components make customizing maps easier and faster in Studio by reducing the number of decisions needed to get the desired outcome. How do I start using Style Components? Any new style you create in Mapbox Studio will automatically have components enabled. How do the color and typography settings work? Color and typography settings are shared across every component in a style. Can I customize the map in ways that aren’t supported using just the components interface? No.

ballercat/wasm-loader: WASM webpack loader Pessimistress/Isochronic-Map Gephi - The Open Graph Viz Platform GitHub - Famous/engine How to Map Photos Using OpenStreetMap and TileMill | Geojournalism Handbook This guide takes four steps, demonstrating an overview of the whole flow and connection between four tools to build a photo map. This guide will hit the main points and highlight how the tools connect up with open data Introduction Recently, we organized a fun skill share with Map Kibera, and then again with Transparent Chennai. The idea is to use OpenStreetMap and TileMill to create an interactive photo map. Here’s the simple result from working with Map Kibera. Want to learn to create something like this? Upload Photos to Flickr What you need: A photo of a place to map.What you get: Link to the photo page and photo preview.Learn more: Flickr Help If you don’t have a Flickr account, create one, it’s an easy way to share images. Credit: Mikel Maron, Ground Truth Initiative From your photo page, click the Share button, and then the Grab the HTML/BBCode panel. tag. The result you should have is a link to the photo page, and the photo preview. Edit OpenStreetMap Now, over to OpenStreetMap.

Hydrodynamic Submarine :: Create the Future Design Contest *It is an invention of most extreme simplicity. *It consists only in a new design of the hull, which the shape is cylindrical and where the water is sucked in the prow, passing through internal side ducts and being expelled in the stern. *The hydrodynamic submarine is “pulled” by the low pressure of the water that is sucked in its front, besides being pushed for the high pressure of its propulsion. *Near to the propeller’s spin occurs a great pressure difference. *In the conventional model the low pressure of the water is not used as pulling force. *** New, non-obvious, useful (PCT/WIPO 2012). 1)The Hydrodynamic Submarine does not push the water, but pulls the water, that pulls the submarine. 2)The sucked water in the prow is repositioned in the stern. 3)Possessing cylindrical shape, it doesn’t externally moves the water. 4)Two are the causes of the movement resistance in the water:1ª The heavy water mass to be moved (main cause).2ª The roughness of the hull (secondary cause). Voting Tags

CodeMirror CodeMirror is an open-source project shared under an MIT license. It is the editor used in the dev tools for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, in Light Table, Adobe Brackets, Bitbucket, and many other projects. Development and bug tracking happens on github (alternate git repository). Please read these pointers before submitting a bug. Use pull requests to submit patches. Discussion around the project is done on a discussion forum. A list of CodeMirror-related software that is not part of the main distribution is maintained on our wiki. Geotag Your Photos! | Zonerama Magazine You might be among the many photographers who completely ignore the possibility of GPS-tagging your photos. “After all,” you tell yourself, “it’s not like I’ll ever forget where I took a picture!” But nobody’s memory is perfect—not even yours. Zoner Photo Studio can assign GPS data—geographic coordinates—to your pictures. The Map mode display in Zoner Photo Studio 16. Assigning GPS Data In Map mode, GPS-tagging pictures is exceptionally intuitive. Assigning GPS coordinates. To quickly check which pictures are geotagged when you’re browsing in the Manager, check their thumbnails’ top right corners. You can assign GPS coordinates in the Manager, or also using the Information > GPS > Assign GPS coordinates… menu item. Adding GPS data using Zoner’s “traditional” GPS window. Searching by GPS Once you’ve tagged your photos, you can later look for photos taken near a certain place. As soon as you’ve selected the coordinates, click OK to confirm them, and then if needed change the Neighborhood.
