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I taught my 5th-graders how to spot fake news. Now they won’t stop fact-checking me.

I taught my 5th-graders how to spot fake news. Now they won’t stop fact-checking me.
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Free Reading Worksheets | Ereading Worksheets Ereading Worksheets has the best reading worksheets on the internet, and they’re all free. These worksheets are skill focused and aligned to Common Core State Standards. You are free to save, edit, and print these worksheets for personal or classroom use. Many of these assignments can now be completed online. You’re going to like this. Fictional Passages Jacob the Great Comprehension Test – Students read a short story about a kid cycling through hobbies and then answer comprehension, inferential, and literary element questions. Nonfiction Passages Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet – Students read and compare the nutritional information from four “healthy” snacks and answer fifteen questions testing their ability to comprehend these functional texts.Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet RTFNutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet PDFPreview Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet in Your Web Browser These activities will help students become successful readers. The Worst Game Ever?

Gamification Engages Students with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators by Michelle Peterson Monday, August 11, 2014 On a planet where people spend 3 billion hours a week playing video and computer games, it's a good chance that using the tools that keep people engaged in games might work in a learning environment, too. Gamifying classes is also a good way to humanize the online, digital environment for students, according to Mark Relf, the state program coordinator for Rasmussen College, speaking to educators and allies at CompTIA's Academy Educator Conference in Phoenix. “Gamification is not anything anyone’s cornered the market on. It’s like playing the license plate game on a long road trip: adding make-believe and goal setting to arduous tasks makes them more engaging. “We’re just taking a normal, everyday experience and gamifying it to make it more enjoyable,” Relf said, adding that this process is about more than just adding entertainment value to the classroom. Finding Motivators in Gamification Simple changes to the grading system can also help.

Can you spot the fake US election news stories? | Media The victory of Donald Trump in this month’s US presidential election sparked a debate about the impact of the online sharing of fake and misleading news on the final vote. We’ve put together some of the false election stories that were widely shared by search engines or on social media - alongside some events that did actually happen. Can you distinguish fact from fiction? … we’ve got a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever, but far fewer are paying for it. Advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be much more secure.

How do we get there? - Mia Smith När mina 7or självskattade sig utifrån checklistan i ESP upptäckte jag att en förmåga stack ut. “Jag kan fråga om eller tala om hur man hittar till en plats.” Här var det många som skattade sina kunskaper något lägre än övriga förmågor. Ett tydligt tecken att det här är något jag bör plocka in i undervisningen. Sagt och gjort, jag planerade upp området How do we get there?. Tanken var att göra det ganska kort och enkelt, men området fick mer didaktiskt djup än jag anade under planeringsfasen. Låt oss backa bandet lite. Efter en kort introduktion till Google Maps och Streetview-läget delade jag in eleverna i grupper. För att få en autentisk mottagare och öva hörförståelse fick eleverna sedan försöka följa sina egna instruktioner. Lektionen efter fick eleverna försöka sätta ord på varför det inte gick som det skulle. Jag analyserade samtidigt själv vad som gick fel och skapade en tydlig mall för ett nytt försök med samma uppgift. För visst lär vi oss mer när vi snubblat till på vägen?

If You Get the Chills From Music, You May Have a Unique Brain - Neuroscience News Summary: Researchers report on why some people experience more intense emotions while listening to music. Source: USC. Listen to what a USC researcher says about people who could have an enhanced ability to experience intense emotions. When Alissa Der Sarkissian hears the song “Nude” by Radiohead, her body changes. “I sort of feel that my breathing is going with the song, my heart is beating slower and I’m feeling just more aware of the song — both the emotions of the song and my body’s response to it,” said Der Sarkissian, a research assistant at USC’s Brain and Creativity Institute, based at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Der Sarkissian is a friend of Matthew Sachs, a PhD student at USC who published a study last year investigating people like her, who get the chills from music. The study, done while he was an undergraduate at Harvard University, found that people who get the chills from music actually have structural differences in the brain. Abstract

Så utnyttjas attacken i Stockholm för att sprida propaganda i sociala medier Kort efter fredagens misstänkta terrordåd i Stockholms innerstad spreds flera uppgifter och bilder på nätet och i sociala medier. Vissa av dem var manipulerade och avsiktligt vilseledande. Läs mer: Stockholms kulturliv öppnar igen efter attentatet I en stillbild från SVT:s sändning intervjuas en präst ur Svenska kyrkan och till bilden har någon monterat ett citat som tillskrivs prästen: ”Vi måste kunna förlåta sådana här hemska handlingar”. Richard Jomshof, Sverigedemokraternas partisekreterare, spred bilden vidare på Twitter med kommentaren ”Nej, det måste vi inte alls”. Svenska kyrkan dementerade citatet via sitt officiella twitterkonto: ”Citatet som är monterat i bilden är falskt. En annan bild som spreds i sociala medier föreställde en kvinna i hijab som till synes oberörd promenerar förbi de liggande övertäckta kropparna på Drottninggatan. Elisabeth Åsbrink: Ge terroristerna största möjliga motstånd Politikfakta spred även en twitterbild tagen från TV4:s livesändning.

No kidding Note : All Viralelt posts share the same structure. Teacher’s notes appear only on How to use Viralelt. This is done to keep “teacher text” to a minimum and avoid repetition. Before showing your students the video, tell them they are going to watch an expert being interviewed on a television news programme. Get the full story from the BBC here. A few days after the video had gone viral the Kelly family were invited back to BBC News to talk about their unexpected, and more than likely unwanted, viral fame. Do you know anything about this video? Which two of the above questions are being discussed? Download “Question time” and the “Sitting comfortably?” The follow-up video with the Kelly family. The . Like this: Like Loading... Arts Integration Lesson: Historical Figures Mashup | EducationCloset Who doesn’t love a good mashup? From Madonna to Zombies, mashups are a way into pop culture and lead to big opportunities for creative expression. In today’s free high school arts integration lesson, we’re using those mashups to help connect social studies, literature and media arts in a brand new way. Enter: historical figures! One of the best things about this lesson are the discussions that happen. Be sure to give enough time for students to discuss their favorite mashup examples, talk about what makes a good (or bad) mashup, and how we use social media tools to help create and share these expressions. Another item to note is that this lesson explicitly addresses the new Media Arts standards. For more lessons like this, be sure to visit our Arts Integration Lessons Page! Susan Riley is the founder and President of

Falska nyheter i omlopp efter terrordåd | SVT Nyheter Efter terrorattentatet i fredags där en man stal en lastbil och körde den längs Drottninggatan för att slutligen krascha i varuhuset Åhléns har flera falska nyheter med medvetet felaktiga detaljer spridits på nätet. På en bild från Drottninggatan efter terrordådet har en kvinna i slöja placerats i bakgrunden för att ge sken av att muslimer inte bryr sig om händelsen. Kvinnan fångades för första gången på bild under terrordådet i London den 22 mars och blev då föremål för en hatkampanj eftersom somliga ville sprida bilden av att hon inte visat tillräckligt mycket medkänsla för dödsoffren. I ett uttalande har hon berättat om chocken över att både behöva hantera terrorattacken och att en bild av henne används i främlingsfientligt syfte. Felaktigt citat En annan bild som uppmärksammats är på en präst som deltog i SVT Nyheters livesändning. Tidningen Metros Viralgranskaren uppmärksammade även att sajten Avpixlat felaktigt hängt ut fel man som ansvarig till terrordådet. Lögner om manifestation

Flash Fiction meets Banksy A flash fiction text is only 150 words short/long. Some say it is 75 words long and others say 1500, but we will write 150 words. In this text you remove all extra words like adjectives, adverbs, names, personifications and metaphors. That means that you as a writer leaves the reader to read outside the text and to create his or her own images of the characters and setting in the text. We will use Banksy´s pictures to create our flash fictions to leave an image in our head and to give the reader another one. Choose one picture by Banksy You can choose from the pictures at the bottom of this page. Start in the middle You don’t have time in this very short form to set scenes and build character. Don’t use too many characters You won’t have time to describe your characters in a ultra-short text. Make sure the ending isn’t at the end Avoid that the reader stops reading – place the ending in the middle of the story. Your last line should leave us with something Write long, then go short Proofread

Music as a Teaching Tool Many teachers shy away from including music in their classrooms because they presume they need musical training to use music as a teaching tool. However, there are multiple ways to implement music in the classroom that don’t require any training. Classroom Strategies In the early grades, transitions are a little harder to set because the students are still learning what the concept of a minute is and what one feels like. Many of us know that music will get you up and moving. Students with physical impairments can benefit from listening to music because doing so helps with concentration and/or influences their movements. Social and emotional skills are learned everyday by students as new scenarios present themselves. You take a big breath in, You take a big breath out, You take a big breath in, And again you let it all out. As educators, we want to appropriately challenge each student—encouraging higher-order thinking while meeting state standards. Working With Limited Resources

You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you Comics Blog Books Shop Comics: Random Most Popular All Cats Grammar Food Animals Tech This is a comic about the backfire effect. Inspiration This comic was inspired by this three-part series on the backfire effect from the You Are Not So Smart Podcast. USC Creativity and Brain Institute Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence By Sarah Gimbel and Sam Harris. Other fun reading Reddit - Change My View Wikipedia's list of common misconceptions Sources You Are Not So Smart Website Podcast USC Creativity and Brain institute Wooden teeth Slave teeth Latest Things Random Comics Home Quizzes About Contact

Teaching without a photocopier You’ve spent hours preparing your lesson and there’s a power cut! You now have no access to the photocopier or the computer in the classroom. You are left with a lesson plan and no handouts, no slide presentation and no internet. What can you do? 1. In your original lesson plan, you had a short passage for students to read, a tape/CD/clip that you’d wanted students to listen to or a quiz that you’d wanted them to work with. A Dictogloss – This is where you dictate the text at a normal reading speed, without purposely slowing down and waiting for students to write. 2. Turn your classroom into a gallery and use the walls and the space of your classroom. Instead of having students read a whole passage from a handout, cut up the text and place paragraphs in different parts of the classroom called stations. 3. I am not recommending that you copy everything that was on your handouts/slides onto your board/flipchart. 4. Have students embark on a task or a group project. 5.

Students Sitting Around Too Much? Try Chat Stations. | Cult of Pedagogy You’ve probably heard of — and maybe used — learning stations in your classroom. With stations, teachers set up activities around their rooms, then have students rotate from station to station, performing each task. They are a wonderful way to provide variety and engagement in your classroom. There’s only one real downside to stations — they take a LOT of time to set up. And because we’re all short on time, we may not use stations as often as we could. So today I’m proposing a watered-down version of stations that keeps the movement, interactivity and variety while minimizing the prep work. On top of their flexibility as a cooperative learning tool, Chat Stations can also dramatically improve whole-class discussions. Here’s a video demonstrating how Chat Stations work: I’m pretty sure I haven’t invented anything new here, so if you’re doing something like this and have a tip or suggestion to add, please comment below. Stay in touch.Join my mailing list and never miss another post.
