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6 Books Everyone (Including Your English Teacher) Got Wrong

6 Books Everyone (Including Your English Teacher) Got Wrong
#3. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Anybody who grew up in the 1960s (and still remembers anything about it) can tell you what Lewis Carroll's classic children's book was really all about: A girl takes a "trip" down the rabbit hole and finds herself in a surreal world where animals start talking to her. After she eats some "mushrooms," everything starts to change sizes before her eyes. She meets an over-stimulated "white rabbit" and a stoned caterpillar smoking a "shitload of drugs." We didn't really need Jefferson Airplane to clarify it; Alice in Wonderland is the Fear and Loathing of fairy tales. What it's really about: Lewis Carroll was the pen name of the very conservative Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Anglican deacon and professor of mathematics. All the weird drug-trippy stuff that's been misinterpreted since Woodstock is, we're sorry to say, really just an elaborate satire of modern mathematics. Dodgson to new mathematics: "Get the hell off my lawn." #2. #1.

12 Must-See Skywatching Events in 2012 | 2012 Skywatching Events Guide &... This story was updated on Jan. 2. As the year 2011 comes to a close, some might wonder what is looming sky-wise for 2012? What celestial events might we look forward to seeing? I've selected what I consider to be the top 12 "skylights" for this coming year, and list them here in chronological order. Hopefully your local weather will cooperate on most, if not all, of these dates. Jan. 4: Quadrantid meteor shower peaks This meteor shower reaches its peak in the predawn hours of Jan. 4 for eastern North America. From the eastern half of North America, a single observer might count on seeing as many as 50-to-100 "Quads" in a single hour. The first major meteor shower of 2012 takes place on the night of Tuesday, Jan. 3 and the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 4. Feb. 20 to March 12: Best evening apparition of Mercury In February and March, the "elusive" innermost planet Mercury moves far enough from the glare of the sun to be readily visible soon after sunset. March 3: Mars arrives at opposition

14 Bizarre Scenarios That Are Way Too Common in Stock Photos #7. This Desk Gives the Absolute Best Blowjobs ... ... because it's from Ikea, and the Swedish are a famously blowjobby people. ... because it just does. Leave me alone, I'm about to cum. #6. ... ... ... ... because it's just a desk. #5. ... because this balloon shall be my baby until my true baby is born. ... because I'm sensitive about my weight and I just saw the movie Up. ... because this way I can practice for the baby coming by taking care of the balloon! ... because this way I can practice for the baby coming by popping a balloon! #4. ... because once the watermelon is cut into normal-sized pieces, they will actually bite the watermelon. ... because this is no way to eat a watermelon, and that fact really amuses them. ... because women and children can do what they want, I guess, but adult men don't mess around when eating watermelon. #3. ... because you'll see. #2. #1. ... because.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Reviews - StumbleUpon 4 Tips for Fixing Up Your New Home (That's Clearly Haunted) First off, congratulations on becoming a homeowner! Deciding to buy a house is one of the most important decisions you will ever make and it should feel good knowing that those four walls belong to you now, regardless of what shape they're in and on which Indian burial ground they might be standing. This house has many hearts. If you managed to purchase a fixer-upper for a steal, then right now you're probably a little overwhelmed with all the work it's going to need! That's completely normal. Let's get started! #4. Even before plumbing fixtures and pipe fitting, the first step to making your house inhabitable is to examine the electrical system. The most important rule for all do-it-yourself electricians is to never work on any electrically live circuits. Most light fixtures in a house will be hooked through one massive path called "parallel wiring." "Run, you fool." Check all the sockets, light fixtures and switch panels throughout the house to be sure they are wired properly. #3.

of Philosophy&-&Philosophy - the best subject in the world The first reason why Philosophy is the best and most important subject in the world, is because it gives us the opportunity to think more deeply about the subjects that really matter to us as individuals and to societies, nations and humanity itself. These include such questions as: Everyday life often seems so full of pushes and pulls that it can be hard to address such matters in as full a way as we might wish. Philosophy gives the opportunity to come to a greater understanding of such questions, to examine our own thoughts and attitudes. This is regardless of our background, creed or age. As the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said: Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young, nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the benefits of philosophy. (Letter to Menoeceus) The second reason why philosophy is so important as a subject is because it deals in the realm of causes and ideas which govern human life.

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person 2017, motherfuckers. Yeah! LET'S DO THIS. "Do what?" you ask. Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you're thrilled with your life, and you're happy with your relationships. Via For the rest of you, I want you to try something: Name five impressive things about yourself. Note: I originally posted this in December of 2012, and to date it has drawn more than 20 million page views and been shared on Facebook more than half a million times. #6. Getty Let's say that the person you love the most has just been shot. Getty"OK, which one is the injured one?" You ask, "Are you a doctor?" The guy says, "No." You say, "But you know what you're doing, right? At this point the guy becomes annoyed. Confused, you say, "How does any of that fucking matter when my [wife/husband/best friend/parent] is lying here bleeding! Now the man becomes agitated -- why are you being shallow and selfish? Getty"I don't get it. Getty"Here's that shit you needed. #5. "Nice guy? #4.

DNA/Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Infocom Adventure History There was a time when computer games didn't have graphics. Or at least they couldn't have graphics and sound at the same time. They certainly couldn't have graphics, sound and enough content to keep even a human being amused for more than a few minutes. So they had text. Then graphics games came along and the computer using portion of the human race forgot all about 500,000 years of language evolution and went straight back to the electronic equivalent of banging rocks together - the point'n'click game. Something strange has now happened. And now some news ... If you've read this far, congratulations, you clearly have one of the necessary requirements to play the actual game online. If you don't have Java, then may we suggest the BBC's rather excellent 20th Anniversary Edition? To avoid the dissapointment of a pointless quarter-megabyte download (and to prevent our poor server from being hammered by thousands of fruitless fetches) we moved the game to its own page. Enjoy!

6 Images of Kids Too Insane to Be Real (That Totally Are) #3. The Zipline Kids This is Daisy Mora, an 11 year-old girl, pulling some commando crap so crazy that you'd call bullshit on it in a video game. There's a YouTube video of her taking this zipline, and despite what one would reasonably assume, it does not show the girl desperately screaming for her mommy while her callous and irresponsible uncle laughs from the launch platform. She not only ziplines by choice, but has done so on this ramshackle, ancient setup - situated over 1200 feet in the air - twice a day, every day, for her entire life. In fact, her whole village has to take this dilapidated, rusting cable, precariously strung roughly the height of the empire state building above the valley floor, because it's simply the only way to get around. Oh, and that travel sack? #2. Some of the kids laughed and played at fireman, some were even allowed to hold hoses, while some simply listened to lectures. Some children? Zoe was one of them, but she was far from alone... #1. Literally. Not.
