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Indeed España

Indeed España

Trovit Empleo Transferable Job Skills Sets for Job-Seekers Marketable job skills can be broken down into five basic categories — transferable skills sets — that job-seekers can use in showing applicable skills from one job/career to the next. Not sure how to use transferable skills? Make sure you read Strategic Portrayal of Transferable Skills is a Vital Job-search Technique so you know how to best use transferable skills in your job-search. Below is a list of five broad skill areas which are divided into more specific job skills: Communication Skills: the skillful expression transmission and interpretation of knowledge and ideas. Speaking effectively Writing concisely Listening attentively Expressing ideas Facilitating group discussion Providing appropriate feedback Negotiating Perceiving nonverbal messages Persuading Reporting information Describing feelings Interviewing Editing Research and Planning Skills: the search for specific knowledge and the ability to conceptualize future needs and solutions for meeting those needs.

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by julibonedgilabert Nov 21
