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Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food
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10 Things Chinese Do Better Than Americans 10 olyan dolog, amit a kínaiak jobban csinálnak, mint az amerikaiak. Videós lecke, és kiegészítős feladat kínai érdekes tényekkel. Here are 10 things the nation does better than the United States. Number 10. Put up buildings quickly. Construction projects in China have not only significantly increased in recent years, the structures are often put up in record time. Number 9. Number 8. Number 7. Number 6. Number 5. Number 4. Number 3. Number 2. Number 1. China facts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Key 1. animals 2. chopsticks 3. skyscrapers 4. dolphins 5. 6. pandas 7. dragons 8. pigs 9. red 10. ketchup

The Great GMO Corn Experiment – Food Science Institute Some people who have less information about biotechnology have asserted that animals won’t touch or eat GMO corn, and only non genetically modified corn. This is pretty unlikely on the face of it, since farm animals have been feed GM corn for nearly 20 years with zero problems. In addition, GM corn is identical in smell, taste and nutrition. We carried out an early experiment in 2013 to illustrate that this is not the case, finding the squirrels and chipmunks had no such preferences. The non-profit organization Biofortified has undertaken a very large controlled Citizen Science experiment of the same kind, but using corn isolines. Then volunteers were recruited on line to order the corn kits and see how wild animals like them. We did our first experiment this weekend, and found that the squirrels (and maybe 1 chipmunk) ate all of the corn starting with the ear with looser kernels, but eventually ate all of both of them. This is a fun experiment for you to try, too. Like this:

Food for thought... a guide to eating with a clear conscience | Life and style Tuna Environment All commercially fished species of tuna (above) are endangered. Southern bluefin are critically endangered. Tuna fishing, especially for yellowfin with nets, still commonly results in the death of dolphins. Line-caught tuna is preferable but the Marine Conservation Society puts tuna on its top 20 list of fish to avoid because of overfishing and damage to marine habitats. Health Uncontaminated fish oils help,prevent heart disease. Social impact As stocks in the ocean dwindle, tuna are being increasingly sea-farmed in in the Mediterranean and Pacific. Animal health Farming of migratory fish is condemned by welfare groups such as Compassion in World Farming as cruel and liable to encourage disease and parasites. Verdict Avoid all species except skipjack, and make sure it is dolphin-friendly. Swordfish Environment Fishing for swordfish is threatening the future of leatherback turtles (bottom), which managed to survive the extinction of the dinosaurs 65m years ago. Salmon Prawns

Cours d'anglais gratuit | Apprendre l'anglais Comment apprendre l'anglais seul ? Commencez par un cours facile et gratuit sur Internet ! Nous avons adopté une démarche pratique et concrète pour apprendre à parler une langue facilement et rapidement : nous vous proposons de commencer par mémoriser des mots, des phrases et des expressions pratiques que vous pourrez utiliser tous les jours chez vous pour vous entraîner et qui vous seront ensuite utiles en voyage. S'entraîner à prononcer à voix haute du vocabulaire, les nombres par exemple, est un bon exercice qui peut se pratiquer à tout moment de la journée. Pourquoi parler l'anglais en voyage ? Pour échanger avec le monde entier Parler cette langue, même s'il ne s'agit que de quelques mots et expressions, c'est s'assurer de pouvoir échanger avec la plupart des habitants du monde durant ses vacances à l'étranger. Un marqueur social et professionnel Réussir votre séjour dans un pays anglophone La deuxième langue la plus parlée au monde L'alphabet anglais → BBC Learning English

Avons-nous besoin d'OGM ? N'avons-nous pas assez de nourriture pour nourrir le monde ? Si tu donnes un poisson à un homme, il mangera un jour. Si tu lui apprends à pêcher, il mangera toujours. Le monde produit actuellement suffisamment de nourriture pour nourrir tous les hommes, toutes les femmes et tous les enfants. Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'humanité, la seule cause de la famine est politique. Les OGM ne profitent-ils qu'aux entreprises ? Les OGM peuvent être utilisés pour réduire la pauvreté dans le monde en développement. Le rapport montre également que les bénéfices tirés de ces cultures se traduisent par une augmentation des gains de 60 % supérieure à celle des pays développés en raison de cette augmentation des rendements, de la baisse de l'utilisation des pesticides, et parce que beaucoup de ces pays n'ont pas de brevets sur les semences, ce qui réduit le prix des semences. Les agriculteurs choisissent d'utiliser des semences parce qu'ils en tirent un bénéfice. Les OGM ont même fait du tort aux entreprises de pesticides.

The moons of Mars explained Jöjjön egy rövid asztro lecke - természetesen angolul :) Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. They are really tiny. How tiny? Compared to Mars or our own moon, pretty tiny. Although tiny is a matter of opinion. Smaller Deimos on the other hand is slowly escaping Mars. source: Kurzesagt - In a Nutshell Answer the questions. 1) What is the estimated size of the moons of Mars? 2) Why are the moons of Mars not spherical in shape? 3) How did the moons get to Mars’s orbit? 4) What will happen to Phobos in 50-100 million years? 5) Why will Mars end up being ‘lonely’? Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What Should We Know About Foreign Genes In Our Food? Bacteria on bean leaf. In a recent email exchange about the merits of mandatory “GMO labeling,” I was asked this question: “Why shouldn’t we be able to know what foreign genes are in our food?” It seems like a reasonable question to most people. What some people find “creepy” about the idea of “GMO crops” is that they contain genes from organisms other than the crop itself – hence the emotive term, foreign genes. Plant Surface Dwellers Above Ground The surfaces of all plants, including those used for food, support a rich and diverse community of micro-organisms. Plant Surface Dwellers Below Ground Root vegetables are covered with microbes that contain 'foreign' genes. There are also richly diverse communities of microbes that live in association with below ground portions of plants (roots, tubers…). Microbes and Their Genes Inside of Plants The inside of a plant is also far from sterile. Would You Like Any Viruses With Your Bacteria? But Isn’t That Different? Yes and no.

For the First Time, a Robot Passed a Medical Licensing Exam In Brief Chinese AI-powered robot Xiaoyi took the country's medical licensing examinations and passed, according to local reports. Xiaoyi is just one example of how much China is keen on using AI to make a number of industries more efficient. A Robot Medical Professional Experts generally agree that, before we might consider artificial intelligence (AI) to be truly intelligent —that is, on a level on par with human cognition— AI agents have to pass a number of tests. Xiaoyi, an AI-powered robot in China, for example, has recently taken the national medical licensing examination and passed, making it the first robot to have done so. This robot, developed by leading Chinese AI company iFlytek Co., Ltd., has been designed to capture and analyze patient information. Local newspaper China Daily notes that this is all part of the country’s push for more AI integration in a number of industries, including healthcare and consumer electronics. AI, Robots, and the Future of Healthcare

Comment enseigner l'anglais autrement au lycée ? La DANE accompagne la semaine de la classe inversée et des pédagogies actives (#CLISE2019) avec une intervention d’Audrey KAWKA, une collègue d’anglais. Elle essaye de rendre son cours plus impliquant grâce à des outils et activités qui lui permettent de travailler la compréhension et l’expression écrite et orale en classe. Elle a engagé un travail de changement de postures et de modalités pédagogiques avec 2 équipes innovantes au lycée Germaine Tillion de Montbéliard. Elle présente les outils et les activités qu’elle met en œuvre pour rendre ses élèves actifs dans leurs apprentissages et pour les impliquer dans leurs productions. Retrouvons sa présentation avec cette vidéo d’une trentaine de minutes :

GMOs and Herbicides: it’s complicated – Control Freaks Herbicide use patterns in the US have changed a lot over the last 25 years. Depending on who you talk to, those changes are either proof that modern American agriculture will feed the world with fewer inputs, or proof that the US agricultural system is irreparably broken. There seems to be no middle ground in this discussion. Herbicide use is especially controversial when discussed in the context of genetically engineered crops (often called GMOs, for genetically modified organisms). The most widely adopted GMO trait worldwide allows crops to be sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate (most commonly known as Monsanto’s Roundup, but now sold under a variety of names by several different companies). There have been a few studies in the recent literature that have attempted to describe the changes in herbicide use in relation to GMO crops. Herbicides vary widely in their toxicity, both to plants and other organisms including humans.

Michael Bond, beloved author of Paddington Bear has died Michael Bond, CBE, the creator of Paddington, has died at home at the age of 91, following a short illness. Bond, who published his first book, A Bear Called Paddington, in 1958, went on to write more than 200 books for children. More than 35 million Paddington books have been sold around the world to date. Bond's latest Paddington novel, Paddington’s Finest Hour, was published in April 2017, with a second Hollywood film based on the books due out later this year. Ann-Janine Murtagh, executive publisher at HarperCollins children’s books said: “I feel privileged to have been Michael Bond’s publisher – he was a true gentleman, a bon viveur, the most entertaining company and the most enchanting of writers. He will be forever remembered for his creation of the iconic Paddington, with his duffle coat and wellington boots, which touched my own heart as a child and will live on in the hearts of future generations. Obituary: Michael Bond source: The Telegraph, BBC

Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science – Part 1 Abstract A major conflict has developed in science and society between promoters and opponents of transgenic foods. Food, feed, and fiber products derived from transgenic agricultural crops are presented here as a different case from bacterial, industrial, and pharmaceutical crop transgenics and should be parsed from the larger transgenics industry for comprehensive re-evaluation and market roll-back. Reviewed is the development of the crop transgenics industry; the early influence of the biotechnology industry over the US federal regulatory agencies in the context of the development of minimal regulation; the basic technology of plant transgenics; the main transgenic crops, traits, and producing countries; consumer resistance to transgenic foods; industry problems with shrinking investments; the worldwide promotion of transgenic crops; and ecological issues of transgenic crops. View Article (PDF)

Jogos de realidade virtual são uma forma menos chata para se exercitar A VirZoom, uma empresa focada em exercícios físicos e realidade virtual, quer te tirar do sofá e colocar em dispositivo para queimar caloria real, mas usando realidade virtual. A startup baseada em Massachussetts está vendendo uma nova série de bicicletas ergométricas que sincronizam com headsets VR para colocar os jogadores em cenários enquanto eles pedalam. Se exercitar é importante, mas olha só que esquisito — desnecessário dizer que isso lembra certo episódio de uma série britânica disponível em uma plataforma de streaming de vídeo. • Esteira inteligente de US$ 4 mil quer ser seu personal trainer à distância Essas bicicletas ergométricas são uma alternativa para bicicletas inteligentes como a Peloton. Enquanto você se exercita com as bicicletas VirZoom, há dois cenários acontecendo simultaneamente. De acordo com o site da VirZOOM, os games são compatíveis com a maioria dos headsets como Samsung Gear, Vive, Oculus e PSVR, mas isso também é um problema. [TechCrunch]
