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El conocimiento no se gestiona: Estrategias para su producción y uso colaborativo

El conocimiento no se gestiona: Estrategias para su producción y uso colaborativo
Este año he participado en algunos proyectos y conferencias en que, de un modo u otro, el objetivo era la "gestión del conocimiento" en entornos digitales. En ese contexto, las preguntas claves que se plantean se centran en el papel que juegan las organizaciones, la estrategia para el desarrollo de plataformas digitales, las relaciones entre el conocimiento y las comunidades que lo producen y/o gestionan, y la función de la figura emergente de curador / comisario de contenidos / digital. Las notas que siguen recopilan algunas ideas que he manejado en este tiempo y se podrían resumir en una conclusión aparentemente negativa ("el conocimiento no se gestiona") pero que nos puede proporcionar claves para desarrollar estrategias efectivas para facilitar la producción y uso de conocimiento por comunidades de práctica de todo tipo. 1. - No gestionamos directamente la producción de conocimiento. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Co-Intelligence Institute juan freire: De la devaluación de los contenidos a la emergencia de los comisarios digitales Antes eramos directores y ahora somos conectores. Porque hoy la gente elige su medio de comunicación, en su propio contexto y elige leer el periódico en papel u online. Pienso que Marshall MacLuhan se equivocó al decir que "el medio es el mensaje". Entrevista a Kevin Roberts, Presidente Mundial de Saatchi & Saatchi en El País. La sociedad del conocimiento es aquella en que el conocimiento deja de tener valor… Lo importante no es el conocimiento, sino la sabiduría. Entrevista de Infonomía a Hiroshi Tasaka (video), presidente de SophiaBank (además le dedicaron un artículo en la revista If…), comentada por Genís Roca, en un post de título suficientemente expresivo, El conocimiento NO tiene valor. La web 2.0 parecía abrir una era de los contenidos. 1. El desarrollo de Internet y, especialmente, de las herramientas conocidas como web 2.0 ha implicado cambios radicales en los modelos de producción y distribución de conocimiento. 2.

What Is Intelligence? Just a Byproduct of Cooperation. | IdeaFeed What's the Latest Development? By developing computer simulations of neural networks that evolved over 50,000 generations, scientists at Trinity University have concluded that intelligence is an evolutionary byproduct of social teamwork. Each neural network, or 'brain', took part in two social dilemmas in which "two players must choose between cooperation and defection during repeated rounds. What's the Big Idea? Evolutionary biologists have long been puzzled by the high levels of intelligence that are seen in humans and other animals like primates, dolphins and birds. Photo credit: Content Curation: cómo filtrar el contenido de calidad en la ... Mucho se ha hablado ya del término de “content curation” entendido como la capacidad de filtrar y aportar valor a todo el contenido que nos llega cada día a través de las distintas plataformas sociales y medios de Internet. Sin duda, es algo más necesario que nunca y una labor crítica en el entorno empresarial, no sólo en Departamentos de Marketing, Comunicación o Publicidad, sino que lo es especialmente en áreas como Producto, Innovación, Atención al Cliente o Recursos Humanos. Su impacto va mucho más allá del contenido que podamos generar como compañía, contenido de calidad, valor e interés para las personas a las que queremos llegar, ya que es especialmente importante a la hora de filtrar el contenido que la empresa recibe del entorno social de la web. Dolors Reig, en su post “Content curator, Intermediario del conocimiento: nueva profesión para la web 3.0“, lo define de forma general como: Encontrar el mejor contenido.

Artificial Intelligence Versus Collective Intelligence (18) We want scientifically-grounded two-way traffic between philosophy and the Web. Technologies are ideas given flesh, the exteriorization of the conceptual structures and utopian impulses of humanity, and so are alien only insofar as their history and materiality are unknown. Artifactualization does not happen for and of itself, but reflects the ontological assumptions of their historical period. What is most interesting about the Web is it is clear that older philosophical categories like "mind" and "language" have to be fundamentally rethought. Thesis The Web is the rise of increasingly "intertwingled" techno-social assemblage that increasingly displaces the previous stable ontological assumption of the individual. A disciple of Norbert Wiener, the psychologist J.C.R. "Man-Machine Symbiosis" by J.C.R. "The fig tree is pollinated only by the insect Blastophaga grossorun. AI attempted to define an individual on a level of abstraction and then implement this computationally.

Everything is Miscellaneous Collective Intelligence It's also possible for groups of people to work together in ways that seem pretty stupid, and I think collective stupidity is just as possible as collective intelligence. Part of what I want to understand and part of what the people I'm working with want to understand is what are the conditions that lead to collective intelligence rather than collective stupidity. But in whatever form, either intelligence or stupidity, this collective behavior has existed for a long time. What's new, though, is a new kind of collective intelligence enabled by the Internet. Think of Google, for instance, where millions of people all over the world create web pages, and link those web pages to each other. Or think of Wikipedia, where thousands of people all over the world have collectively created a very large and amazingly high quality intellectual product with almost no centralized control. We do take the question seriously, and we are doing a bunch of things related to that question.

Collective Intelligence: how it can complement your insights | Market Intelligence Hub At Digimind, we’re always interested in speaking to other professionals who share our passion when it comes to unearthing valuable intelligence insights. This week we sat down with Leslie McCrory to talk about the importance of collective intelligence. Leslie has a wealth of experience in the market intelligence field, working with a number of the biggest companies across the technology and telecoms sectors. He is now director of The Foresights Factory based in the UK. 1) You’ve been working in the technology industry for many years, from your experience what is the main challenge of this industry regarding their market intelligence processes? Timing, relevance and convenience. As we all know and have seen over the past few decades, competition in technology markets is cut-throat and fortunes can change radically very quickly – companies, products and services are all in constant flux. 2) Why do you feel collective intelligence is so important? To my mind, however, one thing is missing.

Collective Intelligence: Proposed Categorization of Approach | Library of Professional Coaching Introduction The term ‘collective intelligence’ is commonly understood to be a reference to intelligence that is developed, discovered, or derived by a group. Wikipedia describes collective intelligence, not as a product, but as a theory describing intelligence that emerges from the contribution of many people. An example the author of the Wikipedia description provides for collective intelligence is a political party. In the United States, people elected to office are usually affiliated a specific political party. The members of the party develop ideology reflecting the party’s belief system. Many people contribute to the ideology, platform, and political treatises developed for governing a population. In this paper, three possible categories of collective intelligence will be proposed: Evolved Intelligence, Autonomous Collective Intelligence, and Collaborative Intelligence. Evolved Intelligence For example, Albert Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity. Pages: 1 2 3 4

A Great Graphic Featuring The 12 Principles of Collaboration Since the introduction of web 2.0 or what is called the " social web", the users' relationship with the web has completely changed. Before, the web was static ( web 1.0) and users have a limited choice to what they can do with it. In fact, they were only able to read and consume the content but with the uptake of web 2.0 technologies people become producers of content. Collaboration is a skill central to the 21st century learning; not that it was not important before but with the use of interactive digital technologies, learners need to draw more on their collaborative skills to enhance their learning . Collaboration has several features and principles. source: westxdesign La colaboración no es una tecnología, es un comportamiento A estas alturas de película, mucho tenemos ya una buena cantidad de ejemplos de nuestras empresas o de otras en los que los intentos por implantar una herramienta tecnológica terminaron en un tremendo derroche de tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero. Por eso precisamente me gustó este artículo en Fast Company, “Getting your employees to share their best ideas on Yammer, Chatter and Enterprise Social“, del que extraje precisamente la frase con la que he dado título a esta entrada: “la colaboración no es una tecnología, es un comportamiento”. ¿Dónde está el quid de una implantación tecnológica? En el caso de las herramientas de colaboración y de generación de contenido en la empresa, la respuesta parece clara: en el desarrollo de una cultura coherente con la herramienta. Un factor mucho más difícil en sí que el despliegue tecnológico, y al que, sin embargo, se suele prestar muchísima menos atención. ¿Os suena conocido?
