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Copyright Tools

Copyright Tools
Copyright tools can help libraries and others to be more comfortable with their work to interpret the limitations and exceptions to the exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder under U.S. Copyright law. By exercising these valuable exceptions, we strengthen copyright’s primary purpose "to promote the progress of science and useful arts." Over the past several years, ALA has developed tools to educate libraries, librarians, and others about copyright. Public Domain Slider The Public Domain Slider is a tool to help determine the copyright status of a work that is first published in the U.S. Section 108 Spinner This simple tool can help you determine whether or not a particular reproduction is covered by this exemption. Exceptions for Instructors eTool If you have feedback or ideas for future development or upgrades to the tools, please contact Carrie Russell: Tool Modification Related:  Cittadinanza digitalePolicies, Position Statements and Best PracticesCurated Resources: Copyright

SIMONE ALIPRANDI BLOG: Il Diritto d'autore sui contenuti didattici: incontro divulgativo a Brindisi Dopo l'evento sugli open data di sabato 4 marzo, venerdì 10 marzo sarò nuovamente a Francavilla Fontana (BR) per un incontro divulgativo intitolato "Il Diritto d'autore sui contenuti didattici" e aperto alla cittadinanza. L'appuntamento è per le ore 14.30 presso l'Aula Magna del Liceo Classico "V. Lilla" in Viale Lilla 21 a Francavilla Fontana. [EDIT] Condivido qui le slides utilizzate per il seminario Intellectual Freedom: Issues and Resources | Advocacy, Legislation & Issues A commitment to intellectual freedom transforms your library. ALA actively advocates and educates in defense of intellectual freedom—the rights of library users to read, seek information, and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Intellectual freedom is a core value of the library profession, and a basic right in our democratic society. Assistance and Consultation The staff of the Office for Intellectual Freedom is available to answer questions or provide assistance to librarians, trustees, educators and the public about intellectual freedom issues and resources.

Educational Exemptions in the U.S. Copyright Code (from ALA Office of Information Technology Policy) The U.S. Copyright Code provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder under certain conditions. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool. [disclaimer] This tool can also help you collect information detailing your educational use and provide you with a summary in PDF format. This tool is valid for those uses that meet the requirements and which take place within the United States. THIS TOOL IS:Intended as a source of information for educators & others to better understand the educational exemptions available in the U.S. THIS TOOL IS NOT: A source of legal advice. A legal copy is one that was legally obtained (purchased from a reputable vendor, checked out from a library, etc.). This exemption covers what is normally an exclusive right of the copyright holder - the right to display or perform a copyrighted work.

L’educazione alla cittadinanza in Europa – Eurydice Italia Nel 2013, Anno europeo dei cittadini, non poteva mancare una pubblicazione dedicata alla cittadinanza; la rete Eurydice ha infatti predisposto già nel 2012 un rapporto dedicato a tale tematica. L’Unità italiana di Eurydice ha ‘ospitato’ la traduzione italiana di tale rapporto nell’ultimo numero della serie I Quaderni di Eurydice per contribuire alla diffusione delle politiche e delle pratiche educative europee nell’area dell’educazione alla cittadinanza. In particolare, i cinque capitoli della pubblicazione sono dedicati ad aspetti quali, ad esempio, la presenza dell’educazione alla cittadinanza nei curricoli europei, la partecipazione alla governance della scuola da parte di studenti e genitori, il coinvolgimento degli studenti nella vita civica, la valutazione dell’offerta di educazione alla cittadinanza e dei risultati degli studenti, la preparazione e il supporto offerto a insegnanti e capi di istituto in tale disciplina.

School Librarians as Learning Leaders 2016-2017 AASL president Audrey Church’s presidential initiative focused on furthering administrators’ understanding of the key role that strong school libraries and certified school librarians play in student learning. Members of the Presidential Initiative Task Force curated selected quality resources that demonstrate the important instructional role of librarians in 21st century schools. Please utilize these products created by the Task Force to inform principals and other stakeholders that school librarians are learning leaders. June 2017 AASL Advocacy & Legislation Coalition Call ArchiveAudrey and Presidential Initiative Task Force Members Deb Levitov, Michelle Folk, and Priscille Dando introduce the initiative and resources. #SchoolLibrariansTransformStudentLearning #AdvocacyBeginsWithEachOfUs

The public domain and 5 things not covered by copyright (from Creative Commons) We’re taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different elements of the law, and addressing what’s at stake, and what we need to do to make sure that copyright promotes creativity and innovation. Today’s topic for Copyright Week is “Building and Defending the Public Domain”. From a legal perspective, the public domain is the space where no intellectual property rights exist. Second, works can enter the public domain if authors put them there before the copyright expires. Third, some works are in the public domain because they were never subject to copyright protection in the first place! Non-fixed works.

How do you deal with cyber-bullying in schools?  – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS Recently, I have noticed that cases of cyber-bullying are being reported more and more often in the news. As social media and technology is already a central part of children’s lives, online safety is an incredibly important issue to tackle. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is defined as, “the act of harassing someone online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously.” How does it affect schools? Studies have found that the problem of cyberbullying in schools is on the increase (DFE, 2015). I have made a graphic to help you spot the main forms of online bullying in schools: How can schools tackle the problem? Watch my video for 10 tips to prevent or deal with cyber-bullying: Educate pupils: ensure e-safety and cyber-bullying is part of the school curriculum in every age group.Introduce an e-safety and cyber-bullying policy. Have you had incidences of cyber-bullying in your school? Like this: Like Loading...

Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries | Tools, Publications & Resources "The library is a growing organism" S.R. Ranganathan (1931) Home | IntroductionWhy Do I Need a Policy? | Politics and Timing of Policy Creation | Selection Policies for Non-Public Institutions Basic Components of a Selection PolicyLibrary Mission | Support for Intellectual Freedom | Objectives | Responsibility for Selection | Selection Criteria | Acquisitions Procedures | Special Collections | Selecting Controversial Materials | Gifts and Donations | Collection Maintenance and Weeding | Policy Revision | Reconsideration Reconsideration ProcedureGuiding Principles | Statement of Policy | Informal Complaints | Request for Formal Reconsideration | Sample Reconsideration Form | Sample Letter to Complainant | Reconsideration Committees AppendixIntellectual Freedom Core Documents | Challenge Support and Reporting Censorship | Bibliography of Additional Selection and Reconsideration Policy Resources Thank you Helen R. Endorsed by the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee | January 2018

Fair Use Evaluator (from ALA Office for Information Technology Policy) What this tool can do for you: What this tool cannot do for you: Cittadinanza digitale consapevole - Cittadinanza digitale consapevole In questa sezione ci sono le lezioni da noi proposte all'interno dei corsi per la scuola primaria e secondaria inferiore, che illustrano come muoversi in Internet in modo consapevole e sicuro. A tal scopo è fondamentale che ogni bambino sviluppi le competenze trasversali necessarie per utilizzare i dispositivi digitali con responsabilità ed efficacia. Queste lezioni premettono di realizzare degli interventi completi in aula su questi argomenti. Intero percorso formativo (PDF) Lo stile di queste lezioni e dei relativi video è pensato per gli alunni della scuola primaria, ma considerato che gli insegnanti hanno una conoscenza più precisa delle loro classi, saranno in grado di valutarne adeguatamente l’uso; anche alle medie, infatti, questo materiale potrebbe rivelarsi utile, eventualmente adattandolo all'età e agli interessi di ragazzi più grandi. Ecco una sintetica descrizione del materiale disponibile. Per i genitori Schede per i genitori (PDF)

School Libraries Transform Learning This digital magazine produced by AASL in partnership with American Libraries, is designed to be shared with parents, colleagues, administration, and policymakers. Available electronically or as a PDF download, this tool can open the door to discussions on the multiple ways school libraries transform learning. Articles "I'm an Expert" School Librarians Transform Learning Reimagining Advocacy for School Libraries "Do Kids Even Use the Library Anymore?" Creating Coalitions Building Advocacy before a Crisis Extras Give printed copies to your stakeholders during your conversations! School Library Advocacy Packs These advocacy packs are intended to be used as tools to spread the word about the many ways school librarians are transforming teaching and learning. This pack includes: 2015 | Item # 9200-2015 | Free.

17 U.S. Code § 102 - Subject matter of copyright: In general | U.S. Code (from Cornell Law School) house report no. 94–1476 Original Works of Authorship. The two fundamental criteria of copyright protection—originality and fixation in tangible form are restated in the first sentence of this cornerstone provision. The phrase “original works or authorship,” which is purposely left undefined, is intended to incorporate without change the standard of originality established by the courts under the present copyright statute. This standard does not include requirements of novelty, ingenuity, or esthetic merit, and there is no intention to enlarge the standard of copyright protection to require them. In using the phrase “original works of authorship,” rather than “all the writings of an author” now in section 4 of the statute [section 4 of former title 17], the committee’s purpose is to avoid exhausting the constitutional power of Congress to legislate in this field, and to eliminate the uncertainties arising from the latter phrase. Fixation in Tangible Form. Nature of Copyright.
