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White Wolf Online

White Wolf Online

Eden Studios, Inc. - Pale Moon Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition by Richard Thomas This is the tale of a forgotten age before the seas were bent, when the world was flat and floated atop a sea of chaos. This is the tale of a decadent empire raised up on the bones of the fallen Golden Age, whose splendor it faintly echoed but could not match. This is a tale of primal frontiers, of the restless dead, of jeweled cities ruled openly by spirits in defiance of Heaven’s law. This is a tale of glorious heroes blessed by the gods, and of their passions and the wars they waged in the final era of legends. This is your tale. For a basic Introduction to Exalted please check out this link: For an overview of the EX3 Mechanics please check out this link: Exalted is a popular role-playing game that debuted in 2001 from White Wolf Publishing. Drawing inspiration from legendary writers like Robert E. • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New! • New!

Anathema: Harmonic Exalted Management The Onyx Path | RPG Publishers Tenebrae - Association du monde des ténèbres, Exaltés et Scion.
