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40+ Essential Drupal Modules

If you are new to drupal, then this list is for you. These are some of the best of the best drupal modules. Everything from standard framework modules, to location and mapping is covered. Note that if you've been emersed in drupal for some time, than this will be "old news". The Big Three "The big three" are important enough that they deserve a category of their own. Content Construction Kit (CCK) - Part of drupal 7; still a contrib in drupal 6. I believe Panels + CCK & Views is a hint at what drupal will look like 3 years into the future. For Administration Sanity Admin Menu - Quick Dropdown menu to all admin areas. Content and SEO Pathauto - Automatically create human readable URLS from tokens. Navigation Menu Block - Lets you split menus into separate blocks based on depth. WYSIWYG Editors + Image Uploading WYSIWYG API - The standard integration module. Video and Image Handling Filefield - Base CCK file upload field. User Profile, Ratings & Notifications Stuff Marketers Will Love Ecommerce

Drupal Modules - Search, Rate, and Review Drupal Modules Administration menu Provides a theme-independent administration interface (aka. navigation, back-end). It's a helper for novice users coming from other CMS, a time-saver for site administrators, and useful for developers and site builders. Administrative links are displayed in a CSS/JS-based menu at the top on all pages of your site. It not only contains regular menu items — tasks and actions are also included, enabling fast access to any administrative resource your Drupal site provides. Showcase and Quality Assurance Test-drive in various themes on the demonstration site or watch a short demo reel or a installation tutorial video. Behaviour and Integration Works in all themes and all browsers.Exposes all administration links including all tabs/tasks and actions to provide direct access to any page.Extensible with add-on features by other modules. Related modules Installation Documentation Credits Current maintainers: This project has been sponsored by: unleashed mind Drupal consulting and development.

For the newbies - Our Top 10 Drupal modules for web design and development using Drupal I remember a long while ago when I first started using Drupal as the framework for my web design/development projects I had no idea where to start! I'd just like to offer this post as advice to all the people starting out on the path of Drupal. I just wrote this for my company and thought it might be useful here too. As a website design agency, we use Drupal as the base for our websites, giving us a good website development platform to start from. Drupal allows us to mould it's already sturdy and secure code to our ways, allowing us to produce high quality websites in less time than most companies. The content management system is already loaded with features, but most of the time our clients want that little bit extra bang for their website. Administration MenuWhile not the most important module out there, it does speed up website development hugely. PanelsAlthough this module has been around for quite some time, we've only just discovered the joys of Panels.

Wysiwyg Allows the use of client-side editors to edit content. It simplifies the installation and integration of the editor of your choice. This module replaces all other editor integration modules. No other Drupal module is required. The Wysiwyg module supports any kind of client-side editor including HTML editors (a.k.a. The Wysiwyg module also provides an abstraction layer for other Drupal modules to integrate with any editor. Discussions happen in the Wysiwyg group, and in IRC #drupal-wysiwyg. Installation Download and install the module as usual.Go to Administer » Site configuration » Wysiwyg, and follow the on-screen installation instructions that are displayed there.Follow the on-screen installation instructions. Further documentation Supported editors/plugins Editors: CKEditor, FCKeditor, jWysiwyg, markItUp, NicEdit, openWYSIWYG, TinyMCE, Whizzywig, WYMeditor, YUI editor. Contribute To complete the big picture, this project not only needs hands-on development, it also needs funding.

FAQ Overview Installation Configuration Third-party module integration Known issues Installation Q: I installed and selected an editor for a format but there were no buttons in the toolbar? A: You need to edit the profile you assigned to the format and check one or more buttons under "Buttons and Plugins". Q: I got it working for Garland and other standard themes, however, when I switch to my custom theme no editor shows up? A: Please ensure that $scripts is output before $page_bottom in page.tpl.php of your theme. Q: I'm getting a Javascript error "u.indexOf is not a function" when viewing a page that should have TinyMCE on it. A: Did you recently install the fbconnect module? Q: Why do I get "Object doesn't support this property or method" in IE7, no matter what editor I use with Wysiwyg? A: The Chatblock module is known to cause this problem. Q: Why do I get JavaScript errors starting with "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input /sites/all/libraries/..." with all editors? Configuration

Advanced help The advanced help module allows module developers to store their help outside the module system, in pure .html files. The files can be easily translated simply by copying them into the right translations directory. The entire system can appear in a popup or not as the module prefers (and by taking away access to view the popups, a site can force the popups to not exist). The system ties into Drupal's search system and is fully indexed, so the entire contents can be searched for keywords. the help files can be placed in a hierarchy as well, allowing for top down navigation of the help. By itself, this module doesn't do much; it requires another module to support it, but it does come with a nice little sample of text from Wikipedia to demonstrate the system. Accessing Advanced_help When this module is installed, users with the view advanced help index permission can access the advanced help index by going to Administer -> Advanced Help (

Webform Webform is the module for making surveys in Drupal. After a submission, users may be sent an e-mail "receipt" as well as sending a notification to administrators. Results can be exported into Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Webform also provides some basic statistical review and has and extensive API for expanding its features. Some good examples could be contests, personalized contact forms, or petitions. Each of these could have a customized form for end-users to fill out. Explanation of Webform vs. Webform 3.x Requirements PHP 5Drupal 6.16+ or Drupal 7 Webform 4.x Requirements PHP 5.3Drupal 7CTools and Views Webform related projects Obligatory "Which version should I choose" Notice The Drupal 7 version of Webform has been branched so that you can download the new 7.x-4.x version or the older 7.x-3.x version. Support Requests Please always use the project issue tracker to report bugs, support and/or feature requests.

About Webform Webform is a module that aids in making various one-off forms such as contact forms, surveys, order forms, reservations, CRM requests, and more. To install the module, download the module and add it to your sites/all/modules directory. Enable it under /admin/build/modules. You will now have a new node type called "Webform". From there you simply give the webform a title, description, confirmation message, set up email settings and the like. Finally, you can add several components (think fields). The checkboxes under the "E-mail" header should be checked for each field you want to be included in the email that is sent when the form is submitted. NOTE: In order to add components, you must first “save” the Webform. Screencasts Screencast by Adam Jensen from UNTUn excelente (y largo) screencast en Español Webform vs. Webform is not meant to be a competitor or replacement for CCK. Webform Components Webform components are basically the equivalent of CCK fields. Theming
