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Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub

Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub
Related:  Git git

Git Git Reference Git User’s Manual (for version 1.5.3 or newer) This chapter covers internal details of the git implementation which probably only git developers need to understand. It is not always easy for new developers to find their way through Git’s source code. This section gives you a little guidance to show where to start. A good place to start is with the contents of the initial commit, with: The initial revision lays the foundation for almost everything git has today, but is small enough to read in one sitting. Note that terminology has changed since that revision. Also, we do not call it "cache" any more, but rather "index"; however, the file is still called cache.h. If you grasp the ideas in that initial commit, you should check out a more recent version and skim cache.h, object.h and commit.h. In the early days, Git (in the tradition of UNIX) was a bunch of programs which were extremely simple, and which you used in scripts, piping the output of one into another. Now is a good point to take a break to let this information sink in. Voila.

tortoisegit - Porting TortoiseSVN to TortoiseGit Git Version of TortoiseSVN. It is a port of TortoiseSVN for Git. TortoiseGit supports you by regular tasks, such as committing, showing logs, diffing two versions, creating branches and tags, creating patches and so on (see our Screenshots or documentation). If you upgraded to TortoiseGit and TortoisePLink reports "missing MSVCR110.dll", go to TortoiseGit settings, Network and select "TortoiseGitPLink.exe" as ssh client (which is located in the TortoiseGit\bin directory; issue #2156 ). The latest and recommended release of TortoiseGit is:, see ReleaseNotes for details. Download TortoiseGit System prerequisites and installation howto Git for Windows 1.7.10 or above (sometimes also called msysgit; the "Full installer for official Git for Windows" download package is sufficient) is also required for TortoiseGit (recommended order: install TortoiseGit first). Get a full list of screenshots. Context menu Commit Dialog Support spell check(English) and autolist Log Dialog 难道被盾了吗? Donate

How To Install A Public Git Repository On A Debian Server Git is a free distributed revision control, was initially created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It is primarily developed on Linux, but can be used on other Unix operating systems including BSD, Solaris and Darwin. Git is extremely fast on POSIX-based systems such as Linux. Some popular projects using Git: * YUI * Merb * DragonFly BSD * GPM * Git * Linux Kernel * Perl * Gnome * Ruby on Rails * Android * Wine * Fedora * * VLC * Prototype Well, we'll focus on how to install git and gitweb on the Debian distribution. gitweb is a git web interface written in Perl, and can be used as a CGI script or as mod_Perl, and it will allow us browsing a git repository. Getting git and gitweb packages from the Debian repository with aptitude: $ sudo aptitude install git-core gitweb Create some useful directories: /var/cache/git (the git repository), /var/www/git contains the gitweb.cgi: $ sudo mkdir /var/www/git $ [ -d "/var/cache/git" ] || sudo mkdir /var/cache/git $ cd project.git

Recherche et téléchargement de fichiers sur Github Github est un service formidable où les gens stockent leurs codes sources et leurs projets... Mais c'est aussi une mine d'or de fichiers en tout genre. Certains utilisateurs de Github font d'ailleurs preuve de négligence et synchronisent même parfois des fichiers contenant des mots de passe en clair ou des infos plus ou moins confidentielles. Pour effectuer ce genre de recherches sur Github, il existe un petit script python qui permet tout simplement de récupérer sur votre ordinateur, les fichiers qui vous intéressent. Par exemple, en tapant : . vous récupérerez tous les historiques bash qui trainent. . vous récupérerez tous les htpasswd qui trainent . vous récupérez des boites mails qui trainent . et des logins/passwords de connexions à des bases de données. Je ne passe pas tout en revue. Pour installer ghrabber, il faut faire un petit : sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install beautifulsoup requests Puis téléchargez ghrabber ici. Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Git: Configure HTTP Proxy Migrer d'un serveur git à un autre Dans une entreprise, ça bouge beaucoup, et en général, le code suit le mouvement… Si vous voulez migrer du code d’un serveur git à un autre, alors il y a une méthode toute simple : utiliser le script ci-dessous. C’est tout simple, il suffit de copier / coller le script dans un fichier et de le lancer en ligne de commande. Il faudra toutefois, avant les réjouissances, paramétrer quelques variables d’environnement, en tapant simplement (et par exemple) : GIT_SERVER_FROM=git@github.cedrik.frGIT_SERVER_TO=git@gitlab.digitas.frREPO_PREFIX=:myproject/REPOS= »core module1 module2″ Cela migrera : les projets : core + module1 + module2à partir de : : Et voilà ! [Ce script a été vu pour la première fois sur] Vous aimez cet article ? Partage

Why aren't you using git-flow? If you need tagged and versioned releases, you can use git-flow’s release branches to start a new branch when you’re ready to deploy a new version to production. Like everything else in git-flow, you don’t have to use release branches if you don’t want to. Prefer to manually git merge --no-ff develop into master without tagging? No problem. $ git flow release start 0.1.0 Switched to a new branch 'release/0.1.0' Summary of actions: - A new branch 'release/0.1.0' was created, based on 'develop' - You are now on branch 'release/0.1.0' Follow-up actions: - Bump the version number now! Bump the version number and do everything that’s required to release your project in the release branch. $ git flow release finish 0.1.0 Switched to branch 'master' Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. authentication.txt | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 authentication.txt Deleted branch release/0.1.0 (was 1b26f7c).

Git Reference Getting and Creating Projects In order to do anything in Git, you have to have a Git repository. This is where Git stores the data for the snapshots you are saving. There are two main ways to get a Git repository. One way is to simply initialize a new one from an existing directory, such as a new project or a project new to source control. docs book git init initializes a directory as a Git repository To create a repository from an existing directory of files, you can simply run git init in that directory. $ cd konnichiwa$ ls README hello.rb This is a project where we are writing examples of the "Hello World" program in every language. $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/konnichiwa/.git/ Now you can see that there is a .git subdirectory in your project. $ ls -a . .. .git README hello.rb Congratulations, you now have a skeleton Git repository and can start snapshotting your project. docs book git clone copy a git repository so you can add to it On to Basic Snapshotting »
