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Meet NodeBox. | NodeBox Poet -- node.js blogging platform What is Poet? Poet is a blog generator in node.js to generate routing, render markdown/jade/whatever posts, and get a blog up and running fast. Poet may not make you blog-famous, and it may give you one less excuse for not having a blog, but just imagine the insane hipster cred you get for having node power your blog. Getting Started First thing first, throw Poet into your express app's package.json, or just install it locally with: npm install poet Once you have the Poet module in your app, just instantiate an instance with your Express app and options, and call the init method: Posts Posts are constructed in markdown/jade/whatever-you-want, prefixed by front matter via YAML or JSON. Post Previews There are several ways of specifying the text of your post preview. A preview property on a post. Options posts path to directory of your files of posts (default: . Methods Poet::init([callback]) Poet::watch([callback]) For an example of using watch, check out the watcher example Poet::clearCache() Locals
