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Authentic Leadership in Action

Authentic Leadership in Action

From the Ground Up : Transition Town Kingston From the Ground Up is Kingston's own Award Winning weekly organic veg and fruit food scheme bringing local affordable fresh organic food to the Royal Borough of Kingston. Dissatisfied with the high cost and poor availability of organic food, members of Transition Town Kingston took action and started a not-for-profit, community based food scheme with these principles: Why our prices are so affordable...From the Ground Up offers exceptional prices to you because we don't hire staff - we are a completely volunteer managed food scheme and maintain a minimal infrastructure by asking our customers to pick up their orders rather than delivering them as other schemes do. If we needed to employ people, purchase and insure vans, buy petrol etc prices would climb, climb, climb. do not need to buy a box. Interested? Want to help bring affordable organic food to our communities? Late Pick Up Service Now Available Winner of Time & Leisure Food and Drinks Award - 2013 Online ordering is here!

Empowering Leadership and Innovation | ALIA Institute ALIA Europe Intensive The Netherlands • 26-31 March Leadership is a journey without final destination and with few reliable maps. The ALIA Intensive is a place where you can strengthen this kind of leadership while working on your current project. You will leave ready to • step into leadership in a way that is authentic for you • engage uncertainty and change as your allies • bring out the leadership in others • navigate effectively through challenge and complexity • apply new lenses and strategies to your current leadership goal or project ALIA creates the conditions for empowered leadership and innovation. Three streams The Leadership Intensive weaves together three integrated streams: foundations of authentic leadership, skill-building for action, and community dialogue and exchange. Foundations of authentic leadership Each day begins with a session that strengthens presence, alignment, and creativity. Skill-building for action Community dialogue and exchange See also the daily schedule.

Who we are | Green Economy Coalition Based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Center for Sustainability Studies (GVces) of the Business Administration School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-EAESP) is an open environment for study, learning, insights, innovation and the production of knowledge, made up of personnel with a multidisciplinary and diverse background; these are highly creative people that are engaged, committed, curious and bold, and especially motivated by a genuine desire to change the world. GVces bases its activities in formulating and following-up public policies, in building tools for self-regulation and in the development of strategies and tools for business management towards sustainability, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Let's do it! World How might we identify and celebrate businesses that innovate for world benefit – and inspire other companies to do the same? - Inspiration - Going Organic with Morarka Contribution Morarka Foundation based in India has been a pioneer in Organic Farming. Housing 2 retail brands DownToEarthOrganic for organic groceries and BackToBasics for Organic Clothing, it trains100,000 farmers across 250,000 acres of land in organic farming Morarko, pioneering Organic Farming. I have always had the pleasure of consuming vegetables and fruits that were grown without any chemicals in my Uncle's farms whenever he visited us from the village. Contribution submitted by:Soumithra Ramesh

WANTED: High Potential Impact Entrepreneurs In Latin America | Agora Partnerships Date: September 12, 2012 By: Jesse Grainger Comments: One Category: Agora Updates We are currently in search of 30 high-potential early-stage impact entrepreneurs from throughout Latin America to join our growing community of world-changing businesses (Agora’s Class of ’12 is pictured above). Entrepreneurs around the world are joining a growing movement to create positive, sustainable impact through private enterprise. We are in the middle of an ambitious recruitment effort for our 2013 Impact Accelerator. Over the past two years, we have worked with 18 company operating in some of the poorest regions of the Western Hemisphere. Now, we are expanding from our base in Central America and searching for 30 new companies spanning the whole of Latin America to help accelerate impact for the region. If you are an entrepreneur interested in applying to our Accelerator or if you’re interesting in helping us spread the word, please contact Inga Schulte-Bahrenberg at
