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discussion-game.pdf All Things Topics - Home Speed Chatting – pratigt, roligt och lärorikt. | Hanna Fjeld Nu tänker jag bjuda på ett lektionsupplägg som eleverna gillar och som brukar vara mycket lyckat. Det handlar om speed chatting. Ja, det låter nästan som speed dating och det är nästan vad det är. Jag möblerar salen så att det blir ett eller två långbord beroende på hur salen ser ut och hur många elever det är i klassen. Eleverna sitter vid bordet och bildar par med den som sitter mittemot. Jag brukar introducera den här samtalsövningen i år 7, då får eleverna titta på bilder som jag satt ihop i ett bildspel och diskutera det de ser och associerar till. Övningen går att variera på flera olika sätt: prata om ord, påståenden, korta filmklipp, låta eleverna sitta i grupper eller att prata under längre tid. Min uppfattning är att eleverna verkligen gillar att prata engelska, men att de ganska ofta tycker att det är pinsamt att göra det i klassrummet. /Hanna

Get to know someone – – Dialoger på engelska Dialog 1 Person 1: – Hi, I am [name 1]. What is your name? Person 2: – Hello, my name is [name 2]. Where are you from? Person 1: – I´m from [country]. Person 2: – I am from [country]. Person 1: – It`s nice to meet you, [name 2]. Person 2: – Yes, it`s nice to meet you too. Dialog 2 Person 1: – [name 2], How old are you? Person 2: – I´m [age] years old. Person 1: – I am [age] years old. Person 2: – I like to [activity] and what do you like to do? Person 1: – I like to [activity]. Dialog 3 Person 1: – Mom, this is my friend [name] Mom: – Hi [name], How are you? Person 2: – I´m good, and you? Mom: – I´m fine. Person 2: – I´m from Sweden. Mom: – That´s nice. Person 2: – Yes, it was nice to meet you too! Ladda ner PDF

BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips Engage Now - Student Interactions - teacher heath Do you hear your students say things like: "No! That's Wrong!" "What are you talking about?" "Stop being so bossy!" Students Learn MORE when they discover new ideas from each other. I created 4 posters to hang on the wall, model, practice and constantly refer to during lessons. PROBLEM 1: Students weren't LISTENING to each other: First and foremost, I created a list of things that I wanted to 'see and hear' my kids doing that showed they were LISTENING to each other. PROBLEM 2: Students weren't STATING their thoughts clearly: Then, I created a list of idea 'stems' that would encourage students to use evidence to back up claims - this way, other students can see why a student made a claim. PROBLEM 3: Students were ARGUING and DISAGREEING: I created a list of 'respectful' ways to disagree. PROBLEM 4: Students weren't ASKING EACH OTHER FOR CLARITY: This was so weird to me. Here's a Music Video that shows each of the 4 topics in the posters:

Giving Opinions Four Corners ESL/EFL Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate - 25 Minutes In this fun class activity, students practice expressing and defending their opinions. The teacher places a different sign (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree) in each corner of the classroom. Then, the teacher reads a statement that requires the students to give an opinion, e.g. Celebrities earn too much money. Four Corners.PDF Our Opinions ESL/EFL Writing and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate - 40 Minutes In this productive teaching activity, students practice expressing and giving reasons for opinions, and writing simple sentences summarizing the results of a questionnaire. Our Opinions.PDF How to improve your English ESL/EFL Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate - 30 Minutes This engaging teaching activity helps to teach students how to express opinions and ask others for their opinion. How to improve your English.PDF I Think That ... I Think That....PDF The Cycling Holiday The Cycling Holiday.PDF

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Great YouTube Channels for Learning English Youtube is undoubtedly a great source of educational content to use in class with your students. It also hosts tons of channels that provide instructional tutorials specifically tailored for different learning needs and styles. We have already reviewed some of these channels in previous posts and today we are sharing with you some of our favourite YouTube channels for learning English. You can use them with your ELL/ESL/EFL students to enhance their grasp of English in different areas: speaking, writing, listening , vocabulary, and grammar. 1- BBC Learning English ‘Do you want to learn how to speak English? 2- Learn American English Online This is another great YouTube channel that provides free English language instruction. 3- Speak English with Misterduncan Misterduncan is an English teacher who has been creating video tutorials and instructional clips to help learners from all around the world learn English. 4- Learn English with Let's Talk 5- Jennifer ESL

Ask a question and tell two things - Kittys engelskoppgaver NB! Her har jeg lastet opp flere spill og maler som kan brukes både i engelsk og i andre fag. Mer info lenger ned på siden :-) Dette er et spill hvor elevene skal lage et spørsmål til-, og fortelle to ting om det emnet spillebrikken havner på. Det er morsomt og engasjerende, og elevene får god trening i å snakke engelsk. I tillegg blir elevene drillet i å bruke de engelske spørreordene. Avhengig av elevenes ferdigheter, kan man legge inn begrensninger på hvor enkle setninger de kan lage når de skal si noe om emnet. For eksempel kan man si at "I like"-setninger ikke er lov. Sånn sett kan den engelske varianten av dette spillet brukes på elever fra 9-19 år, og sikkert også på voksne :-) Tips: Det kan være lurt at den som har sin tur først forteller to ting om emnet, så stiller vedkommende et spørsmål som nestemann skal svare på. NB! Siden dette spillet funket såpass bra har jeg laget flere maler på engelsk + 2 generelle maler som kan brukes i mange fag. Her kan man definere hvilke regler man vil.

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